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I am hoping for some loving support. I am so frustrated I am not sure what to do. I was banded 4/13/06 to date I have lost a whoping 12lbs. I fluctuate between 12 and 15 lbs but don't go any lower than that. I know that my BMI was low to begin with being that it was at 33 and I am 5'5" and was 200lbs but I just see so many people loosing much faster and it just really makes me frustrated. I even have started running on the treadmill at the gym 3 days a week and have been doing this since May with no results. I guess the only good thing is that I can now run almost 2 miles.... :)

Since my band was placed I have had 2 fills. The first fill was done on 5/31. With this fill I was given 2 cc's however when I went in for my second fill on 7/29, Dr Romano could only pull back 1.8 cc's. At that time he gave me a total of 2.4 cc's and I keep waiting for it to kick in but I just am not sure it is going to. I am going to call next week to schedule my third fill and hope that does the trick.

I know that I have invested a great amount of money and time into this process and I am not ready to give up I just wish it would really start working.

Any words of encourgement would be greatly appreciated


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Kel - Thank you for your honesty. As you know from my thread under the newly banded topic, I too am struggling. I was 227.5 before the pre-op diet then I dropped to 215 and since then I've lost and gained from 204-215 several times over. I've had three fills and although I am miserable unable to eat hardly anything at all the scales will not budge. I think there are more of us out there than are willing to admit in this transitioning period. I'd like to see more of us post and help each other along as we seek that magic sweet spot and start losing weight! I applaude your efforts on the treadmill and wish I was as motivated.

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Hey Kel,

This might make you feel better - I've lost 15-18lbs since my surgery and that was November 05! Although I really only start counting since January 14 = my first fill. Yes it is frustrating to be a slow loser BUT you are losing and that is terrific. So I'm sending you loving hugs thru this email - I'm with you.

Now - a few things: Fills are the secret to success so you are right to keep it up - it may take several fills to get it right. It is a mix of art and science and while it's not cheap to keep going, YOU HAVE to in order for the band to work. I'd like to suggest you keep a food diary - I like fitday.com cuz it counts the claories and if you write everything down you may see a lot of extra ones in your daily total. Plus I once kept track for two weeks and sent it to Dr. Miranda with my password and she gave me some good suggestions.

The ideal weight loss is 1-2 lbs PER WEEK and even with that some weeks will show a rise, etc - you know hormones, etc. Slow weight loss is really the best and you should start counting after your first fill as most gain back their liquid phase weight before their first fill (at least I did). Try to keep the long term perspective, at least you are not gaining and Im sure you are learning new habits around eating that are for life - this isn't a diet.

then look at your eating, are you eating 3 bandster meals a day like Dr. Miranda suggested, not drinking with meals etc. Are you full at least 3 hours after eating (not head hunger). Also, if i'm hungry between meals I will grab fruit or veges - if this is not appealing than maybe you are not REALly hungry.

Your exercise is great and you are getting results from the treadmill - I used to work out 4 hours a day and that's when I saw results - Now, I do the ski machine 30-45 minutes 4 times a week and my lungs are better, my endurance is better but the pounds aren't melting off either. It takes a lot of exercise to see results. Now I'm not advocating 4 hours, I'm just saying try to be patient and give yourself credit for what you are doing. See if you can add 2-3 more days of exercise in - a video, a brisk walk, etc. You have to knock off 3500 CALORIES a week to lose a lb and thats pretty substantial - think about that every day - that's about 500 calories a day. So think where did you lose say 500 of those calories - running is about 100 calories a mile, so if you can expend 200-300 on exercise then you need to make up the rest in food. If you don't exercise one day you need to knock out all 500 in food.

Please don't give up - there are many of us in the same boat as you and we just have to keep plugging along. You are actually doing very well and making lifestyle and lifelong changes that will help you succeed. Good Luck!!!! Mary

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Thank you so much for your words of encouragement it is really appreciated and just knowing that I am not alone really makes all the difference in the world.

At this point I seem to be eaing less then I was before and exercising I am doing my best to make good choices when it comes to my food. To my surprise, a salad for lunch will actually last two meals, who knew that was possible :). I never drink with my meals, surprisingly that was easy for me and do not drink for an hour after meals. I will take your suggestion to try to eat vegies between meals and if I don't want it I must not be hungry.

Again thanks for the support. My family, although they are supportive, just don't really understand.

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Hey, please do not give up. Remember just have patience and you will see results eventually. Do not just focus on number of lbs but also on clothes sizes, on compliments, health, etc. Hang in there and continue communicating with all of us. I am loosing very slow also but I don't believe I could handle another fill. My restriction is limited even more so at certain meal times. Maybe this is my sweet spot. (I hope) Hang in there and remember we are all here and going through the same frustrations. I just keep telling myself it is a tool for us to assist and not a miracle overnight. :)

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Well, I just got home from my monthly Bunco group. 2 of the women have been going to weigth watchers and one of them has lost 30 lbs and the other 25. That killed me. I have been holding stead at 14 lbs. since June 18. I wish I had never told anyone I was getting it done either.


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Well, I just got home from my monthly Bunco group. 2 of the women have been going to weigth watchers and one of them has lost 30 lbs and the other 25. That killed me. I have been holding stead at 14 lbs. since June 18. I wish I had never told anyone I was getting it done either.



Hang in there. Have you ever done weight watchers??? I think you probably have or have done similar diets, but the question to ask yourself is has it stayed off? It's always easy to lose the weight, but the hard part is keeping it off.

For those of you that are exercising "WAY TO GO" keep up with it. If the scale is not budging, did you relize that muscle weighs more than fat? I beleive its 3/1. So don't get discourged if the scale is not moving consider if your cloths are getting looser.

I haven't had my surgery yet. I go in on 8/23/06 and I have a lower BMI so I know its not going to be easy but the band will assist me on my journey. When I only needed to lose 20 lbs I started dieting, now I need to lose 50 lbs. Diets just don't work! Easy to say, I hope I remember that in the coming weeks.


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I know I sound like a broken record... but make sure you are drinking water all day long, except when you are eating. You body needs the water to get rid of the fat... it is amazing what a difference it makes. Make yourself a chart and check off each 8 oz glass and shoot for a minimum of 64 oz a day!

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Please do not give up. You all took the steps to change your like and you are. A little at a time is better than gaining. Please remember that your body needs to eat so that it does not slow down your metabolism. Drink water and try to get in exercise. I have only lost 23 pounds and I expected to lose more since my surgery on May 25th but then I put on clothes that did not fit before and know that it is working. You will all lose keep a positive attuitude. good luck

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