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shots for blood clots

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My sister had Lap band surgery here in the states and her doctor gave her shots in the legs after surgery to prevent blood clots and told her not to fly for 3 weeks. Did anyone get shots after their surgery?

No they just put stockings on before surgery!

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Yes, I was given shots in my stomach for surgery....I had a blood clot in my lungs 2005....when I told Dr. Otiz, they gave me lovenox so that I would not have one! I have not had a blood clot since 2005...Bless God!

So yes they will taken measures to protect you. Also they will put stocking on your legs as well!

Be Blessed ><'

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This would not be uncommon during a surgical procedure esp. if you have any history of clotting. They probably check your INR (blood clotting time) during the lab work and it would show if your blood is too thick. NOT every one will end up with this same treatment normally, nor the same advisement about flying etc, otherwise the way they have the 3 day timing set up would not work so well.

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