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Update on the lump in my throat...

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Well today I feel a lot better, I dont feel the lump in my throat at all hardly. THANK YOU JESUS! I mean I can still feel it a little but NOT near as bad as it has been the past couple of days.

The funny thing is, TOM came this morning and that seems to be when it started easing up. Is that crazy or what...

Just wanted to give you guys an update, and say thanks to MamaMichelle for checking on me, your such a sweetie! Thank you!

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I know what it is like to feel crappy and then to have that relief feeling of feeling so much better!!!! I am so glad you are feeling better. Isn't it funny how we take our health for granted?

hugs! dianna

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Glad to hear it!

Mine is mysteriously missing too...I think I am losing restriction and my TM came today too!

Thank goodness I have a fill next Wednesday!!

Have a great day!


Mine came three days after surgery. :wacko: Just what I needed then, right? I haven't had restriction since the surgery. I am hungry all the time. Although, I am eating between 500-600 calories a day when I count it up. I journal faithfully everything...

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Oh! Well that make sense.

If you're bloated on the outside, you must be bloated on the inside, too, right? Bloat on the inside = restricted stomach.

Dunno about all of you, but Aunt Flo brings 2 tor 4 pounds of water with her when she comes to visit me.

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Makes me wonder if the lump was related to Aunt Flow.... I mean like I said its still there but nothing like he has been the past couples of days... I just hope I dont have to go through that every month when she wants to show her ugly face though...

Dr. Acosta called me back just a few minutes ago and he said that he thinks its gas and to just be walking and he thinks it should get better before I start on solids... I sure hope he is right cuz that feeling is just so ANNOYING more then anything.

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Aww thanks! You guys are soo thoughtful and the best.

Erin, I am actually doing pretty good actually besides the lump in my throat.

I am doing my creamy soups, I can only eat like 1/2 of the campbells soup at hand soups... They seem to really fill me up pretty fast. So I am not complaining at all.. What about you? How are you doing? Your getting closer to eating solids are you excited!

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Well today I feel a lot better, I dont feel the lump in my throat at all hardly. THANK YOU JESUS! I mean I can still feel it a little but NOT near as bad as it has been the past couple of days.

The funny thing is, TOM came this morning and that seems to be when it started easing up. Is that crazy or what...

Just wanted to give you guys an update, and say thanks to MamaMichelle for checking on me, your such a sweetie! Thank you!

SO glad you're feeling better! I'm also really jealous of your weight loss banner. I signed up for one of my own and it kept saying I lose 0 lbs after I put in my stats! So frustrating - I settled for a different one.

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SO glad you're feeling better! I'm also really jealous of your weight loss banner. I signed up for one of my own and it kept saying I lose 0 lbs after I put in my stats! So frustrating - I settled for a different one.

LOL! Well I am jealous of your results sister! I will trade you, your weight lose for my banner! :P

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That is great news, Trina! I was worried about you. ;)

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