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using other fill facilities

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I had my surgery on 2/1/08 and have had issues getting fills. Between the cost of gas to the nearest location (6 hours away) and the price of the fill and a hotel, it really gets expensive. What i did and i thought i would share with all is this. I wrote to all of the bariatric surgeons in my area and sent them all of the medical information that was given to me by Dr. Ortiz. I explained my situation and asked only if they would see me for a consultation - not a fill. I got my doctor in Buffalo, NY to see me and he actually performs lap band surgeries at Buffalo General Hospital. After he saw me and realized that my port was easy to fill, he accepted me as his patient and i am now getting fills in my same hometown. For all those that have this problem, give this idea some thought.


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That is a great idea! You are very fortunate for finding such an understanding Dr. to do your fills.

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I also just found a Dr. in Amarillo Texas, its only an hour away from my house and its where my mother lives. SO after my first fill at the OCC on august 12th, He has agreed to look at my case. I'm really happy.

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I've called local Dr.'s and I can't get past their nurses! As soon as they hear that I was banded in Mexico, they say "Oh, Doc won't touch ANYONE banded in Mexico!" They make me feel like I'm diseased or something!

I'm going for my second fill in TJ on the 29th and am hoping for some good restriction. I KNOW that I can't go back to TJ the rest of this year, I can't afford it. So Mona, let me know how things go with your new fill Doc.

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I've called local Dr.'s and I can't get past their nurses! As soon as they hear that I was banded in Mexico, they say "Oh, Doc won't touch ANYONE banded in Mexico!" They make me feel like I'm diseased or something!

I'm going for my second fill in TJ on the 29th and am hoping for some good restriction. I KNOW that I can't go back to TJ the rest of this year, I can't afford it. So Mona, let me know how things go with your new fill Doc.

Oh, I did get the name wrong, kick me!!!!

Yes, you might be somewhat close to the Maryland office right? It's near Gettysburg.

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We always stay in Fredrick whenever we go to Gettysburg.

I might stay overnight. My mom is coming with me and she LOVES Gettysburg. We figured 3 hours down and 3 hours back wouldn't give us time to see anything. I was thinking that if we stayed overnight, we'd have time to go somewhere. She just loves the battlefields and all the historical stuff. She's really into that. So, if we don't do it next week, then next fill we will! Can yopu recommend a place?

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