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Protein shakes

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Does anyone still drink them? I know we are supposed to eat bars and not shakes, but I am addicted to them! Am I alone?

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I haven't had a shake since my pre-op diet ended June 9th, I had to drink 4 shakes a day, no food, so I am staying clear of shakes for awhile!! :wacko:

If you enjoy them, go for it. I have been on a liquids and mush since May 27th...when I can have real solid food, I am not replacing a meal with a liquid. LOL!!

Take care, Cathy :P

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Hi, I keep a few around for after I pb, I figure my band is irritated so I like to give it a break, or if I think I won't be able to eat a healthy meal,

I had one when i was golfing on the weekend. I had froze it and sipped it as it thawed, It allowed me to bypass the snack shack.

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I still use them for when I PB to give my stomach a rest. I go back on liquids for a day or so. It is good to have some on hand.

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I buy the Slim Fast high protein powder mix and mix it with fat free milk. It is delicious!!

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Does anyone still drink them? I know we are supposed to eat bars and not shakes, but I am addicted to them! Am I alone?

I've learned to love protein shakes and since I have a fridge LOADED with them I'll still have them at least until they are gone. I don't appear to have any hunger at all 'til dinnertime for the most part so I drink them in the morning and at lunch. When the time comes that my pouch can accept full solids I'll just use them for filler if I need a snack.

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I still do a shake in the morning, if I am on the go I grab a slim-fast or if I am staying aroung the house I will blend up an optifast and add some unjury protein powder mix since my fill doc says I need a minimum of 90grams of protein per day.

I also like the little slimfast snack bars, it's a chocolate peanut nougut something with 100 calories and 5g of protein so it's a good combo for when I need something quick!

As long as you aren't following a shake or bar with a full meal a few min later I don't see any issues with using these things to keep your protein levels up!

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I love them too and have them every now and again. In fact, I had started using them again after my failed fill to keep from gaining weight. But, happily, with this new fill, doesn't look like I am going to need them! But, I can say I will keep them around because I DO like them and they are good for a quick protein burst.

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I keep a couple in the fridge at work.. there are times I can't keep anything down but am starving so I will have a protein shake to give me some calories/protein. About 2x a week... give or take. If I have one at home I mix it in my bullet, protein powder, FF milk, and a handful of frozen berries. yumm.. delish. ;)

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Since my last fill, my band is very tight in the morning so its easier to have a shake in the morning as my meal. I use the EAS premium protein powder and blend it with ice, skim milk and sometimes a half of a banana.

It's like a milkshake, but with 27 grams of protein, it helps me meet my quota for the day :)

I feel like its a treat....and it fills me up. It's a win-win situation.

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