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Fill Concerns

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Hi Everyone,

I just want to say that I love reading this forum and all the information that everyone has to share. I am scheduled for my first fill on August 30th in TJ and well to tell you the truth...I am starting to get a bit anxious and nervous about it. The stories I am reading on peoples fills and trying to find the sweet spot really makes me worry about my fill. I am starting to get worried about getting my first fill done. I have just completed my first week of solid foods. I really don't feel like I have any restriction right now, although I am only eating a third of what I use to eat. I eat until I feel like I am starting to get full and then stop. My husband is usually there to eat up whatever I have left over... well unless it is green beans or cooked veggies lol. Dr. Ortiz did put the VG Band on me because like Chelley, most of my weight in in my stomach. I am eating my 3 meals a day and not drinking an hour before or after meals. I know I need a fill cause I do not feel restriction at all. And since this is going to be my first fill, I am scared that I will not be able to eat solid foods. Maybe it is just my anxiety about getting a fill or maybe it is just reading what is happening to other people on there fills. I know we are all different but I was wondering about how everyone who got there first fill...handled it? :unsure: I guess I am just looking for some support on the fill process. Things have been going really well so far for me so I am just trying to prepare myself and try to get over this anxiety of getting my first fill. Thank you so much for all who write on this forum. It is so helpful and so awesome to know that we are all going through the same kinds of things. And the support on this forum is second to none. Continue success to all who have been banded or who are getting ready to get banded. Keep us all posted on how you are doing and any suggestions on the fill experience would be greatly appreciated!! :)


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Hi Deb,

Easier said than done, but try not to worry too much about the fill - it will be over before you blink and doesn't really hurt at all. Also, the fills you get will really be the key to your success - so it's gotta be done! YOu may only need one fill - it's just hard to say. When I had my first fill - I ended up pbing a bit after and really had to put into practice small bites and chewing well - my two hardest things. If you do those, you should be able to eat most foods. Some bandsters have trouble with bread (dry), rice, pasta and fibourous veges so stay away from those for awhile and then try them very slowly and carefully. The right restriction will help you eat less and stay full longer so you will hopefully lose weight. Even if you don't feel restriction now, try to eat the 'bandster way' to get into practice for when you have the fill. Don't look for problems with your fill now - just hope for the best. Sometimes people get a bit too much or have other problems and have to get an unfill (me!) but that is rare and best dealt with quickly so you can get back on track. You can do it and you'll be surprised at how easy it is. Good luck! mary

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Hi! I was worried about my 1st fill too and it actually only took 15 minutes to complete. There was minimal pain, just a stick as Dr. Romero placed the needle in the port, but it wasn't that bad. It's actually neat to watch the restriction happening on the fluro screen. The best advice I can give you is to be kind to yourself as you enter the transition phase of being banded. This takes patience ... a quality which I am in short supply which has lead to some uneccessary distress for me. Educate yourself on your band and accept that your body is transitioning but like Mary said, every step you take is important because it is one step closer to your goal! Old habits, thoughts, and feelings don't change just because you have had a surgical intervention ... that is up to us and girl, it is hard. The band helps you not overeat ... period. The rest of it is up to you ... and sometimes it's like stumbling through the dark until you find what works for you. So, don't worry so much about the fill... it's a peice of cake. Make sure Dr. Romero knows you have the VG band so he will give you a nice big fill! Best wishes! Chelley

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I just had my fill earlier this week. Before the fill, during the weeks I was eating solids, I had no restriction whatsoever. I called Dr. Martinez, who explained that that was to be expected. They are using the VG band on all their patients, from what I understand. Evidently, it allows for more fill control...more room, perhaps.

So, my fill was absolutely painless. Dr. Romero warned that it might pinch, but actually I didn't even feel that. The barium drink was fine...neither disgusting nor pleasant. He filled me 3.5cc.

I ate my first meal this evening, and had pizza. I'm very concerned, however, because I didn't feel all that full! I ate about 1/2 of what I would normally eat, but didn't feel stuffed or uncomfortable in anyway. No pb-ing or backup OR ANYTHING! I called Dr. Romero, and he told me to give it the weekend to see how I feel...but I'm so afraid it's not full enough! I live in Ohio and can afford neither the time to fly to Mexico, nor the cost involved in going back againg for a refill--not even a week from my first fill!!!!

