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Diamond Jim

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Thanks Kiitycat, we are hanging in there. This last week has been tough. We have had to wait on the military.(6 days) Our son's body will arrive Tuesday at Nashville and then he will be transported to the funeral home. Tomorrow, we will be able to go make the final arrangements with visitation Wednesday night and the funeral Thursday. So the worst part is yet to come..

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers during our difficult time.

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My thoughts are with you. I hope you getting the strength you need.

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Thanks Kiitycat, we are hanging in there. This last week has been tough. We have had to wait on the military.(6 days) Our son's body will arrive Tuesday at Nashville and then he will be transported to the funeral home. Tomorrow, we will be able to go make the final arrangements with visitation Wednesday night and the funeral Thursday. So the worst part is yet to come..

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers during our difficult time.

God bless your family, Jim. Our hearts are with you at this most difficult of times.

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Thanks Kiitycat, we are hanging in there. This last week has been tough. We have had to wait on the military.(6 days) Our son's body will arrive Tuesday at Nashville and then he will be transported to the funeral home. Tomorrow, we will be able to go make the final arrangements with visitation Wednesday night and the funeral Thursday. So the worst part is yet to come..

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words, thoughts and prayers during our difficult time.

I am so sorry Jim. What a terrible thing to go through. Makes it worse to wait on the military too. When my sister in law passed, it took the military almost a week to send her son home from Kuwait for the funeral. In fact, he is just going back tomorrow.

I wish there was some way to help ease your pain, but I know that there isn't. Just know that there are a lot of us here thinking of you and your family.

I will light a candle in your sons memory on thursday and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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Jim... you are in my thoughts and my prayers, and I hope knowing all your friends are with you, will be of some comfort to you. You are right.. this week will be the hardest but you are strong and you will get through it. You will need to take time to grieve. It will help you get through it. Remember, we are all here if you need to chat. Just say the word. ><' Anita

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