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Well,I would first like to say......the band is the Bomb! =D>

Don't listen to every thing you hear.... <_< ..."oh, you will never be able to gat meat again" " that is going to get stuck" I had salmon and crab legs and a salad....portions were so small, it scared even me. Nothing got stuck! I ate untill I got satified and left it alone. I waited an hour and drank a viamin water, by the way they are sooooooooooooo good!

Since having the band I have no desire to snack! Small portions seem automactic! I'm so happy that I'm not the kind of person that is spook out about everything I hear. Everyone is different! Quantinia (my band) she is all about business! No time to waste ,no time to fear about what ifs....lets make this happen. We paid for an expensive appetite suppressant! So let's use! Look forwad to eating solids and get busy with allowing the band to do what you hired it to do!

Be Blessed ><'

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