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Success with Atkins Diet?

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Has anyone had any success with doing the Atkins diet during the pre-op phase? Dr. Miranda recommended either to me. I've mostly seen comments about the Slim Fast approach and I've been on that for 4 days now and I don't quite think it is for me. I'm having trouble feeling like I want to cheat all the time and I'm already sick of having cold items all day until late. I feel like I might be less inclined to cheat if I went the Atkins route as I do enjoy the items in that diet.

I'd like some honest opinions here. I know going the Slim Fast route would be better in terms of getting ready for the liquid diet, but I'm not confident I will lose the weight I need on Slim Fast and don't want to be turned away because I didn't lose enough weight.

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My husband had great success, me not so much. I couldn't lose a pound. It is extremely high in fat and calories, and during the induction phase you aren't allowed any carbs. This is the first 2 weeks. I modified it by substituting egg whites for whole eggs, lowfat, lean meats instead of bacon or the other high fat choices, and I didn't eat any bread, pasta, sugar etc. But I did have vegetables and fruit. I did lose a little but it wasn't until I restricted my calories more then I lost more weight. You are never hungry on Atkins, but I always felt I wasn't on a diet. Like I said my husband did great, about a pound a day, it didn't work for me. Good luck with whatever you do, I hope this helps! :-h Helena

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Thanks, Helena - that does help. My father lost 60 lbs on Atkins and has maintained his weight for over a year with a modified Atkins plan that includes lots of veggies. Men do have a tendency to succeed more than women with that plan. It's just not fair! :)

I will think about my options and take what you said into consideration. Thanks!

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Has anyone had any success with doing the Atkins diet during the pre-op phase? Dr. Miranda recommended either to me. I've mostly seen comments about the Slim Fast approach and I've been on that for 4 days now and I don't quite think it is for me. I'm having trouble feeling like I want to cheat all the time and I'm already sick of having cold items all day until late. I feel like I might be less inclined to cheat if I went the Atkins route as I do enjoy the items in that diet.

I'd like some honest opinions here. I know going the Slim Fast route would be better in terms of getting ready for the liquid diet, but I'm not confident I will lose the weight I need on Slim Fast and don't want to be turned away because I didn't lose enough weight.

I did! Lost 17 pounds on it in 5 weeks for the pre op. But I did follow the induction phase for the whole 5 weeks. I did not add fruit or anything else you aren't allowed to have. You must follow the induction phase exactly as described or you won't lose any weight. One week before surgery, I went with the Adkins Advantage shakes for breakfast and lunch and then an Adkins style dinner. The Adkins shakes have a lot of protein to keep you full and they taste better than any other kind I have had. Slim fast is good but doesn't have enough protein to keep you full. I just had my surgery this past monday and am doing great. I posted my story on the "experience" board.

Good luck!!

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I did! Lost 17 pounds on it in 5 weeks for the pre op. But I did follow the induction phase for the whole 5 weeks. I did not add fruit or anything else you aren't allowed to have. You must follow the induction phase exactly as described or you won't lose any weight. One week before surgery, I went with the Adkins Advantage shakes for breakfast and lunch and then an Adkins style dinner. The Adkins shakes have a lot of protein to keep you full and they taste better than any other kind I have had. Slim fast is good but doesn't have enough protein to keep you full. I just had my surgery this past monday and am doing great. I posted my story on the "experience" board.

Good luck!!

thanks, mona...I have 6 weeks till my surgery and would LOVE to lose 17 lbs. I think I will give it a shot. I really feel like I will be less inclined to cheat on the Atkins. I'm going to read your experience now!

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