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1st fill seems to be working...

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I had my first fill on 6/14 (total of 1.6cc's) and it sorts of seems to be working. I can feel a little restriction, but not a ton. I notice that I am eating less, but feel like I'm still eating more than I should. I plan to have my second fill on 8/9 back at the Moultrie location. I hate that the fill nurse, Darlene, is only there once every other month. Hopefully I have enough restriction to get me by until then. I lost 2 lbs in the first week after my fill, but now I'm on my time of the month, so I know that will mess around with the number a little. My 23rd birthday is in 4 weeks and I'd like to lose another 10 lbs by then. Does this sound reasonable?

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Guest sdejong


Congrats...... I have not been banded yet but it sounds like you have made good progress. It seems like the worst time is when you haven't gotten enough fill to feell restriction, im not looking forward to that... It totally sucks that your fill person is only there every other month, can you find someone else???? I am going to have to drive about 4 hours to get a fill since the local doctor won't take anyone from mexico..... Happy early birthday.


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That's a great first fill! I have had two fills and still have less than that.

Anyway, I think 10 lbs in 4 weeks is a perfectly good goal! You can do it!

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I had my first fill on 6/14 (total of 1.6cc's) and it sorts of seems to be working. I can feel a little restriction, but not a ton. I notice that I am eating less, but feel like I'm still eating more than I should. I plan to have my second fill on 8/9 back at the Moultrie location. I hate that the fill nurse, Darlene, is only there once every other month. Hopefully I have enough restriction to get me by until then. I lost 2 lbs in the first week after my fill, but now I'm on my time of the month, so I know that will mess around with the number a little. My 23rd birthday is in 4 weeks and I'd like to lose another 10 lbs by then. Does this sound reasonable?

Absolutely realistic goal and You can do it. I wish I was 23 again.

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I think 10 pounds in a month is probably a little ambitious, but if you up your exercise you will have a better chance for it. It is a good goal; reach for it!

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:lb10: ON the fill...

I hopefully am getting my First fill next month JULY.

I feel like i have no restriction and i can eat anything i want (even though im not).. (and i sometimes even feel hungry) ..

Im scared that if i dont get the restriction i wont stick with the program.

Good luck and i hope the fill kicks you into high gear losing the pounds..


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