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This is a very light-hearted post!

I was just at the clinic earlier this week, to get my first fill actually! I went with a friend who actually had the surgery done herself! While I was waiting with her during surgery and recovery, I drew caricatures of the doctors and staff. We had such a great time, they were going to frame the pictures and hang them up in their lounge.

Anyways, Dr. Ortiz and I were talking and laughing about what the Americans imagine it will be like getting surgery in Mexico. He said he always wanted a picture of this scenario. He and the cardiologist were saying that they wanted to be dressed in Sombreros with ponchos sleeping by cactus' and such.

So, I putting together this cartoon for them, and would like to hear about what you, your family and friends imagined it to be like! Don't hold back, the doctors had GREAT senses of humor about the whole thing, and I'd really like to jack this one up!!!

So, think tacos, Mariachi bands, YOU NAME IT...

Thanks, in advance, for your input!

Jodie :D

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Interesting topic, indeed. My co-workers think I will be having the surgery in a TJ bar with candlelight, a rusty razorblade and a Corona in my hand. For this very reason, I have not told anyone in my family other than my husband. Even he has his reservations but he's cheap so saving money is more important than my safety. : )

Truthfully, I have been to Mexico and don't have any reservations about having surgery there. With all the recent bomb talk, I am actually more nervous about flying. And, going under. But, I am an optimist and feel certain everything will work out fine. I will be landing in San Diego on Sunday and am looking forward to the cooler temps. It's 100 degrees here in Arkansas!

OCC has done a great job with their site and this forum. Knowledge is power. Humor is necessary.

Pat in AR

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting topic, indeed. My co-workers think I will be having the surgery in a TJ bar with candlelight, a rusty razorblade and a Corona in my hand. For this very reason, I have not told anyone in my family other than my husband. Even he has his reservations but he's cheap so saving money is more important than my safety. : )

Truthfully, I have been to Mexico and don't have any reservations about having surgery there. With all the recent bomb talk, I am actually more nervous about flying. And, going under. But, I am an optimist and feel certain everything will work out fine. I will be landing in San Diego on Sunday and am looking forward to the cooler temps. It's 100 degrees here in Arkansas!

OCC has done a great job with their site and this forum. Knowledge is power. Humor is necessary.

Pat in AR

Thanks for your imput, Pat! Those are some good visuals for me to use! I'm with you--telling others about this procedure is on a need-to-know basis! How is your success with the band? Mine is not going well right now. I had a 3.5cc fill 3 weeks ago, and have no restriction whatsoever. I'm heading back on Sept. 20th for a second fill...

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I've been to Tijuana many times in the past and i still have yet to find a clean/upscale part of town. That's not to say there isn't any but it sure affected my thoughts before going down there. If it wasn't for this website, i would have never considered it.

I pictured a dirty, cockroach filled room that was dark and dingy with outdated equiptment and spanish being spoke quickly and without my comprehension. I pictured myself having regrets and being scared there with surgery possibly being done in view of tons of people...

But thats not the case at all and i still laugh at what I "thought" it may be like.

I agree, Humor is necessary!

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Guest GINA O.

thank you for the "lighter side" of lab-banding. my family (those who know), have been very worried about TJ. i tell them to read the forum for themselves. i have never doubted the place or procedure. the only doubt i have is...am i strong enough to make this life changing move. i am scheduled for sept. 18th...i am READY!


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  • 2 weeks later...
:unsure: Hi all, I am Geri, and I live in Arkansas. I have been lurking today, and thought this topic funny, since I just moved here from the West coast and there are a lot of stereotypes about "rednecks". lol anyway my husband is a surgical nurse for over 30 yrs, and his thoughts were, you may wake up without a kidney, or a piece of liver or only one lung...having been sold on the black market...get us helpless Gordas down there and then take our fat body parts one by one...I did have some reservations, but, after hearing ya'll talk about the clinic and staff, I am much more impressed..talk soon..geri
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HOLY SMOKES!! I hadn't even THOUGHT about my other organs being in jeopardy! Glad I didn't think of the black market pre-surgery!! LOL...that's HYSTERICAL!

I'm going back for my second fill tomorrow, and I want to have a sketch to give to them, so THANKS for all these visuals!

And, for the record...if any of my internal organs HAD BEEN compromised during my Mexican WLS...I haven't missed them yet!

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Pre-surgery, I only shared with the person who went with me and my mother...didn't want anyone else's "opinions" on surgery in Mexico. Even, 6 months post surgery (down 43 lbs!!!), there are very few people I've told that I had it done in Mexico...they aren't interested in listening to the truth of what a great experience it was...they immediately jump to the "stereotypes" of what it must have been like and think you are crazy! Well, most people already know I'm crazy, but I had no qualms about having this done in TJ. I lived there in college and am actually moving to Cancun next month! I LOVE MEXICO!!!

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When I was there in August for my first fill, I watched a surgery, and believe me, you are in no danger of organ theft - that is too funny. The entire staff at the clinic is amazing and the doctors, I honestly don't even have the right words to tell you how impressed I am with all of them!

I'm still laughing about the organ stealing thing (although... you wouldn't catch me alone at night in downtown TJ!)

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At first I totally pictured waking up in a back alley in a bathtub full of ice with a big kidney shaped hole in my side (or two, that would really be terrible). But the more I've looked into it the better I feel.

I am surprised to read about how many people are keeping quiet about going to Mexico for this. I'm taking the opposite approach and telling EVERYONE. Family, friends, strangers on the street . . . .nobody's spared. At first they are a bit creeped out but then they start asking questions and come around.

Even my doctor here had the attitude of "you want to do what!?!?! :blink: " at first but now I think he's ready to drive me to the airport. Everytime I get scared or anxious about the surgery (two weeks away now) I think about all the people around me who are excited that I'm attempting such a major change in my life for the better. Such support has been golden and this path would be much more difficult without it.

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Oh and of course this thread would not be complete without mentioning Dr Nick Riviera from The Simpsons.


"These gloves came free with my toilet brush!"

"The kneebone's connected to the... something! The something's connected to the... red thing! The red thing's connected to my wristwatch! Uh-oh..."

"Now by the morning you'll be good as new. Or dead. The important thing is, we'll know."

Dr. Nick: "With my new diet, you can eat as much as you want, any time you want!"

Marge: "And you'll lose weight?"

Dr. Nick: "You might! It's a free country!"

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