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OMG....I am a PIG!!!

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So I know that I have problems with food, duh, I am having the surgery. But today I realized my mental ability to make good decision when I am stressed are non exsistant. :(( :(( :((

I am fighting with DH (not dear), had a meeting today that did not go well....so aggitated snuck out and STOLE a thin mint from the receptionist. :(

Then later, after I had indured a crappy meeting for 3 1/2 hours (which completely threw me over the edge) I scrounged for more food and found a bag (a small one) of carmel corn and practically scarffed the whole thing before my assistant found out what I was doing and PRIED it from my fingers as I was :((

I am so MAD at myself!!!! And seriously thinking I may have to quit my job due to the stress factor.

Just wanted to vent.

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You are not alone!! I have had my share of screw-ups too. (especially last week!)

Take a deep breath and start over tomorrow. I hope you have a better day. ><'

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I agree! It is very difficult especially as people that have obviously never dealt with our issues in a non-food related way. I too have had a hard time with my pre-op diet, and I have only been doing it for a few days. But I agree with Kimmie tomorrow is a new day and at least you have a whole group of people that understand how hard it is for food not to be just a source of nutrient but a mental stabilizer. Keep going I know you can do it....I know we all can do it....we may not be perfect but I think the desire for change will help us overcome the nagging hunger pains, even if they are just mental!

Good luck and God Bless,


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like any addiction--- the one with food is no different...since you are on your pre op diet- i think that it is still reallllly hard to say no since are still allowed to actually eat. Once you are on liquids- i sort of see it as a detox from food/sugar/grease- and resetting your tastebuds if you will. It is a GOOD thing that you messed up today and you realize why you did it..stress. Next time, when you are getting stressed- say to yourself, I AM NOT GOING TO EAT SOMETHING BC I AM STRESSED OUT, bc honestly, does it help? NO. It just makes you more upset. you are still going to mess up, as i have, but you will be one step closer to beating your food addiction. Just remember that eating when you are stressed doesnt solve anything-- just try and tell yourself that..and if you do mess up and eat when you are upset or stressed..sit down when you are done and recall why you did it again and try not to make the same mistake again. Good luck! you are not alone in this- i am beating it too- I dont know if I want to start eating solids again bc i dont trust myself yet, but everyday i feel like good/logical part of me get a little bigger, and the bad part a little smaller! ><'

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I feel you. I'm new to the forum but not to surgery. I had my surgery last year on April 27, 2007 and let me tell you, I couldn't do the pre-op diet. I just couldn't get it together. I'd try, but I'd always found my way back to food. And Yes, it was due to stress. You see, I eat when I'm happy, sad, depressed, you name it and I simply couldn't follow it. Luckily, Dr. Ortiz didn't find it a problem for me to have the surgery because of my BMI and weight factor. This is not say that you not do the pre-op diet because I don't know your situation and what's best for you before surgery. I just want to say hang in there. I'm rooting for you.


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Honey Pie,

Don't make me come there and beat you! ;) I want you there, all happy, and confident, and ready to go on the day of our surgery!

One thing I think you could try is to buy a protein bar, cut it into little caramel size pieces, and when you are stressed, eat one or two. It isn't exactly the pre-op diet, but it might relieve your stress to think that you are eating something good for yourself.

I wish I had better suggestions.. hang in there.. we are one week away!


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