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Two weeks from today.. my diary :)

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Two weeks from today... it seems like time just flew since I made my appointment. I started the liquid diet yesterday... two slim fast and one lean cuisine... the lean cuisine tasted like heaven after the slim fast and metamucil tablets.

I stayed hungry from the time I got up until the time I went to bed. I don't think it was physical hunger, but I hadn't expected my abusive lover (food) to rear its head so fast, but i spent yesterday doing positive self talk. Didn't work completely, but I made it through the day. I think I am going to start to go to bed earlier so I stop thinking about food after supper.

I spoke to Dr. Miranda on Monday, and she talked about my daily diet and added that I can have green vegetables, sugar free jello and popsicles. I forgot to ask about coffee or fat free coffee creamer, and forgot to ask about all the veggies in general. We are supposed to have asparagus tonight, and I don't know if that is okay or not.

If you have talked to Dr. Miranda and discussed these things, please let me know what she told you to do.



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Two weeks from today... it seems like time just flew since I made my appointment. I started the liquid diet yesterday... two slim fast and one lean cuisine... the lean cuisine tasted like heaven after the slim fast and metamucil tablets.

I stayed hungry from the time I got up until the time I went to bed. I don't think it was physical hunger, but I hadn't expected my abusive lover (food) to rear its head so fast, but i spent yesterday doing positive self talk. Didn't work completely, but I made it through the day. I think I am going to start to go to bed earlier so I stop thinking about food after supper.

I spoke to Dr. Miranda on Monday, and she talked about my daily diet and added that I can have green vegetables, sugar free jello and popsicles. I forgot to ask about coffee or fat free coffee creamer, and forgot to ask about all the veggies in general. We are supposed to have asparagus tonight, and I don't know if that is okay or not.

If you have talked to Dr. Miranda and discussed these things, please let me know what she told you to do.



she told me that i could have leafy greens like spinach- but ive heard some people say that they can have up to 4lbs of veggies a day?! sooo i duno..there were a few nights when i went out to eat on my preop diet*to hooters no less* and I still lost 10 lbs sooo if it were me, i would eat it...but you can always call dr. miranda..... i also quit drinking diet soda and i think that mightve helped! good luck to you! it is NOT easy- and the liquid diet isnt any easier!

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Two weeks from today... it seems like time just flew since I made my appointment. I started the liquid diet yesterday... two slim fast and one lean cuisine... the lean cuisine tasted like heaven after the slim fast and metamucil tablets.

I stayed hungry from the time I got up until the time I went to bed. I don't think it was physical hunger, but I hadn't expected my abusive lover (food) to rear its head so fast, but i spent yesterday doing positive self talk. Didn't work completely, but I made it through the day. I think I am going to start to go to bed earlier so I stop thinking about food after supper.

I spoke to Dr. Miranda on Monday, and she talked about my daily diet and added that I can have green vegetables, sugar free jello and popsicles. I forgot to ask about coffee or fat free coffee creamer, and forgot to ask about all the veggies in general. We are supposed to have asparagus tonight, and I don't know if that is okay or not.

If you have talked to Dr. Miranda and discussed these things, please let me know what she told you to do.



She also told me I could have minestrone soup. But, I just have the 2 shakes and a sugar free jello and then my dinner. Do one day at a time. The first day is the hardest. Each day gets easier and easier. In fact, just last night I was marveling over the fact that when I did have my dinner I was actually very full after a small amount. Ask Dr. Miranda if you have any questions. I think it all depends on what you have to lose. I needed to lose 20 pounds in a short time so I had to do drastic measures.

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You are right... day three is easier than day one.. in fact, day two was easier. Day one is always the hardest.

I have three adult children coming over tonight and my husband is cooking steak. The smell will be almost unbearable, but I am saving my lean cuisine for supper and adding a green salad. It won't be physical hunger; it will be triggered by smell. Since I will have to get past this with the band anyway, I will just cope.

Not to be offensive, but constipation is becoming an issue. I am taking the metamucil tablets, but I have started stirring benefiber into two cups of liquid a day. Not doing much, yet.

I am getting my cashier's check today. Since it is Friday, I will have to fax it to the clinic on Monday.

Little by little, one goes far,


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