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What about the hot tub?

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So I never thought to ask the doctors - how long post-surgery do I have to wait until I can take a nice hot soak in the hot tub? I've been looking for info online, but can't seem to find any information on hot tubs and post surgery. Anybody?

I'm really feeling a bit achy, and would love to spend 30 minutes night unwinding with a nice hot soak before bed.

Thanks in advance if you have any information to pass along.

Oh, also - I'm pretty excited, I've already lost 7lbs, just 8 days post-op! While I am starting to get a little hungry now and then, I'm doing pretty good.

I think the hardest thing so far for me is to not be as active with my kids. I've got a 10 month old and an almost 3 year old and the baby always wants me to hold him, carry him, etc. My 3 year old wants to snuggle all the time! This has been so hard for me. I over did it the first 30 hours or so I was home, and paying for it now.



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