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I tried to eat a piece of toast for breakfast a few days ago and it hurt so bad. I finished 3/4 a piece and had horrible chest pressure. Then yesterday I ate a piece of pizza with out any problems. SOOOOOO today I tried a half of a subway sandwich and OUCH. I guess I just cant eat bread. Thankfully its not good for me anyway.

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I am the same way, I can't eat anything that even resembles bread, I can keep down 1-2 crackers and that's it... I haven't had a cheeseburger or a Subway sandwhich since March (sigh, but that's part of what got me here so I guess it's a good thing) When we had my son's b-day party the place we held it brought in pizza for the kids and I managed to eat just the cheese and pepperoni and skipped the bread/dough part (it's kind of like eating the protien first, right?) of course that was before my 2nd fill, now I doubt I could keep even that down.

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I'm such a chicken that I have not even tried to eat anything that even looks like bread B)

I loooove sandwiches/pizza/burritos/pasta and such, but just the thought of getting something stuck makes me not wanna risk it. Hope this will last for a while - since that kind of food gave me all that extra weight in the first place :diablo:

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