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First Day of Solids Not At All What I Expected

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I started my first day of solids with a banana - not real solid, but more than the soup I've been eating. Well, I was kind of expecting to get a little bit of a full feeling, but no - nothing! So I then went on to eat three Holland Rusks (kind of like a cracker/bisquit very light and airy about the size and thickness of a hamburger bun) - still no fullness - whats up with that?

Later on in the afternoon a couple of handfulls of tortilla chips, a sugar free popsicle.

For dinner, I've been craving a nice salad so we went and picked up cobb salad, my husband suggested mixing it up, taking only half and then put the dressing (blue cheese because a cobb isn't a cobb without blue chesse dressing) on it, which is what I did, but I swear I could have eaten the whole thing, no problem, and it was a big salad! I also had a 3 x 2 x 1/2 piece of carrot bread, which was quite doughy, again, no problems going down.

Where was that getting full feeling? I swear it's almost like the band isn't even there, except for still being swollen and a little sore at the port site.

I feel like I totally blew it yesterday and really bumed at not having any kind of restriction; I'm almost sorry I didn't have any of that PBing feeling, because that would have have told me the band was doing a little bit of what it was supposed to be doing.

Anyone else have this experience with your first few days of real food? :(

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It’s very normal, you don't have your first fill yet and you need to be very careful. You're in the bandster hell faze, some can eat more and some less, and some will test their band. Make sure to go and check out the doctor's forum below and I've included a like to one article.


You’re gong to do fine – just know its part of the journey and focus on teaching yourself to eat very little – we understand how frustrating and difficult this time is – most of us have been through it. But its just part of the journey, after a couple of fills you will know what its like to fill full and not be able to eat. Think of this as your training period, so you don't have to jump right into it.

Take care!


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Im so sorry youre not getting restriction. I started my first day of solids on July 1st and I have been full all the time, dont know what causes one to be and another not. Hope this changes for you soon.

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Sorry to hear you're not feeling restriction. My only advice, what has worked well for me before the band, and is also advised for the band, is to make sure you're having protein with every meal. It really helps to make you feel full sooner - and longer. I find that carbs (including fruit and some veggies) kind of go right through me leaving me hungrier.

Good luck!

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This is very common. My bestfriend who was banded with me had no restriction at all from the band. As a matter of fact, he just felt his first restriction after his 2nd fill. Just be patient and don't get upset. ><' The restriction will come!

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