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Why do I need to lose weight before I get banded ?


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:lb12: Hi all...i'm getting banded in Tijuana next month 7/17 and I was told I need to lose 10 lbs. I know that may sound like a small amount to some of you but its a huge amount to me. I'm a flight attendant and I am finding it hard to do the pre-op diet when I am at work. The lack of carbs makes me tired and irritable..not a great combination when I am flying an 11 hour flight to Asia. I am worried that when I show up for my procedure that I will be turned away because I may not lose the 10 pounds. Thanks for your time, ed

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The pre op weight loss is to remove some of the fat from your liver prior to surgery. When performing lap band surgery the doctor has to move your liver to get to your stomach. The less fat you have on your liver the less complications you will have from this. They have some great videos on You Tube of the surgery, not for the weak stomached, that actually show this step quite well and you can see why it is so important.

Best of luck!

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The pre op weight loss is to remove some of the fat from your liver prior to surgery. When performing lap band surgery the doctor has to move your liver to get to your stomach. The less fat you have on your liver the less complications you will have from this. They have some great videos on You Tube of the surgery, not for the weak stomached, that actually show this step quite well and you can see why it is so important.

Best of luck!

Thanks for the reply. I was wondering because if it was possible to lose 10 lbs, then who really needs the surgery ? I will start my diet post haste. Good luck on your surgery.

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