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Fills -- I don't get it

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I am just not getting all the fills everyone seems to be getting.

When I was in Tijuana, Dr. Ortiz asked me about fills and if I was planning on coming back to OCC for my fills. I told him I was thinking about it, but hadn't made up my mind since I live on the east coast, it is a major time committment, forget about the money. It is hard to leave for 3 days as I am a single mother.

This is what he told me. I should seriously consider coming back to OCC because they get you filled to the right spot in 1 to 2 fills and that I would be much happier if I came back.

If this is the case, why does everyone seem to be getting 3-4 fills plus?

Could some of this restriction or lack there of restriction be mental? Can one mentally induce restriction? Mamamichelle aludes to this in her "best bandster tips"

Just wondering.


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Hey Kimmy, I was told the same so I scheduled my first fill at the OCC on august the 12th and then I will see from there. I found a local Dr. 60 miles away so I checking that for my second fill visit. good luck.

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I had my first fill at the OCC 6 weeks after surgery. I felt restriction maybe for one week. I went to Fill Center USA 5 weeks after my first fill, and was given a helluva fill. Nearly double of what I was given on my first.

I have no idea how it works. I appreciate the OCC being cautious with my first fill. I wouldn't have wanted to return home and ended up in the E.R. getting an emergency unfill with a cost to me of about $5,000!

I do know that as you lose weight, you might need additional fills. And also heard that the VG band might require more fills than the smaller band. The more weight you have the lose, there's a possiblity you'll need more fills than somone who has only 40 lbs. to lose.

I'm a firm believer that the lap band works in the background. You'll hear many of us (I'm guilty too) say we have no restriction and that we're losing weight because of what we're doing, not because of the band. The band's just not slapping us in the face all the time. It is working but we have to work with it.

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I'm also an east coast gal (DC Area) and cannot afford to go back to OCC. So I looked up Fill Center USA and found a spot in florida where they do a Fill using Florsocopy (sp?) and the use of that machine is FREE. Just pay for the fill and visit. To me, it's as good as OCC but closer. I'm going for my first fill on Monday. It's in St. Petersburg, FL. They also have 3 days of free adjustments. Most places don't do that. They'll charge you if you come back with problems. Here they say you got 3 days if anything's wrong. I also told her I can't afford to keep flying back, so make it as restricted as possible, but let me breathe! :wacko: Anyways, just passing this along.

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Jessie I am in DC too. I am going to a fill doctor in Frederick, MD so no flying is involved. Blind fill, but I have heard she is pretty good. Story is that this doctor was banded 3-4 yrs ago in Mexico, so she is totally empathetic to the patient and really understands what we are going through.

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As I explained in my last post, there is a huge difference between the 4 and 10 cc band. I have the 10 cc VG band. I have been back to Dr. Ortiz for 2 fills now but still only have 5 cc's. That leaves 5 cc's waiting. That amount is already more than what fits into a 4 cc band.

I just got my surgery report today and on it is even saying that I have a 15 cc amount, so that leaves me even more to fill up with.

Head hunger is one thing, but when your stomach growls so loud the gal in the next room can hear it, then I don't think that is mental. We all just have different bodies and they all react different. And the VG is vastly larger than the regular band.

That being said, I just got off the phone with the Doctor in Frederick, Maryland and I have a 3rd fill scheduled next week. She also agreed with what Fill Centers told me, that the VG band needs more fills more often, and she has no problem with me getting one 2 weeks after my previous one.

Probably the reason you don't hear this too often, is there are very few of us with the VG band. In fact, I only know of one other and that is my craptastic sister Jena. So, since the vast majority have the regular band, that is what you are going to hear about mostly.

I too was told by Dr. Ortiz that one or two fills in a lifetime is the norm if you go back to him to have it done, and I was very encouraged by that, but unfortunately that doesn't hold true for a lot of us. That is one of the reasons it's very frustrating.

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If I lived in SoCal, I'd go there without a 2nd thought. Even from Phoenix, it takes some doing. It's reasonable to expect that people go back to the OCC once or twice and find another fill source. My first fill is scheduled at the OCC for the 29th. 2nd Fill, I'll be headed up to a Dr. in Flagstaff rather than TJ.

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Mona Camille - That was a lot of info and good to know. I am going to see Dr. Johnson tomorrow for my first fill. When are you seeing her? I would love to compare notes!!

About the "head" hunger, I can see where you are coming from with that, but that wasn't what I was wondering about. It is more can we "trick" ourselves into believing we have restriction to help with the weight loss.

You know kind of like when you want a cookie, but you just kind of tell yourself you don't want it and the craving goes away, but if I continue to dwell on the cookie, then the craving becomes stronger.

In other words, I haven't had my fill yet, but tomorrow I am going to tell myself I have restriction and I am going to tell myself that until I believe it. Until I feel it. A positive mental attitude can work miracles! At least that is what I am hoping. -- no it is what I know!

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You know I always thought Dr. Ortiz just told people that (about only needed 1-2 fills ever) to get them to go back to the OCC so they can get the fees for the fills/hotel/transportation... But I would hate to think Dr. O would intentionally decieve his patients but it's possible that most people go back to the OCC only 1 or 2 times before going elsewhere so maybe Dr. Ortiz thinks people are fine after that when actaully they are just going somewhere else!

