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Question for those in the eating stages... Do you all have bread? Can you have it? Do you still lose weight if you eat bread? I'd love to have a pizza as a special treat, but can I since it's part bread? Any tips on the bread issue would be helpful. Tell me your experience. Thank, this is a great board! ><'

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I was raised in the South, with lots of bread with every meal.

I have had pizza several times, thin crust only. Cut it into small bites, and chew the daylights out of it.

I've not had a sub sandwich (grinder, hoagie, whatever they are called in your area) since before the surgery. I have used a wrap (flour tortilla shell) instead. I've also had a piece of texas toast once in a while with certain foods. Again, I make sure I chew it up well, and take small bites.

I think this is part of the process of re-learning to eat. Smaller bites, less quantity, better food selection.... I am weaning off habits I've had for 30+ years. And, though I loved a good sub sandwich like Jared from Subway, I haven't missed the bloated feeling at all. I like the taste of the meats and veggies without the bread. The same goes with pizza. I'll have my pizza : ) but the thin crust enables me to enjoy it with less strain on the band.

Bread is one of the "white foods", and it's always been said that, the more color a food has, the healthier it is. Rice, potatoes, bread = not as good, colorful = best.

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Question for those in the eating stages... Do you all have bread? Can you have it? Do you still lose weight if you eat bread? I'd love to have a pizza as a special treat, but can I since it's part bread? Any tips on the bread issue would be helpful. Tell me your experience. Thank, this is a great board! ><'


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Bread is that what really helped me getting fat. So since my pre op diet I haven't had any bread, pizza or anything that resembles it, althought I'm almost sure I could eat it.

:D One day (soon) I'll give it a try, though :D

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I have a big problem with bread and can rarely eat any type of it. If I do splurge and have a piece I have to just pick small bits and chew like heck and it still backs up sometimes. I love bread and that is one of my problem areas, so maybe this is a blessing!

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I'm with Pammie, I can eat anything in moderation. Bread, pasta, and rice. Although I don't eat any of those things very much.

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Question for those in the eating stages... Do you all have bread? Can you have it? Do you still lose weight if you eat bread? I'd love to have a pizza as a special treat, but can I since it's part bread? Any tips on the bread issue would be helpful. Tell me your experience. Thank, this is a great board! ><'

Pizza was the one thing that I craved through this whole experience, and I do treat myself once in a while. But will only have 1 piece, and god is it worth it. Before I could sit down and eat 3-4 pieces. As far as losing weight if you eat bread, there is allot more than to just eating bread if you gain weight. I think it is a combination of allot of things. Like how much you eat of it, ect......what else is in your diet, excercising and so on!

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I remember Dr. Miranda saying, "make it not gooey." Then she gave lots of examples, like corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas, toast instead of a slice of bread, grain rice instead of white rice. I'm still on liquids and only dream of bread, so this isn't from experience, just what I remember Dr. Miranda saying. :)

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I eat bread all the time (probably every day)... haven't had a fill yet though.

So far, the only issue I've had, was when I got a soft pretzel from McDonald's (never knew they sold them before that)... and I got the worst pain in my chest and kept belching. Nothing ever came up, but it was very painful for about 5 minutes.

Didn't stop me from trying to eat a pretzel the next time though - and I had no problems then.

I have pretty much continued to eat what I want, I just try to watch the portions.

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I make my own bread and I don't have a problem eating it, but I always toast it.

I make cracked wheat bread and it has cracked wheat (duh), white whole wheat flour, molasses and resistant starch. It's fantastic, and very healthy, full of fiber. I have 1 piece every morning with a touch of butter along with some type of protein. It's very filling.

If you can eat tortillas, you can have a fantastic thin crust pizza without worry. Here's how...

1 whole wheat or high fiber tortilla (small)

1 tablespoon pizza sauce (I use the kroger brand. It's low in sugar, fat and calories)

low fat cheese

Whatever toppings you like. Onions, green pepper, mushrooms etc. Canadian bacon (very low fat) cooked crumbled hamburger (boil meat and pour off hot water and grease)

If you want to treat yourself and have pepperoni, cook the pepperoni on paper towles in the microwave and cook until they are crispy chips. Almost all of the fat will be cooked out and absorbed by the towles. Put the pepperoni directly on the sauce and cover with the other toppings or it will be very dry.

Spray a baking dish with Pam and build your pizza on it. Bake in a hot oven, 375 degrees about 15-20 minutes.

Make sure you keep track of the calories or you can really overload it with stuff.

Other good toppings...

use low cal bbq sauce instead of pizza sauce, top with grilled chicken strips, onions and low fat cheddar cheese.

Instead of sauce, blend low fat ricotta cheese, roasted garlic, a little salt and pepper if you like. Spread a thin layer of this over the tortilla and top with chopped onion, mushrooms, spinach and low fat mozzarella cheese. Voila! White pizza.

Hope this helps!!


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I was able to eat bread after being banded until my first fill. After my first fill it got stuck a couple times and I started avoiding it, I would still have it about 1-2x a week and it was fine. I got my 2nd fill last Friday and let me tell you.. NO BREAD... even little tiny bites don't work for me. What do I eat instead of bread...

POLENTA.. has anyone else discovered this yet?? OMG! I buy it at Trader Joes, it's by the rice .. It comes in a tube, it's fat free/gluten free, low sugar and really just fabulous! I slice it into about 1/4" slices , spray a pan w/ olive oil then fry up each side.. I salt, pepper, garlic season etc.. and after they fry and each side about 4minutes each I top it with salsa OR I use it in my soup in place of crackers or bread... it goes down well and really satisfies my need for bread stuff.

If it's my meal I will cook up 3 or 4 pieces and top them each with a little bit of cheese.. mozz, blue, cheddar, whatever I have.. just a little and then eat it.

I can eat corn tortillas and at some times a corn tortillas. I feel waaay less bloated, gassy etc... since I've stopped eating bread.

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Ok what exactly is POLENTA???????? I will look for it but wonder where it comes from!

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