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After surgery questions

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Okay...so I have some questions I really need answers for. I am a hairsylist and I have some pretty long days that I work that I am up on my feet. I have my band put on and than my first day back is 7 days later for a 10 hour day. I only work three days a week during the summer because the kids are not in school. So those days seem to be between 10-12 hours a day. I know I have seen nurses and others on the board who have more phsical jobs. So ...howd ya do? I am hypoglycemic and get sick when I go without eatting. I get bad headaches and get hot and dizzy. It seems to bother me more because I am so busy and do not always have time to eat. Do ya just driink slimfast all day? The pain I can deal with but feeling nausea and dizzy I hate. Also, I have always gotten very sick after being put to sleep. ( throwing up) I have not heard anybody talk about that. Is that because nobody has gotten sick from the meds? Thanks, Dawn

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Hey Dawn,

I did get sick after the surgery. Obviously this must be rare for them, because they questioned me about it. But I also have problems with motion sickness, I can't even ride in the back seat of a car. I also developed a hematoma after surgery around the port site, most likely due to the vomiting. This first week has been pretty rough, not with eating really, I haven't been hungry, just the shoulder pain. But I am happy to say that I am now on day 10 and the pain is much better. I don't think you'll have any problems going back to work, they actually tell you the best thing you can do is walk, helps absorb the gas. You can drink all day long, also I ate popsicles and jello.

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You should be fine to go back to work. Plan ahead though, Have bottles of juice, Special K Protein water, Gator Aid, Vitamin water, propel or whatever you like. The Special K Protein water would probably be very good for you since it has protein, fiber and carbohydrates in it. It also comes in pre-measured packets to add to a bottle of water.

Keep drinking all day so you don't get dehydrated and you are getting protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and water. If you have a freezer at work, keep a box of popcicles for a change of pace.

You'll do fine! Let us know how it goes.


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Momonamission, I am a nurse and I went back to work exactly 1 week post op and pulled a 12 hour shift. Other than being a little sore at my port site at the end of the day I could not tell I had even had surgery. I too have hypoglycemic episodes occasionally - mostly when I eat something high in sugar with empty calories for breakfast. By 12oclock I am starving and my sugar is dropping. To be honest I believe that has only happened once since being banded 2 months ago. Jena mentioned what I would have said - just keep juices like G2, Vitamin water, Special K Protein Water, etc around just in case you do start having an episode. You could also keep a small jug of OJ around. That is the best juice for bring up low blood sugar in a hurry - but don't drink too much - it can cause hyperosmolarity diarrhea. I think you will be fine to go back 1 week post op. Just drink, drink, drink to maintain hydration. Good luck and keep us posted!!

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Thanks for all your replies. It makes me feel better. When ever I take time off I have to pull double before I go and when I come back. I was concerned about the coming back, but your replies have made me feel more at ease about the journey. I was just so excited at the beginning that I only focused on making it happen ....and now I am starting to think of all the small things I need to take care of. I can check this one off my list.... thanks a bunch. Now on to seeing who I want to do my fills with. Dawn

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Thanks for this post momonamission! This is so informative for those of us with these sets of problem. Thank you all for the great advice. I'm a stay at home mom but I find that there are days when my schedule is so hurried that I let more that 4 hours lapse between meals. I start to feel a little dizzy and will start making bad choices in food, just so that I can get something in me. I like the protein water (K-Protein), Dr. Miranda said that this was a good choice for a beverage if you're sick of just water.


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