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Do you have before and after pics? I would love to see them. =D>

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Wow!! You look amazing! I am so proud of you..you are my inspiration. Hopefully I can do as well as you have!

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You look awesome~~~~~~what an inspiration!!! =D>


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cylnn: you do look awesome! way to go! you always give such AWESOME advice on here! so thank you!!! what do you eat?? like what is an average day for you food wise?


mackenzie ><'

What do I eat in a day is quite the loaded question. Depends on what day you are asking me as sometimes it changes drastically even in a short period of time. Right now my band is very loose from being ill recently and I crave so many things. It's like something inside of me was sleeping but now it is awake and making a terrible ruckus. I'm working hard to keep bad food out of my house but it is nearing Easter and those chocolate bunnies look so cute and sooo delicious and there's still some Valentine's day candy on clearance. On the other hand it is nice to have less restriction in that I don't have to obsess about every little thing going into my mouth (just what is not in my mouth).

But I digress. . . .

When I have proper restriction breakfast usually starts with some high fiber cereal or a glucerna meal bar. Lunch is usually something like a Lean Cuisine and then dinner can also be a Lean Cuisine or some other equivalent portion of food. I find that when I have the proper amount of restriction, just the effort going into preparing food is enough to make me not want anything. I usually enjoy a cup of sugar free hot chocolate made with milk in the evening before I go to bed during the winter. I don't really have a set eating schedule at all and can't get much more specific than that. I just watch my portions and try to eat slowly and carefully.

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What do I eat in a day is quite the loaded question. Depends on what day you are asking me as sometimes it changes drastically even in a short period of time. Right now my band is very loose from being ill recently and I crave so many things. It's like something inside of me was sleeping but now it is awake and making a terrible ruckus. I'm working hard to keep bad food out of my house but it is nearing Easter and those chocolate bunnies look so cute and sooo delicious and there's still some Valentine's day candy on clearance. On the other hand it is nice to have less restriction in that I don't have to obsess about every little thing going into my mouth (just what is not in my mouth).

But I digress. . . .

When I have proper restriction breakfast usually starts with some high fiber cereal or a glucerna meal bar. Lunch is usually something like a Lean Cuisine and then dinner can also be a Lean Cuisine or some other equivalent portion of food. I find that when I have the proper amount of restriction, just the effort going into preparing food is enough to make me not want anything. I usually enjoy a cup of sugar free hot chocolate made with milk in the evening before I go to bed during the winter. I don't really have a set eating schedule at all and can't get much more specific than that. I just watch my portions and try to eat slowly and carefully.

thanks for that... and thanks for your posts!!! have a great day! looking forward to seeing the new pics! make sure to post them when you put them up!

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