Has anyone else had an experience like this? Is it something I should be worried about? Is it reasonable to expect a different experience when eating meals over the next few days? If so, how? Why would I feel full in a few days, if I don't already?

HELP! I'M GETTING WORKED UP INTO A PANIC! What if all this was for nothing!!

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Hi...well the weekend is here and how are you feeling? Any change? Please keep us posted on how things are going with you and hang in there. By the way how much weight have you lost? If you are losing but feel no restriction, then it would seem to be working for you so no need to panic. Take care and talk to you soon.


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I just had my fill earlier this week. Before the fill, during the weeks I was eating solids, I had no restriction whatsoever. I called Dr. Martinez, who explained that that was to be expected. They are using the VG band on all their patients, from what I understand. Evidently, it allows for more fill control...more room, perhaps.

So, my fill was absolutely painless. Dr. Romero warned that it might pinch, but actually I didn't even feel that. The barium drink was fine...neither disgusting nor pleasant. He filled me 3.5cc.

I ate my first meal this evening, and had pizza. I'm very concerned, however, because I didn't feel all that full! I ate about 1/2 of what I would normally eat, but didn't feel stuffed or uncomfortable in anyway. No pb-ing or backup OR ANYTHING! I called Dr. Romero, and he told me to give it the weekend to see how I feel...but I'm so afraid it's not full enough! I live in Ohio and can afford neither the time to fly to Mexico, nor the cost involved in going back againg for a refill--not even a week from my first fill!!!!

Has anyone else had an experience like this? Is it something I should be worried about? Is it reasonable to expect a different experience when eating meals over the next few days? If so, how? Why would I feel full in a few days, if I don't already?

HELP! I'M GETTING WORKED UP INTO A PANIC! What if all this was for nothing!!

I'm confused by your statement that "they are using VG bands on all their patients" Is this true??????

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I too am having concerns. I had the surgery on August 3rd and have no restriction what so ever. I am slowly transitioning into yogurts and such but I feel nothing. I had very little pain post op and haven't really had any effect from the surgery. I am scheduled for my first fill on Sept 30 and hope that my success will start there. Reading everyone's fill stories is getting me a bit nervous. I am hoping that this expense was not for nothing.

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Is the solution maybe finding a fill doc closer to home? I've read a lot of posts now on people who have concerns about spending the money and the time for a fill trip back to TJ. People who are closer to their fill docs seem to have an easier time of coming back in more often to find the "sweet spot". I know that if I go through all of this and get no restriction, I'm going to be very disappointed. However, since I live close to my doc, I can come in several times with no travel time and get fill adjustments.

Just a thought...

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Twinchell and others,

It is not uncommon to have little or no restriction prior to your first fill. Remember, this time is to HEAL not to necessarily lose weight. If you do lose weight it is a bonus. It is a time to heal and that anchors the band in place. It is a time to practice eating the bandster way and begin learning new ways of eating. Don't worry restriction will come along with many more learnings - give yourself time.

And Rid, I agree with you - everyone should have a plan for (and budgeted money) for at least 4 fills - have your fill doctor picked out. I am farily easyily able to get to TJ and that is where i chose to get my fills but yes, it can get expensive esp for a 15 minute procedure and if you have to go back for an unfill well, you can imagine the cost can get quite hight.

howeer, the band won't work without proper fills so you must figure this out. Dr. Ortiz's office will give a list of docs but can't recommend anyone other than dr. ortiz - the fill centers usa are becoming popular but aren't everywhere and you can go to lapbandtalk.com and find many threads or post a new one to find a doc in your area.

Is the solution maybe finding a fill doc closer to home? I've read a lot of posts now on people who have concerns about spending the money and the time for a fill trip back to TJ. People who are closer to their fill docs seem to have an easier time of coming back in more often to find the "sweet spot". I know that if I go through all of this and get no restriction, I'm going to be very disappointed. However, since I live close to my doc, I can come in several times with no travel time and get fill adjustments.

Just a thought...

