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Question on second fill and restriction

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So, with my second fill on 6/27 at the OCC, all was fantastic as you all know. Had huge wonderful restriction. Could barely eat 1/3 cup of food or less. Stuck with mostly protein because I was eating so little. Got a few veggies in me and very little fruit. I knew right when to stop because I could feel it in the chest area. Plus, it kept me full for hours and hours. It was great!

Now, all of a sudden, since saturday, it seems to have disappeared. All of a sudden like too. The restriction is gone. Seems like my stomach is back to the old way yet again. Any ideas on what the heck could have happened?

Last night I made myself a protein shake, even though I know we aren't supposed to have those now, but I wanted to see if they would fill me up like they did before. And it did, kept me full all night.

I was SOOOOO in love with that tightness I had before saturday!! I have 5.8 cc's in a vg band, if that matters.

So, here is my idea - wishful thinking really: I was so tight that first week and ate so little, that I lost sooo much fat off my stomach that I need another full already!

Or, I should just shut-up and wait a while and see what happens????

Also, did someone on here once say that NYU does fills under fluro for $100.00 or so? I am looking for somewhere to go near me (Eastern, PA) and I don't mind driving a few hours to get there, it's just that I need somewhere CHEAP since I have already been to OCC 3 times this year and am really broke now.

Thanks for any help and advice!!!

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Hey Mona,

I feel a difference with my second fill already too. Not sure why but I'm going to ride it out for another two weeks to see if it bounces back!

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Hey Mona,

I feel a difference with my second fill already too. Not sure why but I'm going to ride it out for another two weeks to see if it bounces back!

Good - well not good, but glad I am not the only one. I am already looking around for places to get a fill. I can't keep going back to Mexico, but the fill center New Jersey that is somewhat close to me, is way too expensive ofr the fisrt visit. I am looking for something more cost effective. I had thought someone mentioned NUY but I called them and no-one there can seem to give me an answer. So, making calls!

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Fills can be fickle; I can be tight one week and loose the next. But if I do lose a lot of weight fast I can feel a significant difference in my fill. (It’s like when my clothes get to lose).

Ride it out and you might try drinking a big glass of ice water before meals. Or since protein gives you that full feeling – try half a serving of a really icy one before meals. To give you that extra kick of protein and to tighten your band before a meal. I've had to ride out a fill that wasn't that great once - and you can find ways to trick your body. (I know its a pain)

Best and good luck – I’m off to work!


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Hi Mona,

My second fill has also gone away. I got my fill on 6/11 and was tight until a week ago. Isn't it strange how it changes just overnight? I went from eating very little to almost normal portions. I keep hoping that somehow I will get the restriction back, but I don't think it is going to happen at this point.

I guess its time for me to pay a visit to the OCC, again..... -_-

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