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Lap Band March 28th

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Hi All,

First of all, I have to say I am estatic that I am here! I was approved for surgery last week and I have scheduled my surgery on March 28th. It's been a rough road for me and I am very grateful that this is happening.

I, like everyone else, had to go through all the pre-op clearances and one of my clearances was to go to my gynecologist because I was having abnormal bleeding. I went to see my doctor in December and he gave me a quick over and cleared me for the surgery. In the meantime, for the bleeding, he gave me birth control pills. About two weeks later, I started getting really bad cramps and bleeding so heavy that it was impossible to function, so I had to go to see the doctor again. When he saw me, he said because of your young age I don't think that we need to do a d&c and because I haven't had any children yet. Then he examined me and I had a highly abnormal amount of blood, he immediately scheduled me for a d&c the next business day. I went through the d&c and then the following week he brought me in for a follow-up.

It was a nightmare. The worst thing that I could imagine. He told me that I had cancer of the uterine lining and that I would have to have my uterus removed. I was devastated. I went home and just cried all day, mainly because I really would like to have kids one day. They had scheduled me to see an oncologist the very next day. I went there in the morning and the news was much better than I was orginially told, thank goodness. He told me that I was missing a hormone called progesterone and that with proper diet and taking these hormone pills, I have a 60-80% chance that the cancer would go away. He also said that this type of cancer does not typically spread, so it was a chance well worth taking. I am going to have a biopsy in May to see where I am at and then one in August to see if the cancer is still present and if it is then I'll have to look at other options. The oncologist also wrote my surgeon for my lap band a nice letter indicating that he recommends the surgery still go on because weight loss is a big factor in the cancer going away. I was very happy that he was able to do this for me.

I am happy to say that my surgeon approved it and now I am going to have the lap band at the end of this month!!!! I was wondering if there were any other lap band patients out there with cancer of the uterine lining and if they had any complications? I'm hoping it all goes smoothly, but the medicine I'm taking now(the hormones, megace and arimedex) cause me uncomfort in my abdominal area, I'm sure it will only be worse the first month after surgery.

Regardless, I am so excited that I am getting this opportunity for good health and I wish everyone out there success!! ><'

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Well, I will keep you in my prayers and hope everything works out well for you. ><'

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Hello! Good luck on your journey! I am so excited for you!

I also had low progesterone and it was causing me lose every pregnancy I had until I realized it and was put on progesterone.

I am also getting my lap band on March 28th. Is Dr. Martinez doing yours?

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Hello! Good luck on your journey! I am so excited for you!

I also had low progesterone and it was causing me lose every pregnancy I had until I realized it and was put on progesterone.

I am also getting my lap band on March 28th. Is Dr. Martinez doing yours?

Thanks!!! I'm glad you got your issue resolved as well! I'm not having the surgery with Dr. Martinez...but that's pretty cool it's the same day! Let me know how you are doing so we can keep track of each other! Thanks again!

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