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Update on my fill today..

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I am a little peeved. Okay so I got 1cc the first fill and when I went today I had .7 of that left and he gave me .6. So now after a total of two fills I have 1.3cc total. He also told me from now on I will only get .25 every two months so that means it will take me 8 months (minus what dissolves) to get another 1 whole cc? Am I overreacting or is this normal? I have already paid $1500 for a year's worth of fills and I am tempted to go to someone else.

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Wow, that's not much fill. I had my first fill June 12 and got 1.4 cc. She started out with 2 cc...this is their normal starting point if you can tolerate it. When I had trouble swallowing water, she removed a bit. She expects to be able to give me at LEAST another 1.4 cc when I return. I'm paying as I go. To answer your question, yeah, I would be annoyed for that small amount. I do realize everyone is different and each person's fill varies. Are you doing it under fluoro? Are they testing to see how much restriction you can handle? Can you insist on a bit more?


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By the way Kim, your pictures are wonderful! What a huge (no pun or insult intended) difference!


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He said it's normal for some of it to dissolve. :unsure:

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Mmmmh, that would bother me too. I mean how can he tell you that from now on you only get 0.25cc every 2 month??? I think everyone is different and so should be the fills. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm sure not an expert ....

That is why I like getting the fill using fluoro. This way you SEE how much is the right amount for you. At my first fill, Darlene (NP-Fill Center GA) started out with 2.0cc and took 0.1cc back out because the barium backed up and didn't go through, she even tried it a second time just to make sure. This time (2nd fill) she again started with more and took out step by step until the fluoro looked right and I ended up with another 1.3cc.

Kimmie hang in there, maybe this fill helps you dropping those pounds like you did until now and another fill is not necessary anytime soon.

:lb13: :party: :cheerleader: :yahoo:

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Kim, your frustration is not in vain! I would be TICKED!! I was scared to pay the initial Fill Center fees with added up to $550, scared that I would not get enough fill for my money. As I have posted before she gave me 3cc in a 4cc band. At first that scared me. I thought, OMG I only have 1cc left....then what? But thank God I have not needed another fill! I do have a fill scheduled for mid July, but when my weight loss slowed down I just wanted to schedule so Darlene would not be booked up. I will see in the next couple of weeks if I will keep that appointment or not. Since you have already paid the money, I would continue to use this doc. But if you start gaining weight I would call him immediately and DEMAND an additional fill!!! You have done so well to date and I seriously doubt gaining weight will be a problem. I am sorry you are having these frustrations. Please keep us posted.

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I am sorry you are disappointed, my surgeon told me that the fills will be small and gradual. I am okay with that because I paid upfront for my surgery and 5 years of aftercare, including fills.

I can understand how frustrated you must be...it almost sounds like they are making money off of giving small fills so that you have to continue to go back.

If I were you, I might check into another fill centre.

Chin up, things will work out for you!


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He said it's normal for some of it to dissolve. :unsure:

I've never heard that it is "normal". If that was the norm wouldn't we all have less when we went back for more fills? I have heard that there may not be any problems if there is not as much but on the other hand there may be a leak. Since you only lost .3cc I would not worry about that right now.

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I posted this in my 3rd fill thread but this is what my doctor said about the size of fills:

Basically he is a big believer in smaller fills because it does less damage to the esophagus/band in the long run... He said most of his patients find their sweet spot around 3.0 but he said if he gives someone 3.0 on their first fill 2 things might happen: 1. it might shut them off totally or 2.their body may be able to take it but it will harm their progress in the long run.

His example was with the first case if he had started at 1.5 and went up .5cc every few months that same person would have great restriction with arriving at 3.0 slowly than in one big fill... In the second example he said that if someone gets that big of a fill and their body can handle it that tight that he's only left with 1cc of potential space for further fills and that the most common cause of slippage is from a band being too tight even if the person is able to still eat. That's why when his patients reach their goal weights he suggests removing 75% of their fill because the less irritation from this foreign object around your stomach the less chances of complications.

So it sounds like you may have to tough it out for a little while longer to do what your doc thinks is best for YOU and YOUR band, or as the other ladies said get a 2nd opinion. I think that you are continuing to lose weight even without the perfect restriction so keep it up!! If your weight loss stalls you can talk to him about getting more!

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I can see where small fills may be better for you, but they absolutely frustrate me! I didn't pay 8K for weight loss surgery and $1500 for fills to wait 8 months to get a total of 2cc in my band. I could see if I wasn't tolerating solids, but I am.

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BUT YOU'RE LOSING WEIGHT RIGHT?? Who cares how many cc's you have it's about what's best for your body right? You were one of the few that had a lot of restriction before even getting a fill right? So how do you know that going to 1.4 (or beyond) isn't too much for you right now? You've made GREAT progress it's silly to feel anything but totally grateful of your band and your progress!!

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I lost 11.5 lbs in 2 months...but I have been hungry the whole time. That's not much to me! Once I started tolerating solids, the restriction ended except when I eat bread.

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That's GREAT sweetie!! I can honestly say that after 1.5 days on solids after my 3rd fill I am hungry MORE than I was before...

