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New to the journey

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Hi everyone, I'm just starting the journey, My surgeon and I met Feb. 8 2008. Primary Doctor Feb. 15th. Tests I have had was my blood , x ray next Tues. Pulmonary tests in the hospital. I have been to the support groups 3 times and investigated this procedure for about a year.

My surgeon is very rigid in all the pre-op testing. I still have to see a Cardio, and Gastrologist. All my testing should be done by March 27th. Then all paperwork goes into the insurance company for approval.

Anyone that is going for the surgery soon I wish you the BEST of Luck and let me know how things go and what I will be looking forward to. Thanks Tweety/ aka Pat

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It sounds like you have went about this the right way..good luck on your journey! =D>

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I would like to lose 100 lbs but will settle with 80. LOL I am really excited about this whole journey. I am SO ready to start it.

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