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Walk, walk, walk

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I went to my pain management doctor today, and he was thrilled about the weight loss. He said that every pound lost above the knees relieves 35 pounds of pressure on your knees and ankles.

I told him that I am trying to walk the dogs 30 minutes a day in the morning, but by the afternoon I am hurting so badly that I can hardly move from my chair. He asked me if I was taking my major pain killer, and I said no, that I was afraid to take narcotics every day. He told me to walk, then treat the pain. He said that if it hurts every time I walk, that I will grow more and more reluctant to do it because of pain association. So, looks like the big pain pill every afternoon.

He really was thrilled over my weight loss, and said that it will postpone my need for knee replacement surgery indefinately. Yippee.

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That is AMAZING news, I watched my dad have his knee replaced when I was in high school and it was so terribly difficult for him... He's a big strong ex football player (hence the need for a new knee) and he was basically an invalid for 2 weeks it was so sad to see.

So happy you will avoid going through the same thing, the stat about reliving 35lbs of pressure is amazing... I will have to pass that on to him!!

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That is so awesome! I have already had two knee surgeries and was told I would eventually need a replacement, but maybe if I can loose all my weight I will be just fine. That is fascinating news, nobody has ever told me that before. Just another reason to stay motivated. Thanks Paula Bee!!

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Yes this is great. I also have seen a substantial difference with my back pain since starting on my weight loss journey. I've had two bad, back pain episodes since my lap band procedure and I think this is great since I use to have to take pain meds almost nightly. I have osteoarthritis inmy spine.

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Yep.. if you have the "big" pain pills, exercise anyway. He said if I was hurting BEFORE I walk, to take it about an hour before, then take another one later in the afternoon if I am in too much pain to nap or rest. He told me that 2 percoset a day wasn't going to make anyone an addict.

Everyone in my situation, take your meds and get to walking. If you don't have big pain meds and you are hurting, go talk to your doctor or work your way into a pain management doctor.

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Glad to hear this, although I had already been told by several doctors to lose weight to save my knees. Unfortunately for me, the one is beyond saving but hopefully the other still has time. But, my hips are a whole lot better already!

Goodluck to you and hope you continue to feel btter and better!!

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I walked today.. I hated it, sweated, kinda bitched and moaned about waiting til noon to walk, but I did it. The funny thing is that my pomeranian hates walking, too. He can be wagging, happy, playing, and when he hears the word "walk" he slunks close to the floor, his tail droops behind him, and he heads under the bed as fast as he can.

Ironically, I have started taking little "foodies" to reward him with as we walk. I am hoping that he will begin to associate the leash with rewards and then I can slowly wean him off of them. I hate exercise so much that you couldn't bribe me with a lobster dinner or good chocolate to do it.

BUT.. I did it.. I did have to take the expected pain pill this afternoon, and will need another at bedtime, but it is nice not to hurt so badly from the walk.

I am thankful for pain medicine that I don't like to take to help with a walk I don't want to take either.

Like me, all mixed up.

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Great news Paula Bee!!

I know about pain, hips, knees and sciatica...my doctor told me to loose the caboose and my pain would reduce or go away...and you know what, I have lost 10 lbs, just trying prepare for the banding process and it has helped already. Even my breathing when I walk is better....so there is no doubt that weight has everything to do with how your body reacts. I am so looking forward to being pain free and being able to walk without huffing and puffing!!

All the best Cathy

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