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Since we have so many pet lovers here..

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My sweet Lucy that has been my baby for almost 8 years was tragically killed this past weekend. She was a Rat Terrier, and my first love. I had her before I even thought about having children. Of course now I have two sweet kids too.

I am beside myself with pain and sadness. She was a one of a kind type of dog. Everyone loved Lucy. She was timid, sweet, loyal, and just all around the best darn dog you could dream of.

I am fighting with myself on the inside about getting a new puppy. Part of me wants one really bad to keep me busy and to fill that hole Lucy's too-soon death left in my heart. The other part of me is screaming that I cannot replace her. No dog will ever live up to her.

I found a puppy today. A small chihauau that needs a home. I do not buy puppies, I only rescue them from shelters. I went to see her today and she picked me before I even picked her. Her eyes locked with mine and she started wagging her tail.

Is it too soon to get a new pet? I know I can't change the world by adopting one pet, but I can change that one dog's world. Make sense? Anyway, all you animal lovers please give me some advice.

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OH GOD I really feel for you and I would say go for it. No you can never replace your baby but your heart is big enough to share.And they really do become your baby. I hope you find the PERFECT companion. Good Luck finding her/him :lb4:

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Like you said, the puppy found me, and our eyes locked. That said, it must be right. It took me 1 1/2 years to finally get a new puppy after losing my 2 beloved Golden Retrievers. No dog will ever replace them, but my heart told me it was time to get another golden retriever and I got Bella a few weeks ago. She is wonderful and I just love her. Only you can decide when the time is right. I rescued a dog last fall to try and fill the void and it wasn't the right time. After a long time fostering this dog I felt it was best to let him go to a home more suited to him. I wasn't ready yet. Now I have my "Arabella" and she is such a joy to my heart.

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I have had many dogs over the years and they become just as beloved as your children. I never waited to get another as it made the pain so much easier to bear. I currently have 4 dogs, am for sure crazy!!!!! As my children are grown, these guys are my babies and I love them dearly. I'll have to try and post their pictures. Don't wait go get that baby!

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Oh Kimmie, I am so sorry you lost your dog, I know exactly how you feel. I am a cat lover and lost my cat after 15 years, she came before my husband and kids and was my baby from 3 weeks old. She was also my grandmother's cat's kitten and connected me to my grandmother who passed away.

I got another cat about 6 months later, I would have gotten her sooner, but my husband thought it would be best to wait.

If you want another dog, go get it...every animal in a shelter needs love and you have all the love in your heart to give. So follow your heart!


Cathy ><'

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I am so sorry for your loss! I would not feel bad about getting another dog. It could never be a replacement of Lucy, just a new chapter in your life. Lucy will always hold a special place in your heart. I am a firm believer in owning pets. I have 2 dogs (Scooby and Gizmo), 2 cats (Cookie and Pus), 2 bearded dragon lizards (Spike and Ike), and a tree frog (Kermit). They say that people that have pets live longer. So go for it!!!

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My sweet Lucy that has been my baby for almost 8 years was tragically killed this past weekend. She was a Rat Terrier, and my first love. I had her before I even thought about having children. Of course now I have two sweet kids too.

I am beside myself with pain and sadness. She was a one of a kind type of dog. Everyone loved Lucy. She was timid, sweet, loyal, and just all around the best darn dog you could dream of.

I am fighting with myself on the inside about getting a new puppy. Part of me wants one really bad to keep me busy and to fill that hole Lucy's too-soon death left in my heart. The other part of me is screaming that I cannot replace her. No dog will ever live up to her.

I found a puppy today. A small chihauau that needs a home. I do not buy puppies, I only rescue them from shelters. I went to see her today and she picked me before I even picked her. Her eyes locked with mine and she started wagging her tail.

Is it too soon to get a new pet? I know I can't change the world by adopting one pet, but I can change that one dog's world. Make sense? Anyway, all you animal lovers please give me some advice.

You answered your own question sweetie. She picked YOU! How can you say no to that? I am quite sure your precious Lucy had a hand in it too.

GO GET HER!! What are you waiting for????


On another note, I know how much pain you are in. When we lost my moms cats a few weeks ago, it was just like losing a human being. He was my baby brudder. It hurts so much. You'll never replace Lucy, thats not even possible. But Lucy can and has sent you another little love.

