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The incisions pretty much take care of themselves. Scrub them gently in the shower to keep them clean. As the glue comes off it may sting a little as the incisions have to start relying on themselves to stay together. I just put a big band-aid over them to help hold them still as I moved around and that took care of it.

As far as do not do, ummm, don't pick at them, don't put tobasco sauce on them, don't hide loose change in them, don't reenact that scene from Alien . . . . The list goes on and on.

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Thanks Clynn,

LOL :lol:

I sure wont' try the latter half. My site looks alittle brusied, is that ok? and it's swollen. How long will it be untill you start seeing the healing process?

By the way, thanks for all the positve imput I have read on this forum, posted by you!!! =D>

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Thanks Clynn,

LOL :lol:

I sure wont' try the latter half. My site looks alittle brusied, is that ok? and it's swollen. How long will it be untill you start seeing the healing process?

By the way, thanks for all the positve imput I have read on this forum, posted by you!!! =D>

I was banded on 2/18 and mine is still sore but not bad and just a bit bruised. My nurse friend said DO NOT SCRUB THE GLUE. LET IT COME OFF ON ITS OWN. So there! Good luck and keep in touch! :lol:

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You want to let the glue wear off on it's own. The bruising is normal. Mine took a little over a week to start fading. If the sites are a little swollen that's ok. You can use a cold compress or ice pack on them for 20 minutes a couple of times a day. Hope that helps. Good Luck!

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The incisions pretty much take care of themselves. Scrub them gently in the shower to keep them clean. As the glue comes off it may sting a little as the incisions have to start relying on themselves to stay together. I just put a big band-aid over them to help hold them still as I moved around and that took care of it.

As far as do not do, ummm, don't pick at them, don't put tobasco sauce on them, don't hide loose change in them, don't reenact that scene from Alien . . . . The list goes on and on.

OMG CLYNN!!! :lol:,


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