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Post Surgery Weight Loss

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I was very swollen from the surgery, the trip, and just the whole experience. Once I got home and got back into my routine my body started getting back to normal and the weight started falling off.

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WARNING !!! This could be TMI :D

I had a "hard time" getting back to my daily BM routine :(

But after about 5 days or so, I had a "serious talk"and from that point on, the scale (showing me the dropping numbers) was my best friend - :P

Don't get discouraged Sweetie, you are in the healing process - give it a little time ;)

Keep us posted !!!!!

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I having been losing consistently since surgery, even though my surgeon said not to expect it.

I am eating 25% of what I used to, so it's bound to happen.

I anticipate it will slow down once I am on solid food and then my fill is just 5 days later, so we'll see.

I was 268 on the day of surgery and today I am 257...YIPPEE!!

Cathy :D

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Guest cedartown

I weighed more 2 days after surgery than i did on band date.I think it was day 4 or 5 before i got back under my band weight.I was bloated as hell.

Take advantage of the liquid diet stage to take off the easy pounds.It gets much harder after day 21.

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I was very swollen from the surgery, the trip, and just the whole experience. Once I got home and got back into my routine my body started getting back to normal and the weight started falling off.

I just love looking at your before and after pics...what a huge transformation..you were pretty before and now you are smokin' hot and gorgeous!!

My inspiration...Cathy

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