By the way, I make these 'in memory of' type of picture frames for beloved animals that have passed on and if you have some favorite pictures of your precious Lucy you can e-mail me, I can make you one. (They are free). I love to make them for people as a way to remember they beloved pets so let me make you one, ok?

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Actually, I can make one for any of you who want one! Just e-mail me a good clear picture or two or three along with their name, birthday and date of death (ewww I hate saying that) and I will gladly make one for whoever wants one. They are truly beautiful and everyone I made one for so far has loved them. And I love to do it! Makes me feel good to immortalize your precious baby for you.

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I am so, so sorry Kimmy. I really feel your pain. ><' I don't know what I would do if something happened to my "babies" (2 labs).

I think if you feel emotionally ready to open your heart and your home to another pet, you should definately adopt the chihauau. He sure will be glad you did!!

Take care, big ><' again.

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Oh Kimmie, you sweetheart you!! :heart: There's no way you can replace Lucy, but it's not wrong to bring another dog into your heart! I have 4 cats and love them dearly. They are each unique, their personality's are TOTALLY different! All my baby's came from shelters and each one was sick when I got them with one ailment or another.

You get that puppy and know in your heart that Lucy would want you to be happy. Hugs and Love, from one animal lover to another!! Darlene

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I'm a BIG dog lover.. I lost two in the last year,, one to cancer and the other to a schreech (sp?) owl. Both were so devastating to me especially opening the back door and finding my little Sweat Pea laying there, she dragged herself to the back door looking for her Mama (me) and died.. I was hysterical!! She was a yorkie/chihuahua mix,, best little girl you could ever have!! I miss her so much!!

I say yes go for it! I rescue, rescue... I am known in the neighborhood for adopting the homeless. I am so sorry for your loss,, it is so heartfelt. I know what you mean about having a love before your children I rememebr my little boy asking me "Mama how is it that Ivan is your first born?" Ivan was my chinese sharpai and I always called him my first born.. My little boy is now 18 and Ivan has long since passed, but I have pictures of him right on my desk as he was such a great time in my life... Take care XO Lisa

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it will ease some of your pain and give a homeless dog a new home. it sounds like a no brainer to me. loss is something everyone deals with differently. some might wait, while others jump right in. i think you will know what is right for you. let us know? dawn

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So sorry for your loss. :(

It's a totally personal thing when the right time is to get a new pet after losing one. Everyone is different. Two of my close friends lost pets recently and both got new ones soon and the decision was great for them both. Of course they have new relationships with the new pets that don't at all replace the previous ones, but the love of a new pet can really help ease the pain of losing another.

Unfortunately I'm allergic to anything warm and fuzzy (other than the boyfriend) so no pets for me. Unless I can someday afford one of those hypoallergenic cats...

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Yes, yes, yes! Go pick up that dog!

I love cats, I have all my life. When I moved out to the suburbs I found a house on a wooded lot with 2 neighbors houses. The three of us are on 10 wooded acres and not on a street. I have rescued cats since I've been here. At one time I had 15 little cherubs and each one was so different.

Because they were rescues and some of them were in their later years, I had to deal with them passing on. The loss doesn't get any easier, but it does get easier to let them go when it's their time.

I now have 5 cats and one 100 pound golden retriever. My oldest cat Clark is between 15 and 18 years old and he is in his twilight years. It will break my heart when he goes but he has lived a dream life for a cat.

Okay, I'm babbling now, but what I want to say is that is is my philosophy that when God is ready for you to have another pet, he sends it to you. Apparently God has decided that this is the right time for you.

Celebrate your darlings life and the time you had together by adopting a homeless pet.

Hugs to you and let us know what happens!


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Kimmie, I am so very sorry for your loss! :heart:

Me, being a doggie mom of 3 rescue pups - I honestly believe that those incredible souls find us

... and if it klicks ... it just klicks ;)

We can't rescue them all , but if we have the chance to give only one a new family & home, that little stinker will be forever grateful and give you so much love in return!


~ Lucy knew that if love could have saved her, she would have lived forever ~

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You don't get one dog to replace another, you get another pet to give the extra love to!

I have a 10 yo pound puppy and a 3 yo rescue cat. Can't imagine life without them. Ginger (the cat) came to us starved for love, starved for food and nearly feral. After she realized that the dog wasn't going to eat her ;-) she also came to realize that she wasn't going to run out of food or out of love. A new puppy doesn't replace your sweet doggie, the new puppy just gets to help you direct a little love.

