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Holy Cow....

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So now it is March. I am scheduled for the surgery on the 18th. Made my flight arrangements, ordered everything I need and am really starting to freak out :blink: !!! I am excited but so nervous.

Sadly, I have the "nasty habit" of smoking (quit for 8 year, got a nasty divorce and started again for almost 2 years) I have to quit on the 4th :o

Then 2 days later I start my pre-op diet, omg I am going to be such a witch. I'm not telling anyone but close family that I am doing this and am sure that everyone is going to want to murder me by the time I leave. :(

And while I am freaked out, I am so excited. I have been on the diet rollercoaster as long as I can remember. And I believe the last time I weighted under 200lbs is when I was 18. <_<

How the heck are all of my fellow bandsters doing with their March dates, pre-op and nerves?


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I'm right there with ya sister! I'm excited and freaked out myself! I start my pre-op diet tomorrow (3 weeks b/4 surgery) ... I am 280lbs and need to be 268 by march 24th (surgery date) I haven't seen below 200 since.. god I don't even KNOW when!

Breathe, relax and think how good you're gonna look come this summer. We will NOT fear short season this year!


getting banded 3/24

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So now it is March. I am scheduled for the surgery on the 18th. Made my flight arrangements, ordered everything I need and am really starting to freak out :blink: !!! I am excited but so nervous.

Sadly, I have the "nasty habit" of smoking (quit for 8 year, got a nasty divorce and started again for almost 2 years) I have to quit on the 4th :o

Then 2 days later I start my pre-op diet, omg I am going to be such a witch. I'm not telling anyone but close family that I am doing this and am sure that everyone is going to want to murder me by the time I leave. :(

And while I am freaked out, I am so excited. I have been on the diet rollercoaster as long as I can remember. And I believe the last time I weighted under 200lbs is when I was 18. <_<

How the heck are all of my fellow bandsters doing with their March dates, pre-op and nerves?





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Add me to the list of worriers. Although, I think I am more excited than worried. I have already been on a diet because they want me to lose 20 pounds and that just isn't possible in 2 weeks, so I started Atkins 3 weeks ago. I am especially worried because I have only lost 5 pounds so far and my surgery is for 3/24. I haven't cheated a single time, yet only 5 pounds lost! I started exercising and walking so I am hoping by my friday weigh in is more. But, I have already bought tickets so thats a lot of money to lose. I just don't know why the weight isn't coming off. So, that is really what I am worried about.

I started at 5'3" and 289 pounds. I am 284 now. So, those of you who have a lot to lose ought to start that diet as soon as possible so you don't get turned away. Thats my biggest worry by far.

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My surgery is March 28th and I was told to lose 10-12 lbs. I am scared to wait until 12 days pre-op to do the diet too. I started it this morning and am hoping I can get the weight off that they want me to. I also am a smoker so this is gonna be very tough to say the least.

I am right there with you! ><'

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I am on that list, too, for the 19th. I find that I am not worried, but thrilled. In fact, I am more worried about leaving my precious lil pomeranian with my son than I am about the surgery. I am finding that I am having some anxiety, though, and it is an unnamed type. I don't cognitively feel anxious, but it is creeping into my sleep, and I am sleeping more restlessly.

Still, I am so excited. I have had a number of laproscopic surgeries done, and to me, they are a big nothing.

I hope to hear from Dr. Miranda today.


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I am not worried about the surgery either, mainly the flight! :lol: I haven't flown since I was 17 years old! I am also leaving my two beautiful babies at home with my Mom and I have never left them. Brady is 3 and Bella is 1 1/2. I hope I do well!

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I am on that list, too, for the 19th. I find that I am not worried, but thrilled. In fact, I am more worried about leaving my precious lil pomeranian with my son than I am about the surgery. I am finding that I am having some anxiety, though, and it is an unnamed type. I don't cognitively feel anxious, but it is creeping into my sleep, and I am sleeping more restlessly.

Still, I am so excited. I have had a number of laproscopic surgeries done, and to me, they are a big nothing.

I hope to hear from Dr. Miranda today.


I am a Pom mom too! Was horrible leaving her home, she is my comfort! Well, look forward to little pom kisses when you come home, just watch out for little pom feet on your port scar! The pre-op diet will keep you busy until you go and all the prep and reading the posts every day. That is what I went through....it sure is hell waiting......but worth it! Once you get down there you will be so impressed with everything from the hotel to the personnel at OCC. I am a huge chicken and this surgery was a breeze, just the waiting is hard. I felt a sort of "peace" inside when I entered the clinic and all the people who had surgery the day before were up and walking around talking to everyone who was waiting for that day. They all looked a tad pale, but otherwise pretty good! Have an incredible journey! :-h

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I am not worried about the surgery either, mainly the flight! :lol: I haven't flown since I was 17 years old! I am also leaving my two beautiful babies at home with my Mom and I have never left them. Brady is 3 and Bella is 1 1/2. I hope I do well!

