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alaska cruise

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Hi,myname is Prissy & I am scheduled for my lap band May 3rd.June 15th I am going on a land & alaska cruise.Have anyone else ever taken a long vacaton 6 or 7 weeks after surgery,if so how did you handle being around all the food on vacation.Can you give me advice on things I have got to take with me.

Little nervous

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Hi,myname is Prissy & I am scheduled for my lap band May 3rd.June 15th I am going on a land & alaska cruise.Have anyone else ever taken a long vacaton 6 or 7 weeks after surgery,if so how did you handle being around all the food on vacation.Can you give me advice on things I have got to take with me.

Little nervous

Well, since it will be 6 or 7 weeks after surgery,, If you haven't had your first fill, you'll probably be able to eat like you did before you were banded. I guess doing a cruise would be your last big chow down before that first fill. LOL.

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Well, since it will be 6 or 7 weeks after surgery,, If you haven't had your first fill, you'll probably be able to eat like you did before you were banded. I guess doing a cruise would be your last big chow down before that first fill. LOL.

So you can eat like you did before surgery until you have your first fill.Eating regular food will not harm me,At this point I will be banded.

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i would wait to get your first fill after the cruise. you should be able to eat fairly normal by then but remember to eat slow, take small bites, and bread items might not be a wise choice. its easy to forget you have a band so if you try to eat normal and not pay attention you could get something stuck and damage your band/stomach as you really are still healing at that point. enjoy your trip!


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i would wait to get your first fill after the cruise. you should be able to eat fairly normal by then but remember to eat slow, take small bites, and bread items might not be a wise choice. its easy to forget you have a band so if you try to eat normal and not pay attention you could get something stuck and damage your band/stomach as you really are still healing at that point. enjoy your trip!


Thanks Kim

I really have a lot of questions right now

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I would be a little nervous too, You will be able to eat whatever you want before your first fill so be careful!!! You will have plenty of healthy choices, I actually did my pre-op on a cruise and lost 15 pounds! Enjoy yourself and remain active, they have great exercise facilities on those cruises and get out and walk like crazy on the land portions of the trip. There is plenty of non food activities to get involved with, so stay focused. I wish I were coming with you! Have fun! ><'

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I would be a little nervous too, You will be able to eat whatever you want before your first fill so be careful!!! You will have plenty of healthy choices, I actually did my pre-op on a cruise and lost 15 pounds! Enjoy yourself and remain active, they have great exercise facilities on those cruises and get out and walk like crazy on the land portions of the trip. There is plenty of non food activities to get involved with, so stay focused. I wish I were coming with you! Have fun! ><'

Thank you so much for your reply & encouragement.I will try to stay very active to keep my mind off eating.Let ask you did you drink coffee before your banding if so how is that affecting you.


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Thank you so much for your reply & encouragement.I will try to stay very active to keep my mind off eating.Let ask you did you drink coffee before your banding if so how is that affecting you.


I don't drink a lot of coffee anyway, but Dr. Miranda said that coffee is fine afterwards and that you can use the non-dairy creamer and splenda which is how I like it anyways. Since surgery though I can only drink 1/2 cup at a time instead of a full cup. So I guess the answer is yes before and after just use splenda instead of sugar, I didn't take any chances though and didn't use creamer before surgery just in case, but you could call and ask her for sure.

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