Sorry your doggy crossed the rainbow bridge. I just wish we could keep them forever.

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Go get the puppy! You can never replace Lucy, but a puppy will love you and soothe your heart with its love.

Three years ago, I lost two of my Pomeranians in the same week. TinkerToy, my 1.5 year old died suddenly from no apparent cause. Even after the necropsy, there was no apparent reason for her death. 4 days later, my 12 year old, TigerLily, already suffering the effects of old age, collapsed. My brother was a vetrinarian for the CDC in Atlanta, and I put Lily in the car and drove like a bat out of hell to get her to Him. He examined her and her organs were failing, and she was completely stiff with pain. He said that the death of the puppy was what drove her over the edge. We sent Lily over the Rainbow Bridge the next day.

I went into a deep depression, and stayed in my brother's spare room, unable to even come out, for 4 days. The next day, my sister-in-law asked me to come for a ride just to get to some air. She drove for the next three hours, and we ended up in Tennessee at a Pomeranian breeders. I have to say my heart stopped; I have bred pom puppies, and they are truly the most adorable puppies God ever created. I welled up in tears, and we went into the kennel to look at the puppies. Of course I found the one that swept my heart away. The puppies were only 3.5 weeks old, but because my brother is a vet, she let us buy one. We drove home, and I cuddled the baby, crying all the way home.

The rest of the week I spent loving and caring for the little pup. My love for him was immediate, but I just couldn't think of a name for the little guy, and my brother named him for me - Rx for Happiness. He told me that the puppy was my prescription for happiness, and I cannot agree with him more. It was just the thing to help me work through my grief and comfort me at the same time.

Rex is now a feisty 3 year old and the love of our family. We will never forget the dogs we lost, but we have learned to love them without grieving at each thought of them.

In my dog scrapbook, I have pictures of each dog I have had since Christmas of 1964. Except for the 4 days after Lily died, I have had a dog every moment of those years. Our dogs that have gone over the rainbow bridge are Bitsy, when I was in the 4th grade, Hershey, Honey, Punkin, Lily, and Tink. We now have Rex and Pandy (a shelter corgi.)

My three children grew up with these dogs, and their hearts are wrapped around their dogs now. My "grandpuppies" are Punky, my daughters cocker spaniel, Colby, my son's black lab, and Leo and Lily, my other son's beagles.

Our dogs are part of our families and enrich our lives.

Go get the puppy.

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

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My sweet Lucy that has been my baby for almost 8 years was tragically killed this past weekend. She was a Rat Terrier, and my first love. I had her before I even thought about having children. Of course now I have two sweet kids too.

I am beside myself with pain and sadness. She was a one of a kind type of dog. Everyone loved Lucy. She was timid, sweet, loyal, and just all around the best darn dog you could dream of.

I am fighting with myself on the inside about getting a new puppy. Part of me wants one really bad to keep me busy and to fill that hole Lucy's too-soon death left in my heart. The other part of me is screaming that I cannot replace her. No dog will ever live up to her.

I found a puppy today. A small chihauau that needs a home. I do not buy puppies, I only rescue them from shelters. I went to see her today and she picked me before I even picked her. Her eyes locked with mine and she started wagging her tail.

Is it too soon to get a new pet? I know I can't change the world by adopting one pet, but I can change that one dog's world. Make sense? Anyway, all you animal lovers please give me some advice.

I am so sorry for your loss......I know all the mixed feelings can be hard. No it is not to soon to get another animal. I totally believe in that a pet picking it's owner is so true. If it wasn't meant to be and too soon, trust me the chichauau wouldn't haved locked eyes with you. It was meant to be and the new puppy needed your love, and knows that you are a wonderful person. I had my cat for 15 years, and put it to sleep 5 years ago. To this day I still wonder if I made the right decision. This cat was my son, saved my life twice literally. He was getting old and little senial (spelling) He slept with me and my brother walked in and woke him out of a dead sleep not knowing what was going on I think, attacked me. I mean he got down to my bones, that is how hard he bit. But I truely believe he didn't know what he was doing. The reason why I thought it was best to put him to sleep, is when I took him in he also had developed kidney & liver failure, not sure what stage (that is the part I question myself on, eyes starting turning yellow, ) but also because my daughter was only 7 at the time and I couldn't have him attacking her. He was also very old. Sorry so long, but my point is I said I would NEVER get another cat. We went to Petsmart and they were having an adoption that day, and I always look at the animals like so many times before, and Missy Pearl just kept following me with her eyes. Obviously you can tell she is now part of the family. I also have 2 pugs, but 1 is my wild child, very very hyper, but I really don't think he would have the life he has if he didn't have me and my daughter. He is the most loving dog and loves us to death. I am a firm believer in FAITH!!!