Let me explain before I could eat 1/2 to 1 cup of food before I stopped myself because I didn't want to overeat that would keep me full for 5-6 hrs now that I can only eat 1/4 to 1/2 I stay full for 3-4 hours so I am actually hungry more often which is actually kind of annoying...

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Basically he is a big believer in smaller fills because it does less damage to the esophagus/band in the long run... He said most of his patients find their sweet spot around 3.0 but he said if he gives someone 3.0 on their first fill 2 things might happen: 1. it might shut them off totally or 2.their body may be able to take it but it will harm their progress in the long run.

Ohhhh, I do pray I am the exception to his speculation! We will see.

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How do ya'll get cheap flights to San Diego? It is always at least $500 round trip when I check and then with the $200 they charge it would run me $700 to go back to the OCC.

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Kimmie.. you are doing wonderful and should be proud of yourself! I can totally relate though about the costs. I too was a little shocked to read that alot of bandsters end up getting like 5 or more fills, when originally I was told 1-2 fills by the OCC. I am going to go to the NorthWest Fill Clinic in Arlington. The ladies there say you should only need a floro once a year, just to check on everything. Unless you or they suspect a problem, there is no need for one. I have heard so many great things about this clinic, that I am anxious to get my fill next month. I will have alot of questions for them, and I will certainly ask about this subject, and will post their replies.

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I'd be frustrated too!! No wonder they make you pay up front.... you'll probably be going to them for 2 or 3 years to get your proper fill!! That's alot of money though.... will they give you a partial refund if you leave now?? Bless you Kimmie, you've come so far! :yes: I hope it all works out! Best wishes, Darlene

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I am a little peeved. Okay so I got 1cc the first fill and when I went today I had .7 of that left and he gave me .6. So now after a total of two fills I have 1.3cc total. He also told me from now on I will only get .25 every two months so that means it will take me 8 months (minus what dissolves) to get another 1 whole cc? Am I overreacting or is this normal? I have already paid $1500 for a year's worth of fills and I am tempted to go to someone else.


That is so odd to me. Every person is different, that is why we all have good restriction at different levels. I have great restriction at only 2 ccs, and I know lots of people have 3 or more... How can he tell you AHEAD of time how much you'll get and at what time increments? Sounds very fishy. If I were you I'd email Dr Romero or Acosta and see what they think. Your body tells you when you need a fill and how much, not this guy's apparent precognition!

Also "dissolving" I think he means leaking? And some people do a little and I think most don't...weird.


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I do not know if you used Fill Center USA, but if you did you can transfer to another center without paying that start up fee again. I plan to start at the center in Roswell but down the line I might transfer to the one in Huntersville. I checked this out before I booked my first one. I know the Roswell lady gets great reviews!!!!Best of luck. Dawn

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Okay I am thinking Roswell and the OCC may be too expensive for me right now so I have called Trina's Doc in New Orleans and he is gonna call me back to see if he can help me get some retsriction. I am hopeful that maybe he can at least get me to 2cc so I can at least tell I have a lap-band! I hate to sound ungrateful about my regular fill doc, but it sucks when I see all of you with such great fills and I have to starve. LOL

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Here's my two cents worth. I would be frustrated too because the idea of having the band is to make it easier to stop when you have eaten enough. I can identify because my band is finally settling and it is getting easier to eat more than I should.

On the subject of the doctor, I think what he puts in the band doesn't really cost that much. The big cost is his time so there is little motivation to put less volume other than the fact that it sounds to me like he is inexperienced and afraid of putting too much. That isn't good either so I can totally understand your frustration. I would do exactly what you have done and find an alternate doctor who is a bit more aggessive. I hope you can get a refund on your pre-pay.


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My first fill was 1.1, and I was so angry (ask anyone on this forum!) I couldn't understand why everyone else on the boards seemed to be getting bigger fills and better restrictions than me. My second fill was a month later, and two different Dr.'s at the clinic gave me the same amount.. up to 1.5. (I wasn't happy with the first dr.'s fill and went in for another Dr. to re-evaluate. He left it the same.) The second, Dr Marco, explained that my esophagus was stretched and allowed my pouch to fill up and "flow over" the top of the band, like an overfilled cupcake. He said that medically the solution was to use a small fill to allow the esophagus to shrink back down and for me to follow the rules rigidly and come back in 6 weeks. If my esophagus/pouch had shrunk down toward normal size, then I could have a normal fill. I was very dissappointed, but I did understand for the first time.

Somewhere, on this big, wide, forum, is the whole post, but I couldn't tell you where. I would suspect that your situation is similar. I also learned that if you don't ask why, and then ask why again, then you might not understand why they are doing what they are doing. I let it pass me by on the first fill without asking, the 2nd fill without checking, and finally, upset enough to press the point, got an understanding on the check of my 2nd fills.

Maybe you could just call and find out why they didn't give you a bigger fill.

It is the philosophy at the OCC to give patients agressive fills IF THEY CAN HANDLE THEM.

Let your feelings about that fill cool down completely before you make any decisions..

HUGS, hugs, hugs

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