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I'm in the process of of lowering my BMI. Dr. O agreed to do the lap band over my previous gastric by pass if my BMI is 50. In the last 4 weeks I've lost 17 pounds by sticking with a 1,000 cal. food plan. For me thats actually Great... Ofcourse 30 pounds in a month would be nice...but 17 is good too.

I have 33 more pounds to go . Tentatively, I'd like to get banded with My Friends the end of July... But I am running out of enthusiasm. I am not a good diet-er... Meaning.. I get grouchy and grumpy and would rather eat more often than not... However, I've stuck with it so far...

Today I received an email from Dr. M stating that my weight loss is to slow... Slow ?????? 17 pounds in one month is not slow. She suggested that I speed it up... and asked what i've been eating. I keep a food journal and told her. However, I'm quite annoyed....

If someone tells me to go faster... I'll go slower... If someone says its not enough... I'll eat more on purpoe.. Yes, I can be defiant..

But to tell me that I'm not losing fast enough is a true slap in the face... It did not motivate me... It pissed me off. Today I had at least 2000 calories and at the moment my Band enthusiasm is nill.. I don't think I'm going to make July if I continue to feel angry...

Anger makes me want to eat...

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By eating more, you are directing your anger at yourself - and sabotaging your progress and your goals. Direct that anger at that which has put you where you are... the food you take in. Learn to hate it. Start looking at it in disgust. Take that hamburger, stand in front of the mirror naked and slap it on your thighs and see how good it looks there! LOL!

I'm sorry... I don't mean to make light of your situation - just trying to make you laugh. You have done great so far, and if you continue, I'm sure you can reach your goal by July. It gets easier with each passing day, and you CAN DO IT!!!!

We're here to help make sure you do! ;-)

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What BeBe said - direct your anger at the food.....

Dr. O told me 'chocolate is your enemy."

He was right. I loved chocolate almost as much as I loved my children .... and I haven't had any in a very, very long time.

YOU CAN DO IT - Don't get discouraged - keep up the good work... You're doing GREAT :)

By eating more, you are directing your anger at yourself - and sabotaging your progress and your goals. Direct that anger at that which has put you where you are... the food you take in. Learn to hate it. Start looking at it in disgust. Take that hamburger, stand in front of the mirror naked and slap it on your thighs and see how good it looks there! LOL!

I'm sorry... I don't mean to make light of your situation - just trying to make you laugh. You have done great so far, and if you continue, I'm sure you can reach your goal by July. It gets easier with each passing day, and you CAN DO IT!!!!

We're here to help make sure you do! ;-)

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Take your anger to the gym - that's what I do!! When I get mad I'm not losing weight - I take it out on treadmill! Seriously - give it a try.

Have you tried protein shakes and a liquid diet?

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We are all here for you and are CHEERING you on!!! Please hang in there and allow us to help calm and support you. 17 pounds in a month is a huge success regardless of what Dr. Miranda said. What diet plan are you currently on? Maybe it needs to be tweaked a little more to be more of a benefit to you. Getting the band was the best thing I ever did and now that you have made the same choice I want to help. Smile babe we all care and love ya. :wub:

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We are all here for you and are CHEERING you on!!! Please hang in there and allow us to help calm and support you. 17 pounds in a month is a huge success regardless of what Dr. Miranda said. What diet plan are you currently on? Maybe it needs to be tweaked a little more to be more of a benefit to you. Getting the band was the best thing I ever did and now that you have made the same choice I want to help. Smile babe we all care and love ya. :wub:

Thanks for the support and encouragement.... I'm feeling slightly better... My food plan? Atkins drink in the morning 160 cal. 15 g protein.... Lunch... Lean Cuisine... max 330c.... Protein Bar snack 190 30g protein... and lean cuisne at night max 330 c...

I can't cut down anymore than I am...

I could go on all protein... similar to the Atkins diet... But thats very hard... Did it once... It made me bitchy-er :)

I'm not willing to eat less than 1000 .. Didi that once and my body went into starvation and my weight loss was slower...

I am willing to use my exercise bike 30 min. a day...

Maybe that will help...

I now have 37 pounds to go to even qualify....

Again, I have Friends going to Mexico the end of July.... I want to go with them... Is it realistic? I hate being pressured to lose weight...

I will give it my best effort...


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By eating more, you are directing your anger at yourself - and sabotaging your progress and your goals. Direct that anger at that which has put you where you are... the food you take in. Learn to hate it. Start looking at it in disgust. Take that hamburger, stand in front of the mirror naked and slap it on your thighs and see how good it looks there! LOL!