Again, I am so sorry for your loss. The pain and sadness you must be going through. Your memories of Lucy will forever live and always be in your heart!

Myboys.jpg My 2 boys MissyPearl.jpg Missy Pearl

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All of your posts were so very sweet. Thank you for sharing the stories of your losses with me. It really helped me. ><'

The puppy is home with me today! I had a small surgery this morning to repair a bad scar a thyroidectomy left me. As soon as I left there, my 16 year old niece had to drive me..Aggghh! LOL) I went to Walmart and got all my puppy goodies and I went and picked her up. I will take lots of pics and post them. I named her Daisy Lucille. She only weighs 1 lb. I have never had s dog so tiny! :wub:

Mona..thank you so much. I will definetly send you some pictures of her. How many do you need?

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All of your posts were so very sweet. Thank you for sharing the stories of your losses with me. It really helped me. ><'

The puppy is home with me today! I had a small surgery this morning to repair a bad scar a thyroidectomy left me. As soon as I left there, my 16 year old niece had to drive me..Aggghh! LOL) I went to Walmart and got all my puppy goodies and I went and picked her up. I will take lots of pics and post them. I named her Daisy Lucille. She only weighs 1 lb. I have never had s dog so tiny! :wub:

Mona..thank you so much. I will definetly send you some pictures of her. How many do you need?

That's great!!! She sounds adorable! OMG just one pound!!

Yes pics please.

Take care and enjoy your new baby!


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YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A NEW BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy you got her!!! I cannot wait to see pictures! And the name, oh the name is perfect. Daisy Lucille, oh I am so freaking happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had hoped you would go get her. Lucy must be looking down at you so happy to have helped you rescue another baby. You did good Kim!!

Oh geez, I am such an a$$, I have happy tears now!!!!!!!!!!!

Send me your favorite pics of Lucy. I usually use two of them but like to have a variety to choose from.

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I am so sorry for your loss......I know all the mixed feelings can be hard. No it is not to soon to get another animal. I totally believe in that a pet picking it's owner is so true. If it wasn't meant to be and too soon, trust me the chichauau wouldn't haved locked eyes with you. It was meant to be and the new puppy needed your love, and knows that you are a wonderful person. I had my cat for 15 years, and put it to sleep 5 years ago. To this day I still wonder if I made the right decision. This cat was my son, saved my life twice literally. He was getting old and little senial (spelling) He slept with me and my brother walked in and woke him out of a dead sleep not knowing what was going on I think, attacked me. I mean he got down to my bones, that is how hard he bit. But I truely believe he didn't know what he was doing. The reason why I thought it was best to put him to sleep, is when I took him in he also had developed kidney & liver failure, not sure what stage (that is the part I question myself on, eyes starting turning yellow, ) but also because my daughter was only 7 at the time and I couldn't have him attacking her. He was also very old. Sorry so long, but my point is I said I would NEVER get another cat. We went to Petsmart and they were having an adoption that day, and I always look at the animals like so many times before, and Missy Pearl just kept following me with her eyes. Obviously you can tell she is now part of the family. I also have 2 pugs, but 1 is my wild child, very very hyper, but I really don't think he would have the life he has if he didn't have me and my daughter. He is the most loving dog and loves us to death. I am a firm believer in FAITH!!!

Again, I am so sorry for your loss. The pain and sadness you must be going through. Your memories of Lucy will forever live and always be in your heart!

Myboys.jpg My 2 boys MissyPearl.jpg Missy Pearl

I love your pictures!!! They are so cute!!!! Oh I just LOVE animals!!!

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YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A NEW BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy you got her!!! I cannot wait to see pictures! And the name, oh the name is perfect. Daisy Lucille, oh I am so freaking happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had hoped you would go get her. Lucy must be looking down at you so happy to have helped you rescue another baby. You did good Kim!!

Oh geez, I am such an a$$, I have happy tears now!!!!!!!!!!!

Send me your favorite pics of Lucy. I usually use two of them but like to have a variety to choose from.

You really are just a cuddly teddy bear in disguise, aren't you???LOL!!

Cathy ><' ><'

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