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leaving on March 23rd

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I'm flying into San Diego on March 23rd for surgery. I am pretty nervous but excited. Reading all the things on this forum has helped me a ton. I have 10 pounds to lose and am down 7. I am so hungry....I thought after the first few days it would sorta minimize but not really....I am going by myself so that is a little scary as well. I had a friend who had surgery at OCC December of '06 lined up to go with me but had to cancel due to work stuff. I'm a little concerneed about this but am sure I'll be fine. My husband can't go because of the kiddos so I guess it's just it's just me! If there is someone out there that went alone that has some words of wisdom or advice or to tell me to stop being a big baby....I'm all ears!! All the things I've read have been helpful. Thanks :huh:

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Thanks for replying! It is nice to be going alone for a little "vacation". Still a little nervous. I am arriving at the airport at like 7:30pm flying Frontier-anyone else? Also I read that you shouldn't go shopping and stuff by yourself in TJ. Has anyone done this? Would a person be OK shopping by themselves? Oh did I mention my birthday is March 23rd same day I'm flying...the best gift my husband has ever given me is understanding and support to do this!! Happy 30th birthday to me in a few days!!

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I'm flying into San Diego on March 23rd for surgery. I am pretty nervous but excited. Reading all the things on this forum has helped me a ton. I have 10 pounds to lose and am down 7. I am so hungry....I thought after the first few days it would sorta minimize but not really....I am going by myself so that is a little scary as well. I had a friend who had surgery at OCC December of '06 lined up to go with me but had to cancel due to work stuff. I'm a little concerneed about this but am sure I'll be fine. My husband can't go because of the kiddos so I guess it's just it's just me! If there is someone out there that went alone that has some words of wisdom or advice or to tell me to stop being a big baby....I'm all ears!! All the things I've read have been helpful. Thanks :huh:

Hi Apple,

I'm also flying in on the 23rd and my girlfriend still isn't sure if she can make it. (hubby staying home with kids, also) So, I may be alone, too. My guess is we will all become friends that day and can stick together when we go out. I'll watch your back if you'll watch mine? :) Looking forward to meeting you. See you in "OH MY GOSH" 4 days!!!!!!


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I'm flying into San Diego on March 23rd for surgery. I am pretty nervous but excited. Reading all the things on this forum has helped me a ton. I have 10 pounds to lose and am down 7. I am so hungry....I thought after the first few days it would sorta minimize but not really....I am going by myself so that is a little scary as well. I had a friend who had surgery at OCC December of '06 lined up to go with me but had to cancel due to work stuff. I'm a little concerneed about this but am sure I'll be fine. My husband can't go because of the kiddos so I guess it's just it's just me! If there is someone out there that went alone that has some words of wisdom or advice or to tell me to stop being a big baby....I'm all ears!! All the things I've read have been helpful. Thanks :huh:




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I am sad that I am gonna miss all of you! I am not getting there until Wednesday. :unsure:

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I had my daughter come with me for "moral support" when I had my surgery in December. I really didn't need anyone though as it was so easy and it was pretty boring for her except for the shopping before and after surgery! Enjoy you little vacation, you will meet up with others at the hotel and at the OCC and I am sure you can find someone to pal around with down there and go shopping with. Have fun!

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