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Freaking out!!!

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I can't believe it. I just had a freak out attack and ate 3 cookies!! I have been doing so good, it is only my 2nd day on pre-op and I have already cheated. What will happen if I don't lose my weight? I have to lose 10 lbs. before next Wednesday

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First of all, don't freak out, 3 cookies is nothing - just stop now and start new.

You'll make it, however if you don't reach the actual goal you should still be able to have your surgery. Do something to keep you mind off food, go for a walk - put on your favorite music and start dancing away (you'll also burn the calories of the 3 cookies) - go to your mirror and look at yourself, then imagine yourself in your new body - do you want to jeopardize this great opportunity - no way!

Get back on the wagon - you'll do fine!


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I'm laughing remembering my pop-tart, cereal, ice cream, peanut butter and jelly night!! :lol:

Don't worry Jacqui - 3 cookies won't matter. I got back on track and you will too. Try not to think about losing 10lbs, but only about 3 pounds, then you can continue from there.

We are here with you and believe in you. Not too long from now you'll be telling someone else not to worry.

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I weighed 214 when I booked my surgery and I weighed 208 the day of my surgery. Just try to stay focused, I'm not sure if they'd turn you away, but try to lose. I emailed Dr. Miranda like 2 days into my diet and told her I was getting light headed and she told me to cut out the morning shake and have an egg and a piece of toast instead. That really helped, the light headedness went away. Email Dr. Miranda if you're worried, she's really sweet and will help you out. Best wishes and :lb4:


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Wow - I know I'm not the only one - but there are many of us that "cheated" on the pre-op. I started 3 weeks early instead of 2, just to be safe. I lost, freaked out, and started eating like crazy. It's not all that uncommon per alot of posts on here! I ate a Big Mac for lunch my last week and a coke and bacon cheeseburger the night before surgery (I had fasted all day and didn't eat from midnight to 6pm - plane delay!!!

You do need to lose weight. You to need to detox, but don't knock yourself too hard for eating 3 cookies.

Bounce back - tomorrow is another day ><'

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Don't stress girlfriend, everyone cheats I did the "farewell to food tour" lol but it wasn't as exciting as the "pop-tart, cereal, ice cream, peanut butter and jelly" night that Wendy had, though if she had invited me over I would have been right there with her eating like a 4th grader, lol.

Obviously we all have food issues that's why we need the band, for me I really think that while losing the weight pre-op obviously has benefits for your surgery (keep reminding yourself that you want the best surgery results possible hopefully that can help you stay on track) but for me it was was a coming to terms with my past bad habits... You have to face your food issues head on and if you're like me and just having the cookies in the house means you'll want to eat them soooooooooo: GET THEM OUT OF YOUR KITCHEN NOW!!! Who cares if your kids don't have cookies for their lunch or that they are your husbands favorite snack, they need to be prepared to support you during this time of change in your life, why not start today???


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CaliCat.. you've lost 25 lbs in one month.. congratulations! That's awesome! Love your posts and great sense of humour. Big Mac .. I can sooooooooooooo relate! lol

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