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I am so frustrated right now that I could scream! :( I was down to 180 even - so close to 179.... so so close. The past 2 weeks or so, my weight is back up to 183-184 and it will not budge! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I did get my monthly - it should be done this weekend I hope. I have felt very bloated, so maybe once my monthly is done then I will have a drop, but this is so aggravating. I have my first fill scheduled with Dr. Ren in NYC - she gets rave reviews on the lapbandtalk forum. I still feel quite a bit of restriction even after 7 weeks, but I do notice that its not near as much as I felt maybe 3-4 weeks ago. I don't know what to do at this point. I am having a protein shake for breakfast, a solid lunch (I try to have protein like chicken or turkey burger, and then a salad or some type of veggie), and a solid dinner with protein and veggies (and fruit if I am still hungry). Some nights I have an 80 calorie water ice or an 80 calorie skinny cow ice cream. That isn't every night, though, and its always 2+ hours before I go to bed. Maybe I am not drinking enough water? I am not drinking liquids with my solid meals. I don't know I am so frustrated I could cry. I feel like I am never going to get out of the 180's! :(( I am discouraged to the point that some days I just want to throw in the towel.

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I'm sorry to hear you are struggling Carrie.

Do not throw in the towel, you said it yourself, you are on your monthly, which can definitely cause bloating, I am in the boat right now too...the scale hasn't budged in days.

Water...tell me about it...on pre-op I was a fish...now I can barely make a dent in two bottles per day, sipping is not working...I love cold, cold water and used to gulp 1/2 bottle at a time, but now, I just can't.

You are doing great, don't give up, we are all going to hit the wall a few times throughout this process, we just need to put the scale away, continue on the right track and it will happen!


Cathy ><'

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I am also at a stand still, thank God I dont have the aunt flo problem. I have noticed that when I dont get the water in I dont loose. so I bought a rubbermaid 2 quart jug and I started to drink while Im at work I go thru one and at home at night I make sure I get the other in. Good luck, youre doing fine.

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It will happen and before you know it you'll be in the 170's. We often go through this; you are most likely loosing inches and as you know retaining water from your monthly. Don't sweat it (unless of course you want to throw in some exercise - that type of sweat is fine).

This is part of many of our cycles, and many experience this all the time (not just talking about the monthly, I’m talking about plateaus overall) stick with the program and you will succeed. Its really that simple - and I do get the frustration, but have learned to not worry about it, the stress and worry of loosing weight- put on top of dealing with everyday life issues can cause problems with your band - if you tend to retain water from stress.

Have confidence in yourself, and know if you are doing the right things the weight loss will come!

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Hey! Don't worry...once Flo is gone the weight will go back down. How often do you get on the scale? I have found that if I weigh in too much I get frustrated, so I have been weighing in once a week! Don't give up...you can do it!!!

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Funny you should post this today. I have been struggling with the same 2 lbs for the last week too. I thought for sure I would have dropped another 2 by now since last night I was 238. this morning, I was 238.2. I don't even have monthlys to blame due to surgery a few years ago... However, as I go over my eating yesterday (very good btw) I remembered I had not taken my meds...very bad and will definately keep weight on...

I also went back to Dr. Ortiz's book...

the part about needing a fill. Just because we don't drop weight each and every week does not mean our band is not working or we need a fill. If the overall for the month is still 8-10lbs, it is working just fine.

"are you losing wieght, how much, and the weight loss pattern. The progress of weight loss is not a steady decline in regular decrements, but a mixture of sharp drops in wieght mixed with periods of no weight loss called plateaus. Sheer weight loss is not the total indicator as reduction in clothing sized may often signal a positive trend. Remember, muscle weighs four times as much as fat by volume."

This was a huge reminder for myself as I have been working out alot. I do notice my clothing falling off so while I really want the scale to move down, as long as I know I am not overeating for my band and I am working out, I will patiently wait for the sharp drop.


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:lb25: I love this emoticon because it shows how we feel sometimes with the band and not losing weight. You will do this and you will lose more weight. Remember patience with yourself and some of the others posts say it all. I love the excerpt from Dr. Ortiz's book that sparetire posted. Copy it and post it to you fridge, mirror for a constant reminder of what this reality is. Also you could stick up some of the cute words and pics encouraging you to just do this!!!

Hope this helps and hang in there.

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