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I was banded on 2/27 in TJ. I had a great time there and loved the OCC and everyone in it! My surgery was wednesday and its now Sunday evening....all i can think about is food. I want to eat something so badly. I dont even know if I am hungry...but i just want to eat. When I was at the airport on my layovers I was just surrounded by food..and i was so bored- there was nothing to do but eat. I was laying in bed today realizing that my sundays revolved around food. Id make breakfast for my and my husband, then go to the grocery store, and pick up a big sub from the deli and then make a big dinner... today- ive had a little bit of broth and of course some water and crystal light..... i just want to eat-i dont even want to start typing what Im craving because I will never stop. I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago....and that was a piece of cake compared to this. I know that this not eating thing is just for a few weeks (until march 18 to be exact)..... i dont know what advice there is to be given on this topic...but has anyone else felt this way? AHHHHH

Also- has anyoe been in therapy after being banded for addiction? I want to know how to deal with this?! HELP ME! I seriously feel like THIS is my low. Ive never felt this pathetic before. Ive been thinking that it mightve been better to be fat and be able to EAT then to have to go thru this post op diet. I have watched the scale go down and it makes me feel good for a minute, and then the thoughts about eating just take over. DOES IT GET BETTER?!

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Don't fear, it gets easier as time goes on. If you really need to chew something, get some sugar free popsicles or fudgcicles. They'll be liquid by the time they reach your stomach. Now is also a good time to take up a hobby or other task to distract you from your head hunger. Remember, the post-op diet is designed to let you heal. If you cheat you are putting your health at risk, not just your diet.

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Don't fear, it gets easier as time goes on. If you really need to chew something, get some sugar free popsicles or fudgcicles. They'll be liquid by the time they reach your stomach. Now is also a good time to take up a hobby or other task to distract you from your head hunger. Remember, the post-op diet is designed to let you heal. If you cheat you are putting your health at risk, not just your diet.

thank you for your response! Cheating is not an option for me but its just the thought of food that is consuming me! I started liquid yogurt today. Do you know if you can drink too much (water, tea, juice)? I just dont want to hurt my band!

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Hello Mackenzie, this is Lisa, my husband and I, Josh visited with your husband.

I got my surgery the day after yours, and, WOW, do I know where you are coming from, my husband and kids have been eating all day, about ready to drive me over the edge. They have had subs from subway while I was shopping for my liquids at Walmart, tonight they had pizza rolls and meatballs, and to top it off they had milkshakes. I think I smoked more today than I ever have in one day, I know all, BAD. I can't do it, it is either food or smokes, I will work on one at a time. I did buy some pudding, someone had told me that was fine, it went down fine, then I had broth, I have had popsicles, and pudding popsicles, then I also had a gogurt. I so bad want MEAT, POT., GRAVY, something solid.

I think it is more mental also, I am full of gas in my shoulders, very painful. Chewed up a flinstone vit. today, that was sooo nasty, had to take a nap after that, it really made me sick.

I know I am not going to cheat, and I will lose weight, but I am with you 100%, today has been horrible!

Hey, are you going to go back in 6 weeks for your fill? I am really thinking about it, it sounds like people end up with less fills by going back there.

Good luck, food is our enemy I do think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, the airport smells drove me bonkers too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm just over 2 weeks banded- hang in - it gets better.

What's working for me is taking control of what my family is eating. No more crap in the house. Eat meal is healthy and well balanced. While grilled salmon, rice and steamed veggies still looks so GOOD right now, it's a lot less tempting than fried chicken and all the trimmings. No seconds for my husband, either. Also, I watch the food network a little every day. FOr some reason I'm not hungry mcuh watching it being cooked. I try and think of ways I could make what they jsut made, but with half the calories - things like that.

I've been chewing a lot of gum, too :-)

When all else fails, go for a walk or post on the boards! There's bound to be someone to give ya the boost needed to make it through one more day.

Good Luck! WE ALL CAN DO IT!



