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Cutting and Crushing Medications

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Which medications have you found that can be dumped from a capsule, crushed, or cut into small pieces. What is the largest pill/capsule you can swallow?

The meds I am concerned about are:

1. Lexcol XL I think the xl means extended release, which means they cannot be cut

2. Nexium the directions say not to crush or chew

3. Celebrex

4. lyrica

If you have had surgery and take these meds, please let me know what to expect.


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I am not sure, hopefully someone will know.

As for the Nexium, I read in Dr. Ortiz book that you can throw them out because this surgery heals acid reflux. I am looking forward to that! I have been on Prilosec for about 7 years.

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Some pills are designed to dissolve and be released slowly into your system. By crushing these pills you can cause an overdose. You should talk to the doctor who prescribed these medications before you do anything.This forum is populated with patients who are unable to give medical advice.

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I am sure everyone here realizes that they can't give or get medical advice from this forum, however sometimes we are just asking for your "experience" with a situtaion. It helps so much to hear from people, such as yourself, that have already been through the surgery.

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Actually you'd be surprised at some of the questions I've seen on here that clearly should be directed towards doctors. Reading back I think my reply came across a bit harsher than I intended however, the advice behind it still stands.

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Which medications have you found that can be dumped from a capsule, crushed, or cut into small pieces. What is the largest pill/capsule you can swallow?

The meds I am concerned about are:

1. Lexcol XL I think the xl means extended release, which means they cannot be cut

2. Nexium the directions say not to crush or chew

3. Celebrex

4. lyrica

If you have had surgery and take these meds, please let me know what to expect.


I also had Nexium, but didn't have any problem with taking them as they were small enough.....I was on Metformin and they are huge and I had to cut them into fourths to get them down, I would definitely check with the pharmacist as a lot of times they can change to a liquid form or can give you advise on taking the medications. I didn't quit my Nexium until a few weeks after my surgery......I was afraid, very afraid as I hadn't been without heartburn for over 30 years, but it worked! I have been off of it for over a month and no heartburn! YAY! I really didn't have any problems with capsules as they soften as they go down I guess. I only had problems with the tablets as they are chalky and stick going down, and would have some discomfort down in my chest until they dissolved sometimes. Hope this helps.

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I'd like to find out about Lyrica too. The pharmacist should be able to tell us. Do you take this for Fibromyalgia?

Yes, I do. It seems awfully small, but I just wondered.

Thanks to all of you who have responded,


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I try and get my pills in capsules whenever possible, so I can open them or cut them. I was banded over three years ago, and sometimes after a tight fill pills are hard to follow. I really need to adddress the person who says there won't be heartburn after the band. Completely wrong. Before I was banded the only time I had heartburn is when I was pregnant. Now I get hearrtburn a couple of times a month. My trigger is fried, greasy foods. You have to still be careful with foods that are your trigger for acid reflux. Just remember to be very careful when chewing, and choosing foods that haven't caused problems in the past. I really hope this helps. I'm sure everything will work out. The band is an incredible tool. Good luck! Helena in Las Vegas

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