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I've been eating regularly for 2 days, after being filled this past Tuesday. I still didn't get "full"...I was satisfied, and haven't really been hungry later on in the day--and actually haven't been emotionally hungry, either, so these are good things. But, I guess I was just expected to feel FULL full after eating a few bites.

I was/am aware that it is likely to need to be filled more than once in order to hit the sweet spot, however I did not expect that the very first fill would do nothing for me, in terms of restriction! I think that this is totally unacceptable! I should feel SOME restriction!!!

What has everyone else's first fill been filled to? As I mentioned, mine was filled to 3.5cc--with the VG band, does 3.5 equate to a lower cc with the other bands?

Why must we do liquids for an additional 3 days after the fill? It would seem to be beneficial to be able to eat something afterward, before flying back 3000 miles to the other side of the continent, to see if any restriction is felt! Even when I drank the barium drink and flushed it with the bottle of water, I told him that I didn't feel anything at that time.

Any thoughts?

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I've been eating regularly for 2 days, after being filled this past Tuesday. I still didn't get "full"...I was satisfied, and haven't really been hungry later on in the day--and actually haven't been emotionally hungry, either, so these are good things. But, I guess I was just expected to feel FULL full after eating a few bites.

I was/am aware that it is likely to need to be filled more than once in order to hit the sweet spot, however I did not expect that the very first fill would do nothing for me, in terms of restriction! I think that this is totally unacceptable! I should feel SOME restriction!!!

What has everyone else's first fill been filled to? As I mentioned, mine was filled to 3.5cc--with the VG band, does 3.5 equate to a lower cc with the other bands?

Why must we do liquids for an additional 3 days after the fill? It would seem to be beneficial to be able to eat something afterward, before flying back 3000 miles to the other side of the continent, to see if any restriction is felt! Even when I drank the barium drink and flushed it with the bottle of water, I told him that I didn't feel anything at that time.

Any thoughts?

You should read Chelley's post in the newly banded section that describes her experiences with fills and the VG band. I was really glad to hear her difficult experiences with getting a good fill with the VG band. I made sure I asked my doc ahead of time, and he assured me that I'm getting the 10 band, and not the larger band.

As far Ortiz's policies regarding fills and checking them, maybe Lori could comment on that. Seems like if you didn't have fill when you left... Lori?


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I read the other line of discussion regarding fills...I watched the fluoro, but honestly, it went so fast, and not having ANY experience whatsoever in the medical field, it was difficult for me to know what I was seeing. Like having a sonogram! I really like the fill doctor, and I definitely am not quesitoning his abilities--I just know where I am right now--and it's certainly NOT anywhere near even 1/4 restriction! Granted, I'm not actually eating that much at each meal--I'm still dieting, so I'm watching what I eat, but I haven't yet felt anywhere NEAR full!!

I'm thinking about doing an experiment--I wonder if I should sit down and just eat as much as I can, until I bp. This sounds extreme, but I want to really know what's going on in there.

Has anyone tried this kind of testing, like on purpose??

Lori, what is O.C.C.'s policy regarding getting me back for a fill?

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I wouldn't recommend eating yourself into PBing - you risk slippage.

You need to get yourself to the clinic, or schedule a ride with Rene at the clinic to get you to and from the airport (there is a charge for this)

You might want to check out the posts in the fills in TJ section of the board - people are coordinating their fill with other people - you can share the cost of the ride. If you can schedule arrival in San Diego with other fill patients you guys can schedule the driver with Rene.

There are other ways to get to the clinic without using our driver - where are you coming from? email me :)

Dr. Ortiz uses the standard band on most patients. If he decides you need the larger VG Band - he will let you know - it will depend on your weight, how you carry your weight, and what he finds when he "goes in". Trust him, he knows best which band to use :)

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Hey JF and others!

Just a suggestion - and a question - what is your definition of full? Many of us have somewhat inflated definitions of full. for me, full used to me one step less than thanksgiving dinner - pretty much stuffed but not super uncomfortable. That is not normal and that is not full. Full after banding and for those lucky normal eaters means feeling satisfied and that is a LONG WAY FROM full. Try to eat as little as you can to feel satisfied - wait 20 minutes (after taking 20 minutes to eat) and see if you are hungry. Hungry is almost stomach growling hungry and i always say if you are really hungry a salad or fresh peiece of fruit will do - if you want something else it may not be hunger.... just some things to think about. And, that's not to say you don't need a fill BUT the band is there to help us learn to eat like naturally thin foks - they eat a little when hungry, stop when full .....

