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Expected basket of approved liquids

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The OCC's web site has the following information on it.

"We will provide you with written instructions from our Nutritionist and Surgeon along with a basket of approved liquids, oral medication for pain control and an acid blocker."

I didn't get the basket nor the acid blocker when I got banded last month. Has anyone else received these?

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I had my surgery last year and at that time people were seeing that also and not getting it. That information is old and hasn't been updated on their website. I and many others did get a small fruit basket though. I believe it had like 3 pieces of fruit in it. Like I said...small. ;) That was nice, but unless you ate it the day before surgery, you kinda hope your companion will help themselves...lol ;)



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I inquired about this prior to leaving and Carolyn told me

"Mrs. Ortiz, Dr. Ortiz's mother, used to give a little basket with goodies, but it got to be too much and that has not been done for a long time. "

Carolyn Williamson

Patient Care Coordinator

Their web site is just way outdated.

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