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How many CC's?

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Hi all, :-h I know each person is individual when it comes to fills and that everyone is different and has different sweet spots. But I am curious if there is an average. For those of you with fills - whether you've had 1 or 10 - please tell us your fill history....how many cc's for first fill, second, and on and on. Also give us dates if you can remember. Tell us any unfills and your reason behind them. For those of us who don't have our fills yet please indulge us on your experiences. Also please add in what size band you have. Please paint the picture for us!! :paint2: Thanks!!!

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And maybe if you got your fill at the OCC or other. Because your not suppose to need as many if you get them there. Wonder if that's true or not.

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And maybe if you got your fill at the OCC or other. Because your not suppose to need as many if you get them there. Wonder if that's true or not.

Good info to know!

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Hi all, :-h I know each person is individual when it comes to fills and that everyone is different and has different sweet spots. But I am curious if there is an average. For those of you with fills - whether you've had 1 or 10 - please tell us your fill history....how many cc's for first fill, second, and on and on. Also give us dates if you can remember. Tell us any unfills and your reason behind them. For those of us who don't have our fills yet please indulge us on your experiences. Also please add in what size band you have. Please paint the picture for us!! :paint2: Thanks!!!

When I was banded I was tight from the get go. Dr. Ortiz put the 4cc band in me. I had my first fill 10 weeks after surgery. here's my fill history.

surgery: March 1st 2007

#1 fill: May 14th 2007 .4cc's

#2 fill: July 6th 2007 .7cc's

#3 fill: September 27th 2007 .7cc's

#4 fill: December 14th 2007 .5cc's

Total of 2.3cc's

I'm scheduled to go on May 14th with my wife,, She was banded in September and she's due for a fill.. So I might have Dr. Romero tweak mine a little. As you can tell,, I reached a sweet spot and didn't require any fills since December. If I even tweak it a little,, I'm thinking my band won't require much,, maybe a .1 tenth of a cc. LOL

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When I was banded I was tight from the get go. Dr. Ortiz put the 4cc band in me. I had my first fill 10 weeks after surgery. here's my fill history.

surgery: March 1st 2007

#1 fill: May 14th 2007 .4cc's

#2 fill: July 6th 2007 .7cc's

#3 fill: September 27th 2007 .7cc's

#4 fill: December 14th 2007 .5cc's

Total of 2.3cc's

I'm scheduled to go on May 14th with my wife,, She was banded in September and she's due for a fill.. So I might have Dr. Romero tweak mine a little. As you can tell,, I reached a sweet spot and didn't require any fills since December. If I even tweak it a little,, I'm thinking my band won't require much,, maybe a .1 tenth of a cc. LOL

Wow Dolittle, that's great. You really did have restriction just from your band, huh? Well thanks for your post and good luck to your wife.

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When I was banded I was tight from the get go. Dr. Ortiz put the 4cc band in me. I had my first fill 10 weeks after surgery. here's my fill history.

surgery: March 1st 2007

#1 fill: May 14th 2007 .4cc's

#2 fill: July 6th 2007 .7cc's

#3 fill: September 27th 2007 .7cc's

#4 fill: December 14th 2007 .5cc's

Total of 2.3cc's

I'm scheduled to go on May 14th with my wife,, She was banded in September and she's due for a fill.. So I might have Dr. Romero tweak mine a little. As you can tell,, I reached a sweet spot and didn't require any fills since December. If I even tweak it a little,, I'm thinking my band won't require much,, maybe a .1 tenth of a cc. LOL

It's unusual for men to get the smaller 4cc band,, But Dr. Ortiz makes the call when he's inside doing that tunneling behind your stomach. There was some concern that my band might have been too tight from the beginning. They almost thought I might have to go back in and switch bands,, but it all worked out real well. I LUV MY BAND!!! :wub: Down 90lbs,, from 295 to 205lbs.

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im not going to be much help but....

banded 2/27/08

10cc VG band

first fill at a fill center in st.pete, fl (loved it) 4/10/08- 5cc's

I am not hungry-ever- i can still eat bread and pasta (i do not eat a lot) i have lost 6lbs total since my fill a week ago!

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im not going to be much help but....

banded 2/27/08

10cc VG band

first fill at a fill center in st.pete, fl (loved it) 4/10/08- 5cc's

I am not hungry-ever- i can still eat bread and pasta (i do not eat a lot) i have lost 6lbs total since my fill a week ago!

Down 6lbs. Way to go Mackenzie!!! =D> :party:

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My signature has my info. i don't think I will need another fill before I reach my goal of 145. In fact, I may get a slight unfill when my husband goes in for a fill in late May. I have a 4 cc band.

He was banded the same day as me, with a 10 cc band. He's had three fills totaling 7 cc, and he has some restriction but feels he will need another fill in the next 4-5 weeks.

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Highest weight: 318

Banded 8/20/07 weighed 295lbs the day of surgery

1st Fill 10/4/07 1.0 cc's ( I had better restriction post-op, pre-fill... ugh! ) Dr. Neal in Olympia, WA under fluro

2nd Fill 10/31/07 1.0 cc's added, total of 2.0cc's in my band. ( Was down 44lbs ) Dr. Neal Olympia, Wa under fluro

3rd Fill 1/30/08 .25cc's added, total of 2.25cc's in ( losing weight.. but eating WAYY to much ) Dr. Fox Auburn, WA .... Blind fill

4th Fill 2/21/08 .25cc's added, total of 2.50cc's in Dr. Fox Auburn, WA ... Blind fill

I dont think I will need another fill for a long while... I jumped on the scale this morning (ok.. not literally!!!) and am at 220lbs!

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Thanks for all your stats and congrats on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!!

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