Kim- My son is also named Brady and his best friend who lives across the street is named Bella, when ever I take the 2 of two of them out people think they are brother and sister and sometimes even twins (they are both 6years old, but Brady is blonde and Bella is a red-head so I don't see it lol..)

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Hi Amanda!

I'm a smoker too.. but I "quit" Friday before last.. since then, I had 3 one of the first nights while hanging out with some friends who smoke. Other than that not one! It was a bit easier than I thought since I know I am stopping for a good cause, and the fact that I am trying to concentrate on my diet etc. I started thinking of it as just a short term thing until after surgery but I'm sure by that time, I won't even want one. Two weeks to go!! My PRE-pre-op diet is going okay.. I've been trying to do the 2 shakes and lean cuisine diet before 12 days starts but I've cheated on a few meals.. Won't be able to cheat after Friday!! But I'm all booked and ready to go. Nerves are good, the only concern I have is where to get a fill after. No matter what, I'll have to fly to the US as they don't do these sorts of procedures in Bermuda but I am worried that if I have to tell them I was banded in Mexico they will refuse to fill me! Hopefully that won't happen..

I'm excited to meet everyone and get this done!

Speak soon,


So now it is March. I am scheduled for the surgery on the 18th. Made my flight arrangements, ordered everything I need and am really starting to freak out :blink: !!! I am excited but so nervous.

Sadly, I have the "nasty habit" of smoking (quit for 8 year, got a nasty divorce and started again for almost 2 years) I have to quit on the 4th :o

Then 2 days later I start my pre-op diet, omg I am going to be such a witch. I'm not telling anyone but close family that I am doing this and am sure that everyone is going to want to murder me by the time I leave. :(

And while I am freaked out, I am so excited. I have been on the diet rollercoaster as long as I can remember. And I believe the last time I weighted under 200lbs is when I was 18. <_<

How the heck are all of my fellow bandsters doing with their March dates, pre-op and nerves?


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Kim- My son is also named Brady and his best friend who lives across the street is named Bella, when ever I take the 2 of two of them out people think they are brother and sister and sometimes even twins (they are both 6years old, but Brady is blonde and Bella is a red-head so I don't see it lol..)

How cool is that? My Brady is a blonde too!

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Gotta love a pomeranian! Mine is my comfort, tool His name is Rx for Happiness, but we call him Rex. I was going through a depressive episode, and my little Pom died. I was so very distraught. About a week later, my sister took me to a Pom breeder, and we saw the most beautiful babies! I bought my little guy, so happy to have something to love and cuddle, but I was still grieving for Punkin, and I couldn't think of a name. My brother, who is my vet, suggested Rx for Happiness because he said I needed a prescription for happiness to make me feel better. He was right. I still miss each of my little pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge, but I LOVE Rex. It will be very hard to leave him.

Oh well. I deviated from the subject,


I am a Pom mom too! Was horrible leaving her home, she is my comfort! Well, look forward to little pom kisses when you come home, just watch out for little pom feet on your port scar! The pre-op diet will keep you busy until you go and all the prep and reading the posts every day. That is what I went through....it sure is hell waiting......but worth it! Once you get down there you will be so impressed with everything from the hotel to the personnel at OCC. I am a huge chicken and this surgery was a breeze, just the waiting is hard. I felt a sort of "peace" inside when I entered the clinic and all the people who had surgery the day before were up and walking around talking to everyone who was waiting for that day. They all looked a tad pale, but otherwise pretty good! Have an incredible journey! :-h
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And while I am freaked out, I am so excited. I have been on the diet rollercoaster as long as I can remember. And I believe the last time I weighted under 200lbs is when I was 18. <_<

How the heck are all of my fellow bandsters doing with their March dates, pre-op and nerves?


My sister and I leave this coming Sunday! Surgery is Monday. Oh my goodness... I am freaking. I am having such a hard time with the pre-op and getting the scale to drop. I am really hoping that I will have lost enough weight by Monday. Yet, I am also excited. boy what a mixture of emotions... as I was driving home from work, I was thinking about life with the band. What if I am not able to stick to the diet plan what if I can't lose the weight. i know I shouldn't think like this but I am sure we all get these thoughts...

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