I only mention this cuz it's my demon! good luck mary

I read the other line of discussion regarding fills...I watched the fluoro, but honestly, it went so fast, and not having ANY experience whatsoever in the medical field, it was difficult for me to know what I was seeing. Like having a sonogram! I really like the fill doctor, and I definitely am not quesitoning his abilities--I just know where I am right now--and it's certainly NOT anywhere near even 1/4 restriction! Granted, I'm not actually eating that much at each meal--I'm still dieting, so I'm watching what I eat, but I haven't yet felt anywhere NEAR full!!

I'm thinking about doing an experiment--I wonder if I should sit down and just eat as much as I can, until I bp. This sounds extreme, but I want to really know what's going on in there.

Has anyone tried this kind of testing, like on purpose??

Lori, what is O.C.C.'s policy regarding getting me back for a fill?

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Your point about the definition of hungry is a very poignant. My husband and I have been discussing that very same thing! Although I feel that I have little to no restriction, I am NOT getting hungry either. He and I both agreed that our perception of the after-effects of the band would be that I could only eat a few bites before feeling STUFFED--like you said, ALMOST THANKSGIVING STUFFED.

I spoke with both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez. Dr. Martinez was very empathetic and encouraging. He discussed the situation, and some variables. Since talking with Dr. Martinez, I don't feel as hopeless about my band and I did in my prior posts. Ideally, I would like to go back to Mexico...Dr. Martinez asked me to request that he be in the fill room with Dr. Romero when I come back. The issue isn't as much the cost as it is the travel time--coming from Ohio.

So, I'm currently looking for a fill doctor in northern Ohio--Cincinnati is a 4+ hour drive, so I might as well just go to Mexico! If anyone has anyone they've used and would recommend, please let me know...incidently, if there's anyone they would NOT recommend, I'd like to know that too!!

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Please please please try to be patient although I truly know how hard that is. Getting the right fill for a vg band probably wont happen the first time -i met several peoople at ortiz office/lucerna a few days ago with a vg band (and a good friend of mine here in utah has one) and it's bigger and usually the first fill is conservative so you don't have to come back for an unfill. Next time i would definitely go to mexico - get your fill on day one and sit with it next day before going home as they will be more agressive and maybe even have you eat something. You should tell yourself you'll probably need 4-6 fills and if less, super duper but fills are key so you can't give up now.

I don't know any bandsters that eat nothing or little and get full - i wish i did - ha. But if you are not getting hungry for up to 4 hours you ARE restricted. Retricted means many things and you definitely don't want to be restricted to the point of not being able to eat without throwing up - big bad news there. And believe me full is nothing like we were used to - it is not even close so you are definitely learning which is the most important thing. Full is not one cup of food for me either - it's more equivalent to a normal size t.v. dinner - that is truly a normal portion - if you can eat that (meat, vege, potato and small desert one) and not be hungry for 3 -4 hours then you are restricted. I'm glad you feel better after talking to Dr Martinez i love love love him too.

hang in there YOU ARE doing great, really. It's all about learning.

also go to lapbandtalk.com and explore other fill places/docs there - it is a much bigger group with an entire section on fills - you can search or post a new topic. good luck! mary

Your point about the definition of hungry is a very poignant. My husband and I have been discussing that very same thing! Although I feel that I have little to no restriction, I am NOT getting hungry either. He and I both agreed that our perception of the after-effects of the band would be that I could only eat a few bites before feeling STUFFED--like you said, ALMOST THANKSGIVING STUFFED.

I spoke with both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez. Dr. Martinez was very empathetic and encouraging. He discussed the situation, and some variables. Since talking with Dr. Martinez, I don't feel as hopeless about my band and I did in my prior posts. Ideally, I would like to go back to Mexico...Dr. Martinez asked me to request that he be in the fill room with Dr. Romero when I come back. The issue isn't as much the cost as it is the travel time--coming from Ohio.

