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Does getting the fills hurt?

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Although I've only been banded one day already thinking about the fills. Soooo, how bad does it hurt? The needle part especially?

It's about the same as for a blood test. It's just a needle stick. Though, I have to admit it's a little weird to see the syringe in your tummy when they make you sit up with it in there! Definitely nothing to obsess about. Some doctors give local anaesthetic for the fills, but since that involves a needle stick too, what's the point? Stick you with a needle so you won't feel it when they stick you with a needle???

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Okay, I have always passed out when I get my blood taken and am really afraid of needles. I've even been put to sleep for a filling (from the dentist) before. I think I toughened up after having a c-section. Anyway, this was nothing. It felt like a pinch and then a weird feeling (the part where the needle is going into the port-all you feel is a little pressure). I think the feeling is kida cool, but unexplainable. I've had two fills in TJ. Hope this helps ease any worries that you really shouldn't have:0

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I make a deal with any doctor/nurse using a needle: as long as I can look away, they can stick the needle in :) I am a HUGE baby when it comes to needles, though I've probably had 100's of sticks as well as 100's of stitches, lol, but the fill needles are probably the least painful of ANY I've ever had. Once or twice I felt a slight pinch, but seriously, that was it. Just don't look ;)

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