KimmyinMD- it's not so much about telling yourself you don't want that cookie, it's like when someone says don't think about a pink elephant and that's the first thing that pops into your mind... Instead try to eat a healthy meal enough that "should" fill up your bandster pouch and that physical hunger should go away and thoughts of that cookie also vanish.

I have not had any bread since my 3rd fill, I tried some after my 1st and 2nd fill and both times found I could eat it... so I would occasionally indulge in some (not good) I imagine that if I tried bread now I could eat it still but instead of even opening that door I'm not going to tempt myself. I have told myself that I can't eat bread so I don't- that's the best example I can give of thinking as if I have restriction!

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You know I always thought Dr. Ortiz just told people that (about only needed 1-2 fills ever) to get them to go back to the OCC so they can get the fees for the fills/hotel/transportation... But I would hate to think Dr. O would intentionally decieve his patients but it's possible that most people go back to the OCC only 1 or 2 times before going elsewhere so maybe Dr. Ortiz thinks people are fine after that when actaully they are just going somewhere else!

KimmyinMD- it's not so much about telling yourself you don't want that cookie, it's like when someone says don't think about a pink elephant and that's the first thing that pops into your mind... Instead try to eat a healthy meal enough that "should" fill up your bandster pouch and that physical hunger should go away and thoughts of that cookie also vanish.

I have not had any bread since my 3rd fill, I tried some after my 1st and 2nd fill and both times found I could eat it... so I would occasionally indulge in some (not good) I imagine that if I tried bread now I could eat it still but instead of even opening that door I'm not going to tempt myself. I have told myself that I can't eat bread so I don't- that's the best example I can give of thinking as if I have restriction!

WOW, good thought Michelle, on the Dr. Ortiz thing. I don't really think he makes enough money on fills to think that is the reason he wants us to come back. I think he really does genuinly care that we do good. But, yeah, I can see him assuming things are fine because most people don't go back. Makes a lot of sense!!

And yeah, I'm not going anywhere near bread again! Hurt too much the first time I tried, and although I love ths stuff, I too am keeping the 'can't have' attitude.

Kimmy in MD - Good luck tomorrow, let me know how it goes!!!! I go next wednesday. Hope the first one is a gem for you!!

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How do you which type/size (4cc, 10cc, VGband, etc.) band you have? My sticker on the card they gave me says:

LAGB 10.0cm Adjustable Gastric Banding System

Thanks for the help!!!

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How do you which type/size (4cc, 10cc, VGband, etc.) band you have? My sticker on the card they gave me says:

LAGB 10.0cm Adjustable Gastric Banding System

Thanks for the help!!!

THat would be the smaller 4 cc one. If it were the larger one, it would say VG.

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I have the smaller 4 cc band. I have had two fills at OCC, and do not need another.

My husband, banded the same day, has the 10 cc VG band. He has had four fills and still has little restriction.

All of our fills have been at OCC, but he is going to a local fill center next week for his fifth fill. Lately all the OCC doctors have been doing for him is telling him he should eat less, which is not particularly helpful.

I'm usually pretty rah rah OCC, but their fills have not worked for him. He has only lost 30 lb since his surgery last October, and has been riding his bike 20 miles a day to do that.

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The only reason I'm traveling to FLA instead of Fredrick, MD is because I want to use that floroscopy (sp?) at least for the first time. she also has a guarentee for three days that you're happy. So if day 2, I feel not satisified or its too tight, she'll adjust it for free. The flight actually isn't that expensive and for my first fill, I feel that I need that for my peace of mind.

Fill Centers USA is run by Dr. O if I'm hearing correctly from other people. So wouldn't he have a log somehow of all the people that get fills through the centers? I don't think he'd lie either, he's a cool dude. :D

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I believe Dr O is on the board of directors for the Fill Centers. The material I received on my initial visit talked about another owner.

I watch the fluoroscope during my procedure. I watch the thin stream of the barium sulfate as the restriction initiates, and I can visually SEE what is happening, which gives me not only comfort like you mention Jessi, but gives me an understanding of the physical process. Fill Centers has the 3 day window, which is a second great feature. The only issue with the 3-day window is that the adjust causes swelling, and I wasn't sure if complications were due to the swelling or the actual fill itself. The lady who does our fills in Roswell can maximize a fill by SEEING how much the flow through the band is limited. I cannot envision how it can be done without the visual.

Another poster was told that men only need one or two fills in TJ. If I lived close, I would take advantage of it. The Roswell team has earned my confidence and it's less than 2 hours from home - a day trip. Good luck in Frederick and St. Pete - I hope you have the same success that I found with Roswell!!

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Dr. Ortiz is one of the primary investors of the Fill Centers USA and is on their medical board of advisors... While fill centers USA does keep records of their patients I don't think they report back to the OCC everytime someone gets a fill, if you were to request your fill center reports to be sent to the OCC I can't imagine Dr. Ortiz taking the time to review these kinds of notes unless someone comes back in and has some sort of problem!

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Plus, in the US, the HIPPA requirements would prohibit the release of that type of information without our consent on signed release forms. The board of advisors may see numerical information (statistics and such) but it would be a violation to see names without our permissions.

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I just got my 2nd fill today. My first fill at OCC I got 1.5cc. Today I only had 1.2 cc left in my band, which is normal, you can lose some of the fluid, so therefore may need another fill. Today at OCC I got an additional 1.4 cc. for a total 2.6cc. I am very pleased and very impressed with Dr. So. He also gave me great news..............My band did not flip again, so I was soooooo happy to hear that.

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