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Reached my first milestone

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I am so excited for two very special reasons. The first because I get to eat solid foods tomorrow :D and the other one is because I reached my first goal of many. I wanted to be in the 230 by the time I finished my post op and with a day short I reach it this morning. The scale read 238.5 ><img src=<' /> I could not believe it. I have not since the 230 in about 5 to 6 years. I weighed my self like 10 times just to make sure there was not a mistake. I just wanted to share my excitment with all you. Thank you for all your support. I LOVE MY BAND !!! It is the best thing I did for myself! ><img src=<' />

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WOOT! Ain't it GRAND! Congratulations!

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I am so excited for two very special reasons. The first because I get to eat solid foods tomorrow :D and the other one is because I reached my first goal of many. I wanted to be in the 230 by the time I finished my post op and with a day short I reach it this morning. The scale read 238.5 ><img src=<' /> I could not believe it. I have not since the 230 in about 5 to 6 years. I weighed my self like 10 times just to make sure there was not a mistake. I just wanted to share my excitment with all you. Thank you for all your support. I LOVE MY BAND !!! It is the best thing I did for myself! ><img src=<' />

WAY TO GO =D> It is funny how we don't believe what the scale says. I used to think someone was playing tricks on me. LOL, until I noticed my clothes were getting looser on me. There is nothing more encouraging than seeing the numbers coming down. Keep up the great work.


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