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Pain at port site

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I was banded last Monday, the 23rd and am having pain on my upper left side, which I assume is related to the port. For those of you further out, how long were you sore after surgery? I've been moving around (which has helped the gas) but also try to get off my feet when I feel the pain. Is this normal or am I overdoing it?

In spite of the discomfort, I am so wonderfully pleased with my whole experience at the OCC. Looking forward to Monday....creamy soup sounds great!!!!

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Yes your left sided pain is from the port and/or whole band itself. I think you are experiencing fairly similiar feelings as most people have. I was still quite soar a week ago and now at 3.5 weeks am feeling much better. Your right to take it easy still especially if you have discomfort. Just put those feet up and let your body heal. I was rather nicely suprised because it went from fairly tender one day to all of a sudden it's not bad at all. Hope the same for you.

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Hi - I was banded the day after you and still have some pain at the port site. For me I mostly feel it when I use my stomach muscles though - when sitting or standing up from sitting, or bending over. When I'm walking around or laying down it doesn't bother me.

I've been taking liquid tylenol when it hurts the most.

Hope it gets better soon!!


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P.S. When I slouched, my port area would hurt too. Try to sit up straight, especially if you have a "sitting" job that you'll be going back to soon. Mine also bothered me when I bent over, almost like something was catching and getting caught under my rib, but that went away too.

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I was banded June 12th, and had the port pain for the first week and a half. It subsides gradually. In fact, I can still feel it now when I'm sleeping on my left side or when I bend over towards the left. It's not really painful any longer, but I do still know it is there and can still feel it.

Good luck, and hang in there. Once I was able to sleep on my side again and the neck and shoulder pain went away, I felt wonderful!

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I don't feel anything with the port itself. I've been able to sleep on my left side (normal sleeping side) from the first day. I can bend, stretch and move without a problem. However, the stitch site hurts like hell. I've been putting Polysporin Complete on it three times a day. I can see it's healing and it's just a matter of time but WOWSA! Ouch!

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