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Constipated anyone? Just got banded 2/21/08 and between the gas and no bowel movement, man it was badddddddddddd. No room for both! So at 3:30 am in the morning I was in my car going to Walmart!!!! Here is what you need..... DO NOT BUY A ORAL LAXATIVE....NOT BAND INTERACTIVE...instead use Liquid Glycerin by Fleet. It's a small suppository that is filled with gycerin. It's to be inserted in the rectum and Wala......in minutes you are thanking your Heavenly Father! Since being newly banded, I never realize how much I took passing gas for granted :D

Now on the box it will say that if your experiencing abdominal pain do not use. My interpretation, because I am not a doctor, this type of pain did not apply to my surgery. I'm sore because I have incisions :(( So this worked like a charm for me.

Hope this helps someone cause it sure helped me!

Be blessed! ><img src=<' />

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Constipated anyone? Just got banded 2/21/08 and between the gas and no bowel movement, man it was badddddddddddd. No room for both! So at 3:30 am in the morning I was in my car going to Walmart!!!! Here is what you need..... DO NOT BUY A ORAL LAXATIVE....NOT BAND INTERACTIVE...instead use Liquid Glycerin by Fleet. It's a small suppository that is filled with gycerin. It's to be inserted in the rectum and Wala......in minutes you are thanking your Heavenly Father! Since being newly banded, I never realize how much I took passing gas for granted :D

Now on the box it will say that if your experiencing abdominal pain do not use. My interpretation, because I am not a doctor, this type of pain did not apply to my surgery. I'm sore because I have incisions :(( So this worked like a charm for me.

Hope this helps someone cause it sure helped me!

Be blessed! ><img src=<' />

Thank you, God4me! ><img src=<' /> You cracked me up!!! You're too funny! I'm not even gonna wait until after I'm banded to get the stuff... I want to be prepared. Right now I'm in my pre-op diet and I'm constipated. I keep forgetting to take the Benefiber stuff that I'm suppose to. Oh... what do you do for vitamin supplements. Is there a particular type (pill vs. liquid) or brand that you like/recommend? Four days till surgery for me! I'm excited.


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At this point it's just time to keep it real. :ph34r: Im branded now! Vitamins, I use are all liquid, I very seldom take pills. There is liquid B-Complex, Liquid magnesuim/Calcium, Liquid Vitamin C and any other liquid that I find to be essential. Now a word to the wise, chewable fiber, BECAREFUL,

some chewable fibers will expand once it hits the new pouch. From ,my understanding that is not good fiber. So what I did was get liquid! Now remember, anything that is liquid will go thru. That's why they say that you can drink your calories and never loss weight! #-o So remembr being banded is no joke!!!!

God be with you ><'

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At this point it's just time to keep it real. :ph34r: Im branded now! Vitamins, I use are all liquid, I very seldom take pills. There is liquid B-Complex, Liquid magnesuim/Calcium, Liquid Vitamin C and any other liquid that I find to be essential. Now a word to the wise, chewable fiber, BECAREFUL,

some chewable fibers will expand once it hits the new pouch. From ,my understanding that is not good fiber. So what I did was get liquid! Now remember, anything that is liquid will go thru. That's why they say that you can drink your calories and never loss weight! #-o So remembr being banded is no joke!!!!

God be with you ><'

Thanks, getting ready to leave on Wed already.

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Thanks for the tip to all current and future bandsters! ;) I wish I would have known about that stuff when I was banded. I had a HORRIBLE time with constipation. I was absolutely in love with the protein shake Muscle Milk chocolate and so I was getting the protein in and all was well. I never would have thought that I could not tolerate the soy in those shakes! It was so depressed to have to say goodbye to my muscle milk, but I can drink whey protein now and be ok when I want to drink some protein. ;)

Take care and good luck on your weight loss journeys!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was banded 1/17/08. Down 30lbs so far. I use a chewable multivitamin (gummi bear) But any chewable multi works. I also use use drinkable fiber such as vitablast which is kind of like crystal lite that you add to a bottle of water. There's many different varieties. I get the fiber one.


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This is slightly off the topic, but I was reading in another forum and found a list of things that were nice to have after surgery. One of them was "toilet tongs." These were old kitchen tongs wrapped with toilet paper to extend your reach when wiping after surgery! I laughed so hard, but after thinking about it, I wished I had known about them the whole time I have been obese. It is kind of hard to reach past my stomach sometimes.



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