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Has anyone had this happen to you?

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Ok I love my band. BUT...Back in November I was down to the size I was comfortable with. 132lbs. I went to a clinic locally and had a little of my fill removed. I went from 2.1 cc to 1.1 cc. I was trying to stop losing weight. Since then I have lost down to 117 lbs. My band feels tighter and I am unable to eat much of anything. I'm going for another unfill on Friday. I just don't understand why it seems as I lose weight my band seems to get tighter. It seems like it would be the other way around. I never thought I would be complaining about losing weight, but I don't want to look sickly. I was just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem? I'm also worried about removing too much of my fill because I definately don't want to gain my weight back. I never thought that I would have trouble stablizing my weight. I guess I just thought it would eventually balance out. Anyone have any thoughts?

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If you are feeling tighter it is because your stomach is swelling for some reason. Have you been doing anything that could cause irritation or been PB'ing alot? You may want to try going on liquids for three days to give everything a chance to rest and go back to normal.

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If you are feeling tighter it is because your stomach is swelling for some reason. Have you been doing anything that could cause irritation or been PB'ing alot? You may want to try going on liquids for three days to give everything a chance to rest and go back to normal.

Thanks Clynn. I went to the clinic where I have been getting my fills on Friday. I only had 1.1 cc in my band. Because of my acid reflux the Dr. said I should let her remve all of my fill. I was so scared to do that. But she said I needed to take care of the reflux or it would cause damage so I did it. I feel so much better. She said to wait a few weeks and see if I can tell a difference with the reflux and with what and how much food I am able to eat. I'm just a little afraid of gaining the weight back but I know I needed to do this.

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Thanks Clynn. I went to the clinic where I have been getting my fills on Friday. I only had 1.1 cc in my band. Because of my acid reflux the Dr. said I should let her remve all of my fill. I was so scared to do that. But she said I needed to take care of the reflux or it would cause damage so I did it. I feel so much better. She said to wait a few weeks and see if I can tell a difference with the reflux and with what and how much food I am able to eat. I'm just a little afraid of gaining the weight back but I know I needed to do this.

Just try to eat that you have been to get you to the weight you are comfortable at! Just because your fill is gone doesnt mean you need to eat junk and over eat! Good luck- I cant wait to get to where you are!

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