I'm sorry... I don't mean to make light of your situation - just trying to make you laugh. You have done great so far, and if you continue, I'm sure you can reach your goal by July. It gets easier with each passing day, and you CAN DO IT!!!!

We're here to help make sure you do! ;-)

Hi, I am new to this room, it is the first one I have ever joined. You have a great sense of humor. I am going to Mexico for my lap band 6-6-08. I am surprised that you have not needed a fill yet. My concern is the cost for having fills done often. Also could some one tell me how to get the cute tracker of weight and BMI that you show with you corrospondances?

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Oh man... I would be pissed to! :ireful2: 17 pounds in a month is HUGE! You ARE doing a great job. no, not just a "great" job you are doing a FABULOUS job! :good:

Please excuse Dr. M for responding to you in a seemingly less than stellar way but please please please do not get sidetracked, detoured or pissed off enough to stray waaaay off your path. You are almost there, don't let someone else's words make you fall off the wagon. In the end you will be mad at yourself and the whole cycle continues. We are ALL here for YOU! Please post, vent, yell, scream, swear or whatever you need to WHENEVER you to !

We will offer words of encouragement and help you stay on track. I hope today is a better day. :yu:

hugs ><' ><'

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Thanks for the support and encouragement.... I'm feeling slightly better... My food plan? Atkins drink in the morning 160 cal. 15 g protein.... Lunch... Lean Cuisine... max 330c.... Protein Bar snack 190 30g protein... and lean cuisne at night max 330 c...

I can't cut down anymore than I am...

I could go on all protein... similar to the Atkins diet... But thats very hard... Did it once... It made me bitchy-er :)

I'm not willing to eat less than 1000 .. Didi that once and my body went into starvation and my weight loss was slower...

I am willing to use my exercise bike 30 min. a day...

Maybe that will help...

I now have 37 pounds to go to even qualify....

Again, I have Friends going to Mexico the end of July.... I want to go with them... Is it realistic? I hate being pressured to lose weight...

I will give it my best effort...


You are doing GREAT! That is exactly the diet I followed and I lost 25 pounds in 7 weeks. Dr. M wanted me to lose 17 pounds. Add in the stationary bike at least 3 days a week. 30-45 minutes. It will make a huge difference.

You ARE giving it your best effort, just KEEP giving it your best effort! One other thing, make sure you are getting lots of fiber, 25-30g per day. Try the Fiber one yogurt. They key lime tastes like Key Lime pie filling. They also make great snack bars. Special K protein water is also good. 5g protein and 5g fiber. Several great flavors and it also comes in those little one serving packs that you can add to a bottle of water.

Also don't forget the Sugar Free Popsicles, 15 calories, and sugar free Jell-O.

In order to lose weight, you've got to eat, and you are right in the target zone. 1,000-1,200. When I stalled I upped my calories to around 1,200 and I started to lose again.

Don't even think about the outside pressure to lose weight, think about the life changes you are making that are preparing you for when you do get the band!

You are doing everything RIGHT. Keep it up!!!

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I was doing Adkins for several weeks pre-op and wasn't losing enough weight for Dr. Miranda. I think it was 2 pounds per week. So I went to the shakes for breakfast, lunch and an Adkins style supper. So, the only carbs I got was from the shakes. And I used the Adkins shakes because the kept me full. That is when I got up to 5 pounds per week lost. So, give that a try. At least until it gets you in the OR. Oh, and I started walking as much as I could. Keep off salt, that weighs you down too.

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Good morning GinaBallerina,

I think you are doing just amazing. =D> Losing 17 pounds is a huge accomplishment and must have been a lot of work, congratulations! I think you should keep working towards your goal of surgery in July and that including exercise as much as you can is going to make a big difference with your weight loss. Keep going girl!

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Hi, I am new to this room, it is the first one I have ever joined. You have a great sense of humor. I am going to Mexico for my lap band 6-6-08. I am surprised that you have not needed a fill yet. My concern is the cost for having fills done often. Also could some one tell me how to get the cute tracker of weight and BMI that you show with you corrospondances?

Michelle posted ticker instructions here: http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?show...7&hl=ticker

I haven't had a fill yet, because I have never had trouble losing weight when I want to. My problem is deliberately gaining it to get rid of a man (Yeah, I'm totally mental... but therein lies my charm.) I plan on going down this month for my first fill.

Good luck with your banding in June - though I'm sure you won't need it. :-)

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