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Post-Op Diet Questions

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Well, friends, after weeks of thinking I'd have to cancel my surgery (had to deal with some health issues, turned out to be NOTHING, I'm happy to say) I am getting ready to be banded on May 9th. I sent my deposit off weeks ago, am finalizing the loan information, going to fax the medical paperwork today, and I'm booking the flight this afternoon. The only thing proving to be difficult is the post-op diet. Dr. Miranda advised me to try to lose 20 lbs before the surgery because my BMI is so high. I weigh 240lbs, but I'm only 4'10" so that makes my BMI 50. I decided to go the 2 Slim Fasts, 1 Lean Cuisine route, but it's hard! I'm fine during the day, but on the drive home it is so hard not to stop for something or eat something at home other than the Lean Cuisine. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this process a little bit easier? I want to lose as close to 20 lbs as I can by May 9th.

Thanks for all your help!


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Hi Alana!

It sounds like your off to a great start. It might help eating healthy snacks in between, drinking lots of water, and incorporating exercise. Don't let youself get too hungry, then you might binge. It might help to find a local support group in your area, really awesome if they were bandsters. But that will keep you motivated. You're on the right track, never beat yourself up, and just keep youself focused on how important this is to you. I'm sure it's really hard right know, but it so worth it, you're going to do great. Stay strong! =D> Helena

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Alana, The post op diet sucks.... there is no getting around it! Since you are starting early- I think that is VERY smart, that way you have lots of time if you have slip ups (which I did)- I still lost 10lbs in about 2 1/2 weeks. First, try to keep your eye on the big picture and what you are getting the lap band for- trust me the post op diet isnt any easier- so try and practice restricting yourself on food- bc all liquids isnt any easier.

Second- stop drinking anything carbonated if you drink it. That helped me.

You will make mistakes, but just remember that you want to lose weight and you arent going to by binge eating on anything you can get your hands on. if you are hungry- eat a salad with vinegar- or eat a banana! you can do it!

Good luck

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good point about the carbonated drinks - I am a Diet Coke addict and I know cutting that out will also make a difference. i gave up all soda in jan for 8 weeks and lost some weight that way. I'll definitely be incorporating that..

thanks so much guys...this is all extremely helpful

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Well, friends, after weeks of thinking I'd have to cancel my surgery (had to deal with some health issues, turned out to be NOTHING, I'm happy to say) I am getting ready to be banded on May 9th. I sent my deposit off weeks ago, am finalizing the loan information, going to fax the medical paperwork today, and I'm booking the flight this afternoon. The only thing proving to be difficult is the post-op diet. Dr. Miranda advised me to try to lose 20 lbs before the surgery because my BMI is so high. I weigh 240lbs, but I'm only 4'10" so that makes my BMI 50. I decided to go the 2 Slim Fasts, 1 Lean Cuisine route, but it's hard! I'm fine during the day, but on the drive home it is so hard not to stop for something or eat something at home other than the Lean Cuisine. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this process a little bit easier? I want to lose as close to 20 lbs as I can by May 9th.

Thanks for all your help!


I am in the same boat, going for first consult on April 23/08 and apprehensive about the pre-op and post-op diet...I know I need to get my mind ready for all this, it's a scarey thought, giving up diet coke, smoking and french fries...but I know I will do, the end result is getting back to me. I am twice the person I should be. I am 285 lbs at 5'. I getting really excited at the thought of losing weight, but then realize how difficult the process will be. Support from family, friends and fellow bandsters will be my saving grace. Good Luck to you!

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I was in a similar situation prior to my surgery. At my highest I was 318lbs and since I'm only 5'2" that is a BMI of OMG i can even admit how high :) Dr Miranda wanted me to loose 30+ before she would confirm me. I was penciled in, already paid in full but could not book air fair till I lost the weight... I first contacted the OCC on 7/24/07 and was penciled in for 8/20/07. Less than a month to loose 30 POUNDS?!?!!?!? Are you KIDDING me??

I was on a very strict diet... Slim Fast for breakfast and lunch, and up to 4lbs of green veg. If I was making a salad, only the spritzer dressing. I drank TONS of water as it helps greatly with weight loss. I took vitamin supplements and made sure to take fiber to keep the tummy growls to a minimum.

I ended up booking air fair 3 days before my surgery (which my pocketbook hated me for) but I had lost... in less than a month, 21 pounds! It wasn't exactly the 30 she asked for, but she was VERY impressed with my numbers. After doing the pre-op diet the post-op was a piece of cake so to speak!! It was prep for post-op!!

I know it is hard... but you CAN do this! We are all here to support you and keep you on track! If you made a little goof today, make tomorrow better! Please keep us posted on your progress :)


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Something that helps me with the hunger pangs are frozen grapes--red or green work. You can put them in your mouth and suck on them and they last a really long time. Just a few in a baggie and keep it in the freezer and just take them out when you need something to take the "edge" off. Easy and portable....pretty low in calories too.


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Thanks so much for your reply. It definitely gives me hope to know I'm not the only one dealing with this. i've decided to cut sodas completely out of my diet, eat more veggies, bring some healthy snacks so I don't feel like killing a coworker for the food in their stomach by the end of the day, and drinking more water than any one person should.


That is a great suggestion. I do have some sensitivity to frozen items (I microwave my ice cream!), but maybe sucking on some non-frozen grapes will help! Thanks!

44 days to go! I CAN do this!

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