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Low BMI Patients

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Mary & Beth, I will be down on Weds., the 23rd at 10:30am for a fill. I hope to meet you guys!! I have been reading your posts for awhile. I think you have done awesome Mary and good luck to you Beth! :P Laura

Hi Laura,

Where are you flying in from? I will be arriving on Tuesday at noon. Rene told me he would pick me up at the hotel at 8:00 a.m. I hope to see you on Wednesday unless I'm in surgery!



No i wasn't bloated - my pants fit the same as before (tight ha) and i didn't zip them all the way or button them cuz of the port tenderness - i would definitely wear elastic or tie waistband pants or low risers. I did have pretty horrendous gas pains but they were intermittent and tolerable although on the plane ride home i was super hurting.

Thanks for the info. I hope my elastic pants aren't too tight!


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Yee haw - i'm so glad we'll get to meet - i'll be at the clinic by 11:00 for my fill so please look for me and vice - versa. Are you going back the same day - i'm suppossed to meet briefly with dr. ortiz but don't have an exact time cuz i'm sure he'll be busy with surgery, etc. But i do have to head back to the airport by around 2 for a 5:00pm flight - are you taking the shuttle back - maybe we can ride together if it all works out. if you want to email me at my home address it is thefacilitator@hotmail.com


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Hi gals, Well, I will need to head back to pick up my son from school by noonish. Hope to see you both! Laura :D


Yee haw - i'm so glad we'll get to meet - i'll be at the clinic by 11:00 for my fill so please look for me and vice - versa. Are you going back the same day - i'm suppossed to meet briefly with dr. ortiz but don't have an exact time cuz i'm sure he'll be busy with surgery, etc. But i do have to head back to the airport by around 2 for a 5:00pm flight - are you taking the shuttle back - maybe we can ride together if it all works out. if you want to email me at my home address it is thefacilitator@hotmail.com


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Hi Beth and Mary,

I am new to the form, and I have been reading your posts. I have been looking for a doctor in Mexico to perform lap band for me. I have a BMI of 30-31. But like many others, I am a constant yo-yo dieter. You name it, I have tried it. And no matter how many times I tell myself I won't put the weight back on, I always do!! I loose 10 - 15 lbs (about a quarter way to my goal) get fed up with being miserable, and gain it back and then some! I have been doing this for 15 years and I am sick of it. I want a more life-long permanent solution and the lap-band seems the way to achieve that. But I am having a hard time, even in Mexico, finding a doc that will do the proceedure for people BMI 30-35. I DON'T want to have to gain a bunch of weight, just so I can loose it ! That seems crazy to me!! Do you think Dr. Ortiz would be willing to do the surgery for me?? Thanks everyone for your help!!

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently sitting in my hotel room at the Lucerna having had surgery yesterday afternoon. I am really excited to find this thread as my bmi at surgery was 30.9. Dr Miranda suggested that I should aim for a weight of 150lbs which means I have 57lbs to lose.

Regards BFP

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I hope your surgery went well. I just posted my question about finding a doctor to perform a lap band with my BMI only being 30, then I saw your post just after it. It's reassuring to know your BMI at surgery was 30.9 and you were able to have it done. That's awesome! Good luck !

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Janel and BFP,

I just had surgery on the 22nd of August. My BMI was 30.6 before surgery (at the club they said it was 33). Dr. Oritz performed the surgery. Since dieting had just made me gain more weight, I wanted to be proactive and try to get it under control. Unfortunately, it was already controlling me.

Its been 3 days since the surgery and I'm a littler sore around the port. Mornings hurts, but warm coffee (or somthing warm) helps.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

sorry for the delay in responding I have been busy travelling. The Friday after surgery we went of Florida on a family holiday.

The surgery was a breeze and the only problems I have had are:-

gas, which started annoying me about three days after surgery; and

sensitivity around my port area. I am unable to sleep on my leftside and can actually feel the port area beneath my skin. I am using Mederma to try and fade the scaring.

I am struggling with the initial post op diet and cannot wait for day 21 when eating can begin. Hunger resumed being my friend from post-op day 6.



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