So, I'm currently looking for a fill doctor in northern Ohio--Cincinnati is a 4+ hour drive, so I might as well just go to Mexico! If anyone has anyone they've used and would recommend, please let me know...incidently, if there's anyone they would NOT recommend, I'd like to know that too!!

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Thanks, Mary...very encouraging message. What is the advantage of the VG band over the smaller ones? I recall Dr. Martinez saying they were using the new one on everyone now...but didn't someone else say that wasn't true? If they do use different ones on different patients, what is the variable? I remember him saying that inamed developed the VG so they wouldn't have to cut into the stomachs of larger patients whose stomachs would not fit the smaller bands...

But, back to your message Mary--I guess I expected the uncomfortability to be the guiding factor in your food intake amount. From what you're saying, this is not the case. When Dr. Ortiz was raving about the procedure and how we banded folk would never have to "diet" again, per se...what did he mean? If I ate only when I was hungry, I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place, would I?

I'm dazed and confused!!

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Yeah Im with you sister! My feelings exactly - as I've said previously tho you ma not have seen it, I was so concerned WITH surgery I only focused on that and am now realizing how much work it takes after banding to be successful.

1st you are right about the VG band - it's usually for foks with higher bmi's and/or people that carry most/all of their weight in their bellys - it's even harder to get a vg band filled in the us from what i understand so a lot of docs don't put them in - resulting in more complications for patients - it's best to have the correct size band. I'm sure Dr. Ortiz only uses them when needed -not on everyone.

The idea about the amount of food one can eat banded is: the band will stop you from binging/pigging out by the pain with or without pbing that accompanies overeating. A lot of bandsters talk about what their stop sign is and i burp others have a runny nose and i can't think of others.

We all are somewhat head cases abbout food and eating in our own way (no offense meant) so that's the work part of the band we have to do - so, my idea isn't to diet ever again either - i want to eat a variety of foods in smaller portions but that still is tough and many bandsters do go to weightwatchers or do diets (just go to www.lapbandtalk.com to see all of that) I won't 'diet' or spend any more money on programs or pills but if I want to lose weight I still have to log my food on fitday.com -if i don't and if i don't exercise 5 days a week i won't lose weight either - i guess it's the way i'm wired and an indication of how much i love to eat. I swear if I didn't do fitday I would eat 2000 calories a day with the band and it's easy - to stay at 1200-1500 is tough - try it sometime and you might agree.

But the ideal idea behind the band is you will get full faster and stay full longer so you will be less inclined to snack between meals.

The band does NOTHING for head hunger (dammit) - hopefully the band stops enough of our bad food behaviours we can make some headway on the other ones.

Believe me I struggle with this but I do see some progress - my guy constantly tells me to take the long term view/perspective - now that we are banded all our bad habits come and hit us in the face - take one at a time and try to tackle it -

If you eat to uncomfortable that is probably too much and you risk having your band slip up or down because if the pouch is too fill it will come up (throw up) and/or you will hurt pretty bad. (or enlarge your pouch). It's killer isn't it!!

So, I still think we both can do it but it's not a miracle cure and everyone I talked to (or 'heard") made it seem like it was. I'm still waiting to hit that sweet spot of a fill where I do get filled up on 4 tator tots (I read that somewhere and I was mesmerized) but I still have to watch snacking between meals, watch what I eat at meals and watch those margaritas (love em).

Hey, when did you get banded and did your husband do it too?

Good Luck!!!! Mary

Thanks, Mary...very encouraging message. What is the advantage of the VG band over the smaller ones? I recall Dr. Martinez saying they were using the new one on everyone now...but didn't someone else say that wasn't true? If they do use different ones on different patients, what is the variable? I remember him saying that inamed developed the VG so they wouldn't have to cut into the stomachs of larger patients whose stomachs would not fit the smaller bands...

But, back to your message Mary--I guess I expected the uncomfortability to be the guiding factor in your food intake amount. From what you're saying, this is not the case. When Dr. Ortiz was raving about the procedure and how we banded folk would never have to "diet" again, per se...what did he mean? If I ate only when I was hungry, I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place, would I?

I'm dazed and confused!!

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