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How much are fills at the OCC? It seems like by the time we buy plane tickets and a hotel room there that it would be way too expensive. How exactly does that work out?

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How much are fills at the OCC? It seems like by the time we buy plane tickets and a hotel room there that it would be way too expensive. How exactly does that work out?

The fills are $100. My daughter lives in Washington state, and went to TJ for her first fill, but got all the others near home. You don't really need to spend the night, but it is good to spend some time there before leaving so you can find out if the fill is too tight.

Have you checked out a fill doctor nearer home?

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If you're going to get a fill far from home it's probably a good idea to have a little extra money set aside for a few weeks after in case you need to get back down there for an unfill. I had to get an unfill recently but wasn't having problems until almost a week after my last fill. Being too tight is a miserable experience and I'd hate to think what would have happened to me if I'd been stranded away from a fill center because of lack of funds.

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I believe the fills are free. They charge $100.00 for the floroscopy. I spoke to Carolyn regarding transportation and I think that I was told it would be $180ish. It was under $250.00 for transporation and a hotel room for the night.

I am planning on atleast going for my first fill. But due to the kiddo's, I am flying down in the morning and taking a late flight in the evening home.


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I believe the fills are free. They charge $100.00 for the floroscopy. I spoke to Carolyn regarding transportation and I think that I was told it would be $180ish. It was under $250.00 for transporation and a hotel room for the night.

I am planning on atleast going for my first fill. But due to the kiddo's, I am flying down in the morning and taking a late flight in the evening home.


I think it's kind of splitting hairs to say the fill is free but the fluoro is $100, since they give fluoro with all fills. In the end, the fill costs $100.

We live close enough to drive to the border, where we walk across and catch a cab to the clinic, then walk back over. Cost of transportation from OCC is pretty pricey. the trolleys run from the airport to the border and back. The Tijuana cab route is easy if you are a bit adventurous, and they charge a flat fee of $5 or $6. If the driver isn't sure where Leona Vicario is, just tell him it's a block past Costco.

You could save the cost of the OCC van and spend a night in either TJ or San Diego. It isn't a bad idea to stick around for 24 hours after your fill to make sure you aren't too tight.

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I think it's kind of splitting hairs to say the fill is free but the fluoro is $100, since they give fluoro with all fills. In the end, the fill costs $100.

We live close enough to drive to the border, where we walk across and catch a cab to the clinic, then walk back over. Cost of transportation from OCC is pretty pricey. the trolleys run from the airport to the border and back. The Tijuana cab route is easy if you are a bit adventurous, and they charge a flat fee of $5 or $6. If the driver isn't sure where Leona Vicario is, just tell him it's a block past Costco.

You could save the cost of the OCC van and spend a night in either TJ or San Diego. It isn't a bad idea to stick around for 24 hours after your fill to make sure you aren't too tight.



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I wonder if you get your fill in TJ and a week later you are too tight - can you go to a Fill Center USA to get an Unfill, or do you have to go back to TJ for the unfill?


I believe anywhere that will do a fill on a Mexican bandster will do an unfill as well, but it'll cost you the price of another fill. I don't know what the time limit at OCC is for a free unfill after a fill. I did one the same day and was not charged again; I went out into the waiting room to wait for my husband to have a fill and some dental work, and by the time he was done I knew I had had too much of a fill, so I went back in and got half of it backed out for free.

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