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gained a pound

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BUT WHY?!! I was banded on 2/27 and I have lost 11lbs since my surgery date (21 all together)- i got on the scale this AM and it said I gained a lbs....I dont mind staying the same...but plus one?! I also know that "this is a time for healing and weight loss isnt a concern right now" but it feels too good to not lose anything!!!!! Maybe too much sodium? I had some hot sauce last night like 2 tbls- maybe it was too much sodium....anyway- someone shed some light! Im sooo annoyed with myself--someone tell me Im just being stupid!

Happy sunday!

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The weight loss is not a straight line for many many many ... many reasons. If you're going to get upset over gaining one pound you are in for a miserable road ahead.

haha true youre right- its just been going up for so long and to finally have it go down, for a few weeks consecutivley (sp?) it just made me get scared like im going to gain everything back plus some! thanks for the advice- i need to get a grip hahah

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I would be the same way! Ha! It just sucks when you know you are trying so hard. Try, try, try not to weigh everyday. Weigh once, maybe twice a week. My weight fluctuates constantly and if I weighed everyday I would go nuts. You are doing great! Hopefully you will lose two or three in a row now. Hang in there!

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I feel you today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D> I had a blah too today! I am going to post a new topic when I"m done here. I think we are all soooooo ready to see the pounds move that 1lb gained is a big issue, I feel you. Like Cylnn stated if we allow our minds to go there.......were in trouble. We have to be patient and not rush things. This is not the gastric by-pass and we will not see weight just fall off......atleast that's my story! <_< But...... trust me!!!! I had my moment and your not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we need to hear from more people that are right where we are.......you think.????

Anyway...... I'm starting a journal to get thru this time. Be encourage.....we will do this!

Blessings ><'

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Ah ha! I was waiting for this to come up. Mackenzie I was told by Dr. Martinez this is normal, the weight gain. He didn't explain why but after reading blogs here and there from bandster everywhere, this is the explanation. Our bodies are still healing and has reached that point where it thinks you are starving. Therefore, it goes in a mode of starvation. If you increase your caloric intake then the theory is you wlll resume weight loss. Dr. Miranda also said not to be concerned about the regain of some of the weight because this isn't the time where we are doing the weight loss effort. This is only the healing part. I didn't want this to happen either (regain weight) so I've increased my caloric intake with 3 soy drinks that contains my 30grams of protein daily needed. Mind you I was advised not to grind chicken or turkey into my diet. I'm not sure of the reason but again I think it's because they don't want your stomach doing any work yet.. and ground up poultry will do this??? This is just my theory. So.. I noticed I maintained my 178 since I increased the 3 added soy drinks I've been drinking. So in theory drink more and increase your caloric intake and then you will continue loosing weight or maintain. I'm experimenting right now and increasing my daily consumed caloric intake another 200 cals. I'll see how the results go in a few days... I'll either gain, loose or maintain.

Can any of the experts here on the forum give their expertise??? Did anyone go through this? I know we have nurses onboard here.

Hope this helps. I'm not a doctor or have any formal training in Medicine. I just read blogs, and read of other's experiences.

I’m with you too gals about the frustration part :blink: , .. I was prepared for the day when I would plateau and even regain weight. I’m diabetic so i naturally have to watch what I eat more carefully. I’ve had to look into low glycemic foods so that my glucose levels do not spike.

The experts please reply. I want to know what you know or if you’ve heard of this. :-?


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I"m in the same boat. I've lost 14lbs since banded 3 weeks ago, then I got on the scale this morning and I gained 1.5lbs. My husband keeps reminding me to eat - today it wasn't until almost 1pm when I ate my first meal. I had only a cup of coffee and a cup of water before this. I need to remember to eat - it's strange. I got so used to not eating, that when my tummy starts to grumble I don't get, I get busy, since I wasn't able to eat the first 3 weeks - I was used to doing something to keep my mind off of food until the grumbeling went away.

I'm really trying to have 3 meals a day, but it's hard. I think I'm partcially affraid of eating and injuring myself. I ate my first meal a few days ago, I ate slow, chewed so frickin' much and only had a small portion. I get full - then a wave of dizziness, then I started feeling sick! I ended up getting sick - which was awful, by the way, and now I'm really affraid to eat.

Tonite I grilled a salmon, steamed some brocoli and had some quinoa. I ate jsut a little, ate super slow and I feel fine. I think I'm just learning how to work things now that I've got the band.

I'm not going to let the scale get to me - I'm only going to weigh myself once a week now. I was really obsessing over it!

Good Luck to us All!



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WAGal is correct in her posting. Your body has just gone through a major crash diet, and now is holding onto every calorie it can. Also, since your band doesn't have any saline in it, it's just not doing anything yet. Once you get a fill or two behind you, it'll start to do some work. Until then, just eat healthy and chill.

magpel, your husband is right. By skipping breakfast you are putting your body into starvation mode. Once again, it holds onto every calorie it can once you start eating. Back in the days when food was less plentiful for human beings, this was a survival thing. Now, like many survival tactics in our bodies and minds, it is working against what is best for us. This is also a reason why being too tight is a bad thing as it will achieve the same end. You don't need a big meal in the morning, just a little bit of something that will let your body know that food is available and more is on the way.

Good luck ladies. It sounds like you're all doing great.

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good morning ladies. just a quick update.... i maintained 178 again. that's with the add'l 200 cals. i'm going to tweak a bit more today and keep a thorough log of what i put in my mouth. thanks for the post Clynn...


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just a small update/thank you... i am down 25 well... 24 lbs now..i gained a lb last night?! haha and i didnt freak out since i know that a lbs is not THAT big of a deal (thanks to you guys) and Im sure it will be off within the next few days or so... once i am confident with myself and my choices and start exercising i will change my weighing to once a week..but for now im on that baby EVERY morning! hahah thanks again to all!

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well i dont know if this will help or not but i have been banded 16 months and have had 2 major plateaus during that time frame. the latest i have only lost 2 lbs (3 months!)since right before christmas. it could destroy me if i let it, i exercise at least 1 hour 5 days a week and i try to maintain a 1200 calorie a day diet. sometimes i eat a little more and sometimes a little less. my point is, i do weigh every day just to keep myself focused... there are times when i retain water and i can see as much as a 5 lbs gain in a 24 hr period - knowing i did not stuff myself helps to keep that in prospective that it has to be water weight.

now the positive part in all this is the inches are still falling off, i get a compliment at least once a day of how i am melting away, which makes me laugh if these people knew i still weighed over 200 lbs they would freak. i have gone from a tight 14 to a loose 14 and a tight 12 over that same 3 months.

I have been very conservative with my fills, every time i think i could eat a horse it never fails i will have a bad day where i cant eat anything - my advice is to be very careful when you start getting fills - there is nothing worse than being too tight and then having to have the band emptied and start over... plus there is always swelling with fills and it takes awhile to know if it is working or not. same thing when you pb - you might cause swelling and it would be best to eat soups for a day or two to let your band/stomach/esophagus relax.

One last thing, i cant eat 3 meals aday. As soon as i got to the proper fill i had to be up and moving 3 to 5 hours before my band would relax enough for me to eat anything. i do not believe in drinking calories so i dont do those morning shakes. i drink one cup of coffee for breakfast and tons of water and thats it.

Everyone is different, please dont freak out on yourself if you see a little wt gain or if some days you eat too much or too little... this is a very long road and the band is not a quick fix. It will work if you have the patience and just relax, remember you still weigh less than this time last year and these high numbers will never appear on your scale again.

hope that helps someone from the kind of old timer here.


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