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Catching the plane tomorrow.

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Hi, Everyone!

Unless I post again tonight, I will be out of touch until next Friday. My husband and I haven't had a vacation without the kids since our honeymoon, so even though it is a tiny vacation, we are flying to San Diego Sunday. We will go to Sea World that afternoon. Monday we will go to the San Diego Zoo. If we get tired early, we may see if we can hop a boat with a whale watching tour. I will have a protein shake for breakfast on both days, and a protein bar for lunch in the parks. Supper we are still working out, but I have eaten enough lean cuisines in my life where I can approximate the amount of chicken and vegetables in them. David can get supper and I will just have the little bit. Also, I was a Weight Watcher's leader for about a year and a half (before I got too fat again to be one... my second loss of over 100 pounds,) so I am very good at approximating

Tuesday, we will go back to the airport and turn the rental car in. We will meet the driver at Air Alaska, where another patient is arriving at 12:30.

After that, you know the routine... to the clinic for the pre-op stuff, back to the hotel, evening free, back to the clinic with everyone on Wednesday for our big day. Hopefully, we will go back to the hotel on Thursday for some recovery and maybe some shopping. Finally, early, and I mean EARLY, we will go back to the airport for our flight home.

Alas.. we cannot take such light luggage, as we will be there a couple of extra days. I am not taking the laptop, although I would love to, because the suitcase is full and we don't want to take another. So.. no e-mail from me until Friday night. That will be day 3 for me.

Those that are going to be there while I am... Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.. I do hope to meet you and get to know you a bit before we all go home. Hubby David will be here if you have family members that want to go shopping in a group with a male presence. He will also go when I go, and you are welcome to go shopping with us.

Look for the tall, brunette fat woman with the taller silver haired skinny man,


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WOOT! Thanks, Darlene.. I will check in sooner then.


nitey night for me :)

gotta plane to catch in the earrrrrrrrrrrly morning

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Good luck Paula! I can't wait to hear about your experience. We are all rooting for you! =D>

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Hi, Everyone!

Unless I post again tonight, I will be out of touch until next Friday. My husband and I haven't had a vacation without the kids since our honeymoon, so even though it is a tiny vacation, we are flying to San Diego Sunday. We will go to Sea World that afternoon. Monday we will go to the San Diego Zoo. If we get tired early, we may see if we can hop a boat with a whale watching tour. I will have a protein shake for breakfast on both days, and a protein bar for lunch in the parks. Supper we are still working out, but I have eaten enough lean cuisines in my life where I can approximate the amount of chicken and vegetables in them. David can get supper and I will just have the little bit. Also, I was a Weight Watcher's leader for about a year and a half (before I got too fat again to be one... my second loss of over 100 pounds,) so I am very good at approximating

Tuesday, we will go back to the airport and turn the rental car in. We will meet the driver at Air Alaska, where another patient is arriving at 12:30.

After that, you know the routine... to the clinic for the pre-op stuff, back to the hotel, evening free, back to the clinic with everyone on Wednesday for our big day. Hopefully, we will go back to the hotel on Thursday for some recovery and maybe some shopping. Finally, early, and I mean EARLY, we will go back to the airport for our flight home.

Alas.. we cannot take such light luggage, as we will be there a couple of extra days. I am not taking the laptop, although I would love to, because the suitcase is full and we don't want to take another. So.. no e-mail from me until Friday night. That will be day 3 for me.

Those that are going to be there while I am... Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.. I do hope to meet you and get to know you a bit before we all go home. Hubby David will be here if you have family members that want to go shopping in a group with a male presence. He will also go when I go, and you are welcome to go shopping with us.

Look for the tall, brunette fat woman with the taller silver haired skinny man,


Have fun Paula!!!!!

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><' Dear Paula

Hope you have a good time and good weather in San Diego. Good luck with your surgery and welcome to us bunch of "losers"! I really love that name now!


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