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Biggest Problem

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The biggest problem I am having is STOPPING! I have enjoyed food for the longest time, how do I control myself to stop! Well usually the band tells me, but I have noticed that I enjoy my food less. Pizza, being my favorite food, I can only eat one or maybe two slices, but I don't enjoy it like I used to. Good, bad, I don't know? For the last three night I have been eating to the point of PBing. A lot of this is due to the fact that I USED to be a night eater. I don't eat breakfast, can skip lunch, but once the sunsets, WATCH OUT! So I can basically drink water all day, but at dinner time I eat too fast and end up sick.

Am I the only one with this affliction.

Please share your trouble times, it makes me feel like I am not alone! Also include the way you deal with the cravings, and any good solutions!

Thanks guys!

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Hi there - I'm still on liquids so I haven't encountered this type of problem yet, but I just wanted to send a hug at least ><' and let you know that you are not alone in your struggle. I'm so nervous about making this work and I feel like I've been obsessing about food so much since being on liquids.

I think that the reality is that this will be hard. Well worth it, but hard. You might want to see if you can find some activities you enjoy in the evening - social activities, needlepoint, whatever works for you - just something you can enjoy other than food. Hopefully in time you will also adjust and will be able to get real satisfaction from just one or two slices of pizza, or whatever.


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The biggest problem I am having is STOPPING! I have enjoyed food for the longest time, how do I control myself to stop! Well usually the band tells me, but I have noticed that I enjoy my food less. Pizza, being my favorite food, I can only eat one or maybe two slices, but I don't enjoy it like I used to. Good, bad, I don't know? For the last three night I have been eating to the point of PBing. A lot of this is due to the fact that I USED to be a night eater. I don't eat breakfast, can skip lunch, but once the sunsets, WATCH OUT! So I can basically drink water all day, but at dinner time I eat too fast and end up sick.

Am I the only one with this affliction.

Please share your trouble times, it makes me feel like I am not alone! Also include the way you deal with the cravings, and any good solutions!

Thanks guys!

Try to eat something during the day, even if it is small. I know it is hard for some people to do that, but if you can just try a little like 1/2 banana or yogurt it might help the night crazy's a little.

As for cravings, I still have problems with that. What I try to do, which I know is wrong, but it is the only way I can deal with it, is to have the thing I am craving and nothing else. Like last night I had a little ice cream. It was killing me that it was sitting there in the freezer yelling my name. So, I broke down and had some. Very little, but then I had nothing else. So that was my supper. I will make up for it today since I threw the rest of that darn stuff out! I don't usually keep stuff like that in my house but it was leeftover ice cream cake for my neice's birthday. But now, it is nothing more than melted glop in the botom of my drain!!

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I was doing reallly well until I started to taste some of my favourite foods as well and trust me... It's very difficult. I can relate. I as well make sure I have something on hand that will keep me happy and satisfied in case I have thoses urges. A good one is Breyer's fudgesicles. They satisfy my chocolate craving. How about trying a lien cuisine pizza? I know it's not the same, but may satisfy you enough. Try and do what Mama Michelle and Evette do.. and maybe some of the others. Once you have eaten what's on your "small" plate, put a listerine strip on your tongue. This will change the taste in your mouth, and hopefully, take away any urges you may have to continue eating. It takes 30 minutes for an urge to pass, so you must find something else to do during this time. Take a nice bubble bath, go for a walk, phone a friend, come on the forum.. talk to us.. we can go on chat and get you through this. Have you considered counselling? I went for 4 sessions and it's worked tremendously. This is not going to be easy but remember we are all in the same boat as you, and we are not going to let it sink!

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I too am struggling with the foods I used to eat calling to me. I was thinking yesterday how during the first 21 days all we want and can't wait to be able to eat again and then when we can we wish we were back on liquids, sort of? You know what I mean. This is a HUGE thing we all are doing and each person must walk their own mile. For me this forum helps alot so that is why I post so much. It keeps me busy and my mind in focus. I also sip on water all day but Oh my gosh the cravings. Last night I was on my way home from work, thought about Popeye's chicken and the next thing I knew my car was at the drive up window. This was 11:30 at night mind you. I hadn't eaten much all day and then BAM!! I was hit hard. Luckily I started to panic once the sack was in the car. I only took one bite of my chicken strip ( which hurt all the way down) no more. I picked at the biscuit slowly . Once I got home I just packaged up the stuff and threw it away...I really did. I was so proud of myself. So I guess it's going to be trials like this that we each have to go through. Allcdngirl and Mona thank you for your honesty and all others too who feel the ability to share the not so great times. We all are not perfect, but if you are................ perhaps you don't need to be in this fourm!!!

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I don't know if this helps, but my weakness used to be stopping at fast food places. They were quick, easy, and cheap. To avoid stopping their now (as there are about 12 within a mile from my house!) I have taped a picture of myself from when I was thin to the inside of my car and made a little cartoon bubble coming out of my mouth saying "Nothing tastes as good as being thin". I got that from a member's signature and thought it was brilliant! (I'm sorry, I can't remember who at the moment).

Try some negative association - when you see something bad that you want, tell yourself (even out loud) how bad it is for you and how bad it's going to make you feel. After a while, you'll start to associate that food with that feeling and hopefully you won't want it anymore. I hope this helps!!

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2 Fab...

I eat SLOWLY. I cut my pizza into small wedges or squares, and talk a lot between bites, and then.. when it's time to take a bite, I enjoy every chew. We also frequent a pizza place with a TV in the corner, so I can discuss the ball game, the news snipet, or talk with the family about news of the day.

This lapband is behavior modification at its best. We all have learned (or are in the process of re-learning) how to eat. Good luck, I've been banded almost three months and old habits are heard to break.... but the band tells me when I fall back.

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I too am struggling with the foods I used to eat calling to me. I was thinking yesterday how during the first 21 days all we want and can't wait to be able to eat again and then when we can we wish we were back on liquids, sort of? You know what I mean. This is a HUGE thing we all are doing and each person must walk their own mile. For me this forum helps alot so that is why I post so much. It keeps me busy and my mind in focus. I also sip on water all day but Oh my gosh the cravings. Last night I was on my way home from work, thought about Popeye's chicken and the next thing I knew my car was at the drive up window. This was 11:30 at night mind you. I hadn't eaten much all day and then BAM!! I was hit hard. Luckily I started to panic once the sack was in the car. I only took one bite of my chicken strip ( which hurt all the way down) no more. I picked at the biscuit slowly . Once I got home I just packaged up the stuff and threw it away...I really did. I was so proud of myself. So I guess it's going to be trials like this that we each have to go through. Allcdngirl and Mona thank you for your honesty and all others too who feel the ability to share the not so great times. We all are not perfect, but if you are................ perhaps you don't need to be in this fourm!!!

CONGRATULATIONS for throwing it out!! WAY TO GO GIRL!!! Like me tossing the ice cream cake, just had to do it, lest I eat more.

I actually went back on the liquid diet a few times after being banded and before my 2nd fill. I was gaining a little back since my first fill didn't work. So, going back on the liquid helped tremendously, and really kept me on track.

The coolest thing for me that I noticed is that the sugar and chocolate cravings are not nearly as strong as they used to be. Oh, they are there alright, but not nearly as bad.

You'll be ok, once you get that GOOD fill!!

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