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I was banded on 2/27 in TJ. I had a great time there and loved the OCC and everyone in it! My surgery was wednesday and its now Sunday evening....all i can think about is food. I want to eat something so badly. I dont even know if I am hungry...but i just want to eat. When I was at the airport on my layovers I was just surrounded by food..and i was so bored- there was nothing to do but eat. I was laying in bed today realizing that my sundays revolved around food. Id make breakfast for my and my husband, then go to the grocery store, and pick up a big sub from the deli and then make a big dinner... today- ive had a little bit of broth and of course some water and crystal light..... i just want to eat-i dont even want to start typing what Im craving because I will never stop. I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago....and that was a piece of cake compared to this. I know that this not eating thing is just for a few weeks (until march 18 to be exact)..... i dont know what advice there is to be given on this topic...but has anyone else felt this way? AHHHHH

Also- has anyoe been in therapy after being banded for addiction? I want to know how to deal with this?! HELP ME! I seriously feel like THIS is my low. Ive never felt this pathetic before. Ive been thinking that it mightve been better to be fat and be able to EAT then to have to go thru this post op diet. I have watched the scale go down and it makes me feel good for a minute, and then the thoughts about eating just take over. DOES IT GET BETTER?!

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I urge every bandster that is dealing with uncontrollable hunger to order the book "The Emotional First + Aid Kit" by Cynthia L. Alexander I was banded 02/20/08 and one of the other bandsters had this book. I ordered it from amazon.com the day after I got home. It certainly is helping me handle this post op diet better than I would have had I not read the book.


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I'm just over 2 weeks banded- hang in - it gets better.

What's working for me is taking control of what my family is eating. No more crap in the house. Eat meal is healthy and well balanced. While grilled salmon, rice and steamed veggies still looks so GOOD right now, it's a lot less tempting than fried chicken and all the trimmings. No seconds for my husband, either. Also, I watch the food network a little every day. FOr some reason I'm not hungry mcuh watching it being cooked. I try and think of ways I could make what they jsut made, but with half the calories - things like that.

I've been chewing a lot of gum, too :-)

When all else fails, go for a walk or post on the boards! There's bound to be someone to give ya the boost needed to make it through one more day.

Good Luck! WE ALL CAN DO IT!



magpel, I have to agree with you about your family's eating. I went on an Atkins diet a couple of years ago, and after a while was absolutely appalled by what I saw in other people's grocery carts. What are we doing to ourselves!!!?? Sugar, sugar, sugar,sugar, bread, sugar, carbs. . .

While your husband is an adult and may not take kindly to any attempts to correct his diet, how can we keep feeding our kids such poisons? It isn't any better for them than it is for us, even if they don't have weight problems . . . yet.

When we hit our post op solids phase, my husband started buying candy and junk food. I not so politely asked him to keep it out of the kitchen if he was going to buy it, so he actually padlocked it into a small cooler! it not only stopped me from nibbling on the stuff, but made him stop and think about it too before indulging.

Now I am nearly 5 months post op, my desire for a lot of that stuff has gone away, and if I do have it, I have one or two bites, not the whole package. It does get better.

DH and I bought a couple of very comfortable bicycles and take off for a short ride when the cravings get too bad.

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We have all gone through the mental hunger part.....that is so hard! I really had a tough time too.....I had a worse problem, I hate soups and broths, but I stuck with it and also drank the "Slimfast shakes, when I was really hungry and they seemed to take the edge off for me. I was also preparing regular meals for my family (teens) so that was difficult, but it is mostly "mental" hunger. Keep writing and use the boards to vent, this is very theraputic! Walk, take up knitting or do something to get away from the food. It does eventually get easier, but it can be a really bumpy and rough road so hang in there. I am three months out and now I dread going out to eat iwth my friends, cause I am still learning what works and what doesn't, and sometimes I have to excuse myself from my table. It is hard! No one ever said it would be easy.

Hang in there!

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